Your thoughts on the second debate between Clinton and Trump

Watching tonight’s debate, I had four thoughts worth sharing. Here they are. If you have anything to add, please leave a comment.





For what it’s worth, I was also disappointed that no one used the word “pussy.”

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“Grab ’em by the pussy” …my thoughts on the hot mic confession of sexual assault that may change the course of human history

Earlier this summer, we talked here on the site about the possibility that Trump might have a Dead Zone moment – a moment in which, in front of the entire nation, he would reveal to us something so absolutely shocking about himself that we could not help but to turn away collectively in disgust, once and for all. I believe, at the time, most of us thought it wouldn’t happen, as everything he’d said and done up to that point had just been written off as “Trump being Trump,” as though that were an adequate excuse for his boorish, vile and anti-social behavior. It seemed, at the time, that he was invincible. We’d heard him make countless misogynistic remarks, incite violence at his rallies, suggest with a smirk that gun rights advocates might want to save the nation by assassinating his rival, and even mock the disabled, but none of it seemed to matter to his supporters, who just kept watching and cheering. As he himself noted at the time, he could “shoot somebody and not lose voters.” Apparently, though, there may be a limit as to what some Trump supporters can stomach after all.

This past Friday evening, the Washington Post shared 2005 audio of Trump caught on a hot Access Hollywood mic telling the show’s host, Billy Bush, that he can essentially “do anything” he wants to women because of his celebrity. “When you’re a star, they let you do it,” Trump is heard telling Bush. “You can do anything.” Then, offering an example of what he can do to unsuspecting women, Trump is heard to say that he can just, “Grab ’em by the pussy.” [He also admitted on the tape to having recently tried to fuck a married women.]

Yes, the Republican nominee for President pretty much confessed to having engaged in sexual assault, forcing himself on women without consent.

And it looks as though that might might finally mark a turning point in the campaign. Over the last 24 hours, we saw a wholesale stampede away from Trump, as dozens of lawmakers sought to distance themselves from the embattled candidate. Utah Representative Jason Chaffetz, one of the first to withdraw his endorsement, said I’m out. I can no longer in good conscience endorse this person for president. It is some of the most abhorrent and offensive comments that you can possibly imagine.” Arizona Senator John McCain, who was the GOP nominee in 2008, followed shortly thereafter which the following statement. “No woman should ever be victimized by this kind of inappropriate behavior. He alone bears the burden of his conduct and alone should suffer the consequences,” he said. And, of course, those Republicans who had already come out against Trump, like former presidential candidate Mitt Romney, took the opportunity to pile on and add their voices to those, like McCain and Chaffetz, who were saying that this was truly beyond the pale. Romney took to Twitter to say, “Hitting on married women? Condoning assault? Such vile degradations demean our wives and daughters and corrupt America’s face to the world.

grabpussyWhile it’s doubtful that the defection of high ranking Republicans, like McCain, Chaffetz, and the dozens of others who have jumped ship since Friday night, will directly impact the support Trump currently enjoys from his predominantly small town, white, male base, I suspect we’re going to start seeing a trickle down effect as funds from the Republican National Committee begin moving away from Trump’s presidential campaign to down ticket contests, as the party attempts to keep its other candidates from being pulled under by the sinking Trump organization. And it looks as though it might already be starting. I just read mention that the RNC has started to pull back funding from Trump, and the Trump campaign has responded by cancelling ad buys in battleground states like Florida and Ohio. And, worse yet, Trump is being disinvited from campaign events, like one this weekend in Wisconsin, where he was supposed to have been campaigning with Senator Paul Ryan. While early polling seems to indicate that Trump supporters don’t care about his history relative to sexual assault, I can’t help but think that the poll numbers will begin to shift in time, as the ads stop running, and the media starts to portray Trump more and more as a candidate in crisis.

Of course, there’s the possibility that he could do or say something during tonight’s debate to shift things back in his favor. I suspect, for instance, that he’ll talk about Bill Clinton’s affairs, and insinuate that, however bad what he said in the 2005 tape may have been, Bill Clinton has said and done worse, but I don’t see how it will help him at this point. By taking the low road, and bringing up Bill Clinton’s history, he’s not going to bring party leadership back to his camp, and, without them, and the money that they control, I don’t see how Trump can stay competitive in battleground states.

