Rand Paul: lunch counter Libertarian

By now, you’ve no doubt heard that, yesterday, Ron Paul’s son, Rand Paul, who just won the Republican Senate primary in Kentucky, said that he would like to live in a world where segregated lunch counters were allowed. And, I’m not exaggerating. Paul, a Libertarian purist, said that, although he detests racism, he feels that business owners should be allowed to serve whomever they please. If you don’t believe me, check out this footage from the Rachel Maddow show.

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While I respect his honesty, and his commitment to Libertarian principles, regardless of how distasteful, you’ve got to wonder what in the hell he was thinking as this stuff left his mouth. Even the most bat shit insane Republican racist knows that you don’t go around saying that you want to repeal the Civil Rights Act and bring back segregated lunch counters.

In Paul’s world, the free market would no doubt solve everything. People who found the practice of segregation reprehensible would simply boycott those businesses where blacks weren’t served, and, as a result, they’d quickly go out of business. It sounds good in theory, right? But, if it were true, we wouldn’t have needed a Civil Rights Act to begin with.

My main problem with Libertarians is that they’re idiots.
-Mark Maynard

Without government intervention, women would still be unable to vote in this country, blacks would still be drinking from separate water fountains, and kids would still be working in coal mines for a dollar a day. That’s what the free market, left to its own devices, gives us. And to argue otherwise is to completely misunderstand both history and human nature.

And, as Ta-Nehisi Coates mentions at The Atlantic, if you follow Paul’s logic, it goes beyond just lunch counters… Here’s a clip from his article:

…But what about red-lining? Does Paul know anything about blockbusting? Does he think banks should be able to have a policy of not lending to black businesses? Does he think real-estate agents should be able to discriminate? Does he think private homeowner groups should be able to band together and keep out blacks? Jews? Gays? Latinos?…

In Paul’s defense, maybe he hasn’t thought that far ahead. Or, maybe, like a great many wealthy white folks, he just doesn’t care about such things… Speaking of which, I haven’t looked into it yet, but, if I’m reading the comments of Representative Jim Clyburn correctly, Paul held his recent victory party in a private, members-only club that excludes on the basis of race.

Given these new developments, one wonders whether Paul supporters in Kentucky will put his signs up in their yards, or, more importantly, contribute money to the campaign. I suppose these recent comments could help him with some folks, but I would think that most non-racists would think twice about embracing him publicly.

And, as if that weren’t enough, then there’s the stuff about how he wants to privatize several federal departments, and abolish the Department of Education.

But, if you can believe it, there were bigger assholes in the news today. Or, at least there was one. Newt Gingrich came out to say that Barack Obama – you know, that guy who fought for a more inclusive health care system – was a bigger threat to America than either Stalin or Hitler… Check out this video.

Posted in Civil Liberties, Observations, Politics | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 61 Comments


If you haven’t seen it yet, the folks at Concentrate posted a long article about me and my projects today. I’d like to thank Tanya Muzumdar, the writer of the piece, for attempting to make sense out of my two hours of unfocused rambling, and Dave Lewinski for the photos. For what it’s worth, I’d also like to point out that none of the projects featured in the piece, from the Shadow Art Fair to Cycle Powered Cinema, could have happened without a dedicated team of people much more bright and motivated than myself. I hope that comes through in the piece. I also hope it’s obvious that my penis isn’t out in the photo of the me standing at the Elbow Room’s urinal.


A few other things… If the photo of me standing in front of the local strip club with a sign saying “DeNiro” doesn’t make sense, just click here for the context. Also, it should be noted that the image above could not have happened without the hard work of Naia Venturi, who made Puppet Mark, and Misha Grey, who worked his little arms and legs during the photo shoot.

Posted in Art and Culture, Crimewave USA, cycle powered cinema, Dreamland Tonight, Mark's Life, Media, Monkey Power Trio, Shadow Art Fair, Special Projects | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 17 Comments

Sedition in the USA

Reading a thread on Metafilter just now on the release from jail of three Hutaree militia members, I followed a link to an article on Ornicus that I’d previously overlooked. Here, in hopes that you might find it as interesting as I did, is a clip:

…These escalating armed demonstrations, accompanied by belligerent sloganeering, are a clear signal that these folks are done talking — and, worse, have already decided that democracy is futile, and taking up arms is the only appropriate response to the threats we now face. They’re carrying weapons to scare us weak-kneed girly libs into submission, and to show us they mean business. Growing up in gun country, I was taught at my daddy’s knee that when someone says they’re going to shoot you, it’s always smart to take them at their word and handle yourself accordingly. Right now, I think that’s good advice for anybody in America who considers themselves a member of the reality-based community.

But it’s not just armed individuals. They’re also busily forming armed groups, which are gearing up for a fight. For the past five years, armed Minutemen have been usurping the job of the US Border Patrol. And within the past year, according to the SPLC, the number of right-wing militias has more than doubled to over 500, many of which present themselves as alternative law-enforcement posses that are adjunct to the ones staffed by the county sheriffs.