Oh, and things are likely going to get worse for Trump. According to a story that broke last night, there are other hot mic recordings from the set of Trump’s reality television program The Apprentice that are even worse. And, as if that weren’t enough, women have started coming forward with stories of how the reality television celebrity had “grabbed their pussies”. So this really does appear to be the beginning of the end, barring a Clinton collapse or scandal of some sort.

dontgrabpussyFor what it’s worth, I think that many in the GOP are happy that this happened. I suspect they’ve wanted to disengage from Trump for a while now, but they just haven’t had a way out. “Grab ’em by the pussy,” gave them that way out, a way to turn their backs on Trump without offending the far right base of the party who handed Trump the nomination.

The thing I find most interesting is the fact that, if Clinton does get into office because of this, and if she’s able to get progressive legislation enacted on, say global climate change, it could turn out that “Grab ’em by the pussy” is what saved the earth. I mean, we’re at the tipping point now relative to global warming. If significant action isn’t taken immediately to limit carbon emissions, our species is done for, and we certainly weren’t going to see any leadership from Trump, who has said in the past that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese… I don’t know how it will all play out. I think it’s very likely that we won’t act aggressively enough and we’ll go extinct. But what if this 2 minutes of audio from Access Hollywood is what ultimately saved us from that fate, or from Trump using a nuclear weapon? How strange would it be if this was a more impactful moment in human history, given what’s at stake, than when we landed on the moon? How surreal would that be?

While we’re at it, let’s also talk about hypocrisy… To all of you out there right now with friends and family members who are still defending Trump, please ask them what they would have said if audio had surfaced of President Obama telling someone that, because he was famous, he could do whatever he wanted to women. Just close your eyes and image for a moment, what the these friends and relatives of yours would be saying at this very moment, if they’d heard a recording of Obama saying that he, as a course of habit, just “grabbed” attractive women “by the pussy.”

And I think that’s what angers me the most about this. There’s a different standard for people on the right. When Michelle Obama wore a sleeveless dress, we were told by people on the right that it was unbefitting a First Lady. But, when photos come out that show Melania Trump posing nude with another woman, there wasn’t a peep. When Howard Dean screamed at a rally, we were told it showed that he lacked the temperament to be President. But, when Donald Trump called an actress a “fat pig” it’s somehow alright. When John Kerry changed his mind about tax cuts and the Iraq war, we were told that he wasn’t fit to be President because he was a “flip flopper.” But Trump can change be shown to have lied several time within the course of a single speech, seriously misrepresenting his past positions, and it’s just accepted. I have no problem with setting high standards for the office of President, but at least be honest with regard to how those standards are applied.

One last thing… If reality television fame allows you the power to “grab pussies” without consent, what does being the President of the United Sates of America, the most powerful person in the world, allow you to do? It’s kind of scary when you think about it. If he’s like this now, what would he be like as our President?

Lastly, if you’ve never seen Elia Kazan’s brilliant film A Face in the Crowd, which is about the rise and fall of a television personality slash conman with political aspirations, I can’t think of a better time to sit down with the family and check it out. I watched it last night with Clementine, and I think that it helped her to understand, at least to some extent, the situation that we’re in now with Trump, even if he didn’t, like the alcoholic drifter Larry “Lonesome” Rhodes, portrayed by Andy Griffith in the film, come to fame from poverty, only to have it all unravel on live television, as a hot mic broadcast a glimpse of his true self into the homes of his millions and millions of fans. It’s an incredibly visionary piece of work, which foretold, among other things, the rise of celebrity culture in the United States and the popularity of television-enabled con men like Donald Trump, who drive big ratings by connecting with the masses through the telling of “simple truths” (which are actually anything but), all while serving their political and financial ends.

[note: The “Pussy Grabs Back” image at the top of the page was designed yesterday in collaboration between Feminist Fight Club, Amanda Duarte, Stella Marrs and Female Collective, and a href=””>there are t-sirts available. (Proceeds will be donated to RAINN, the nations’s largest anti-sexual violence organization.) I have no idea who made the second graphic.]