What these groups are telling us is that they no longer recognize the government’s sole franchise on the use of force; and they’re actively organizing to seize and exercise at least some of that power for themselves.

Most alarming of all: some of these right-wing warriors have advanced to the point of actual target acquisition. This should worry us, because law enforcement and terrorism experts know that when groups like this get to where they’re settling on specific targets, they’ve reached the final stages of gearing up for violent confrontation.

When Bernard Goldberg wrote a book listing the “100 people who are destroying America” — which included some government officials — he was writing a target list with seditious intent. (And at least one guy took him up on it, in his own deranged way.)

When the “spiritual warriors” of the Transformations movement proudly announce that they’ve mapped every town in America — literally creating target maps of “demonic activity” that pinpoint government offices, non-Evangelical houses of worship, clinics, theaters, Indian mounds and sites; or even just households with Muslims, neo-pagans, Goth-baby teenagers, or Obama stickers on their cars — they’re putting us on notice that they’ve identified the specific people and places that need to be “cleansed” in order to purify their communities. According to researchers Rachel Tabachnik and Bruce Wilson, these “transformation” attempts have already become government-level issues in New Jersey, Arizona, Texas, and Hawaii.

At present, they claim that they’re only mapping their neighborhoods so they can pray over us all; and their attempts to take over local government are being done by purely democratic means. But, as has often happened before (yes, the Nazis started out just this way), the day may come when they’ll decide that mere prayer and organizing is not enough. Like any street gang, they’ve taken proprietary responsibility for a piece of turf; and they believe God is holding them accountable for everything that happens there. The resulting performance pressure is a perfect setup to justify more aggressive cleansing tactics if they can’t convert the town by peaceful means.

And some of these groups have already effectively crossed the line, in spirit if not in prosecutable fact. When the Christian dominionists train up “Joel’s Army” by sending their sons to the US armed services so they can get the combat experience they’ll need to set up a worldwide theocracy, that’s evidence of an active plan to effect an armed government takeover. When senior US military officers put their commitment to Jesus ahead of their commitment to uphold the Constitution and regard the military as God’s force in the world, we should be very afraid.

For years now, we’ve dismissed all of this as crazy talk, the rantings of a loony fringe that will never get enough traction to become a material threat to our democracy. But we’re well past the point where it’s no longer quaint and funny, or an embarrassing breach of democratic etiquette that polite people should just ignore.

It’s time to confront the sobering fact that the entire right wing — including the GOP establishment, which encourages, endorses, and echoes these sentiments almost every time its officials appear in public — is now issuing nearly constant invitations to criminal sedition. They’re creating a climate and using language that lowers their base’s inhibitions around violence — and irresponsibly eggs on the handful of sociopaths in their midst who are already primed to kill. They’ve given their newly-expanded corps of flying monkeys permission to brandish their guns in public, empowered their militias, promised them glory, and are now telling them explicitly which targets to hit…

And it may or may not be related, but a pipe bomb went off at a north Florida mosque recently.

[This post was brought to you by the Fort Hood Spiritual Fitness Center.]

Posted in Civil Liberties, Other, Politics, Religious Extremism | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

This is what you would have seen today if I’d accepted you as my Facebook friend


[Speaking of Facebook, if you use it, you can follow this website by clicking here.]

Posted in Ann Arbor, Mark's Life, Other | Tagged , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Hypocrisy Watch: Mark Souder edition

Eight-term Republican congressman from Indiana, Mark Souder, announced today that he’d be resigning his office come Friday. Saying that he had, “sinned against God,” the family values-preaching, evangelical Christian, father of three, cited “the poisonous environment of Washington, D.C.,” for his decision. Of course, he neglected to mention that he, as one who had aggressively called for Clinton to resign after having received a blowjob from an intern, is partially responsible for said environment.

And, again, we have a Republican caught doing exactly what he publicly fought against… Oh, I forgot to tell you what he did… He was caught fucking a much younger female staff member, behind the back of his wife. And it wasn’t just any staff member – it was Tracy Jackson, the staff member with whom he’d made this entertaining little video on the subject of abstinence only education.

I realize that the guy was probably in a loveless marriage, and I don’t begrudge him his happiness. All I ask is that, if you want to fuck people other than your wife, you not make it a habit of telling other people why they shouldn’t do the same, or, worse yet, try to legislate it. If you’re going to travel across the U.S., yelling about “traditional marriage,” then at least have the common decency to practice what you preach. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.

All that stuff aside, though, how incredibly hot would it be to have sex with someone much younger, and much more attractive than yourself, after she grilled you in front of a room full of people about your views about abstinence?

And, while we’re on the subject, at what point should we just start assuming that every Republican who publicly claims to be outraged by something, is, behind the scenes, ejaculating wildly to thoughts of exactly that thing? From Strom Thurman, the segregation-loving Senator who fathered a black child out of wedlock, to Mark Foley, the Chairman of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children, who liked to send sex-filled, homoerotic emails to his young, male pages, it always seems like the ones most obsessed with an issue are those who would most like to find themselves, naked, beneath a pile of people doing it.

Posted in Observations, Politics, sex | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 15 Comments


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