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Trump’s candidacy is forcing values voters to have difficult conversations, reconsider what really matters

For me, the decision to vote against reality television personality Donald Trump, and for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, was an easy one. There was never really any doubt in my mind as to who I would be casting my ballot for. I can appreciate, however, that others, even some whom I consider to be my friends, are struggling with the decision for reasons that are personally very important to them. This is especially true for those who feel as though abortion is a sin, and have grown accustomed over the years to casting their votes for conservative candidates who, like Trump, promise to push so-called “pro-life” agendas. I don’t pretend to know how difficult it must be for people of faith to look beyond the subject of abortion and vote against the Republican candidate for President, but I found this recent Facebook post by my friend Billy Kangas, and the subsequent conversation it’s spawned, to be incredibly interesting. I’m heartened to see that these kinds of conversations are happening, and I’m proud of my friends, like Billy, who are opening themselves up to criticism by initiating dialogue like this.


Here, with Billy’s permission, is what he posted last night. Billy, I should add, is an anti-hunger activist, a liturgical theologian, and a graduate student at The Catholic University of America. [The above photo comes courtesy of Kate de Fuccio.]

To my christian friends who are voting for Trump. I know why you are doing it. You hate Abortion.

I know it’s an important issue… but I feel I have to say something.

But this pro-life only attitude has become dangerous. Not only for the nation and the world but even our souls.

It’s been used to cover such a multitude of sins.

It’s justified budgets that abuse the poor.

It’s justified supporting candidates who vote to cut food aid to the most vulnerable, those who support the death penalty, those who oppose the care of creation, those who close the door on the refugee, those who promote unjust wars, and those who refuse to take action to reform our immigration policy, gun laws, or work for racial reconciliation.

We accept politicians who ignore the 1 in 5 people in developing nations who are living in extreme poverty, or even worse, allow them to further abuse them through unjust trade deals, or unsustainable aid policies that are focused more on generating American wealth then on helping the needy in their distress.

These things are antithetical to the faith and we have sacrificed working on them just hoping that maybe this time the right judges will finally get appointed and overturn Roe V. Wade.

I have brought these issues up time and time again and have been told that until we overturn abortion these other issues are marginal and secondary.

We can’t keep going this way.

I want to challenge you. We are faced with a candidate who has time and time again demonstrated he’s got it wrong. He promotes a message that marginalizes the stranger, he denies care for creation, he values security over justice, and profits over mercy. He objectifies women and promotes a culture of masculinity of the most deplorable kind.

I do not want my children to grow up believing that this is what a leader in America looks like. I do not want the witness of the Church to be that the “end justifies the means.”

The end does not justify the means. Our message is freedom to the captives, food for the hungry, water for the thirsty, clothes for the naked, grace for the sinner, mercy to the debtor. Our means is the cross. The daily laying down of our lives.

Vote for this. I don’t care how you do it but vote for this.


Grace and Peace….

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Bernie Sanders came to Ann Arbor today to attach Trump, and rile up the kids for Clinton… and it was awesome

Endearingly disheveled hero of the American left, Senator Bernie Sanders, made his way through Michigan today, pumping up crowds on behalf of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the run up to next month’s presidential election. Our job, he told the crowd that gathered to hear him speak at the University of Michigan’s Museum of Art, is first to elect Secretary Clinton, and then, on November 9, organize to push a progressive agenda that returns our Democracy to the hands of the American people. While, over the course of his speech, Sanders hit on everything from prison reform to the steps that he and Clinton would like to see taken to lessen the burden of student debt, there were a few things that I wanted to call out specifically. Here are a few direct quotes from Sanders, followed by video of the entire speech.



“A lot of children out there, in the third grade, in the fifth grade, they know in their hearts that they’re never going to make it into the middle class. Why are they going to study (when they know that) they’re never going to make it to college? Their families don’t have the money. What I want is for every parent in America, every teacher in America, every child in America to know that, regardless of the income of your family, if you study hard, if you do well in school, yes, you are going to get a college education, and you are going to make it into the middle class. Now, there are people out there, they ask Secretary Clinton, they ask Bernie Sanders, they say, ‘Hey it’s a great idea, you want to make public colleges and universities tuition free, you want to reduce student debt, (but) that’s an expensive proposition. How are you going to pay for it?’ Well Donald Trump told us last week exactly how we’re going to pay for it! Donald Trump told us, that we’re going to demand the billionaires in this country start paying their fair share of taxes! So I want to thank The Donald. I really do. I want to thank him. I’ve been running all over this country, talking about a rigged economy, and, in one day, he did more than I did in a year in exposing the corruption of our political system and our tax system.”


“I worry very much that this country is moving toward an oligarchic form of society. You know what I mean by that? In Michigan, and in Vermont, and all over this country, incredibly brave men and women have put their lives on the line to defend American democracy. And Democracy, by the way, is a fairly new historical concept. It’s fairly new in world history. And what Democracy is about… It says that you have a vote, and you’ve got a vote, and you’ve got a vote… One person, one vote. Democracy does not mean the billionaires should be able to buy elections. And that is precisely what we are seeing today. It is a disgrace and an insult to those people who have fought and died for American Democracy. All over this country, you have multi-billionaires, like the Koch brothers, like Sheldon Adelson, who are spending hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars to buy the United States Congress and the White House. Hilary Clinton, and I just spoke with Hillary last week, and she said that I should tell you that, within the first hundred days, if she is elected President, she will bring forth a Constitutional amendment to overturn this disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision!


I am a member of the U.S. Senate Committee on the Environment, and I’m on the Energy Committee as well. And, in that capacity, I have talked with scientists all over our country, and all over the world. And what the scientists are telling us, in virtually a unanimous voice, is climate change is real, climate change is caused by human activity, (and) climate change is already causing devastating problems in this country and around the world. And what the scientists are telling us is, if we do not get our act together, and transfer our energy system away from fossil fuels to energy efficiency and sustainable energy, a dangerous situation will only get worse. More flooding. More drought. More extreme weather disturbances. More rising sea levels. More acidification of the oceans. And, by the way, more international conflict as people fight over limited natural resources like water and land to grow their crops. That’s what the scientists are telling us. Hillary Clinton is listening to science! Now, while Hillary is listening to the scientists, Donald Trump is telling America that climate change is a ‘hoax’ created in China of all countries… We cannot elect a President that does not respect science!”


“Trump has been going around the country… he’s been coming to Michigan… saying he’s ‘opposed to all of these trade agreements.’ Yet, at the same time, Trump has built manufacturing plants in Bangladesh, where workers are paid 30-cents an hour. Trump manufactures his ties in China. He makes his clothing lines in Mexico. And his furniture in Turkey. So I say to Mr. Trump, it’s easy to give good speeches. It is harder to take bold action. Create jobs here in America! Not in Bangladesh. Don’t tell us how concerned you are about outsourcing when, at the same time, you are outsourcing American jobs!


“We cannot elect a President who insults women every single day. You know, in a Democratic society, people have different points of view, and we should be proud of that. But there’s got to be at least a minimal threshold of dignity. And that minimal threshold says you don’t make fun of people because they have a disability. You don’t talk about people who are overweight. My God, that this is an issue in a presidential campaign is beyond comprehension. And I want all of you to remember what is not often talked about. Donald Trump was one of the leaders in the so-called ‘birther’ movement. And please understand what that effort was about. People have a right to disagree with Barack Obama any day of the week. I disagree with Obama on certain issues. But what Trump attempted to do was delegitimize the first African American President in our history. And, that, no candidate for President should be able to get away with!”

As I said above, there was a lot more. If you have the time you should just watch the whole thing, if only to hear Sanders yell, “Your greed is destroying our country!” [That wasn’t directed as us, by the way. He was talking to Trump and his ilk.] Seriously, there’s lots of good stuff about police violence against African Americans, equal work for equal pay, the importance of raising the minimum wage, the history of the labor movement, and any number of other things. His thoughts are a bit scattered, as I imaging mine would be if I was stopping every few hours to give what’s essentially the same speech, but it was all good, powerful stuff, and, judging from the conversations that were taking place around me, I think it really energized people for the work ahead.

Posted in Ann Arbor, Civil Liberties, Environment, Politics, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 21 Comments

Linette and I just celebrated our 17th anniversary

Seventeen years ago this week, after seven years of living with one another in sin, I married my friend and collaborator Linette Lao. Sadly, as it took place in an age before smartphones, little evidence of this wondrous and magical event exists today. We are fortunate, however, in that we do have this one image, which I believe was taken by my old high school friend Matt, who must have been following us in another car as we pulled in to get gas on our way from the ceremony, which had taken place in a small historic chapel in Northville, to a bar in Plymouth. That’s Linette pumping gas.


If memory serves, I’d started pumping the gas, when one of our friends, who had been following us, suggested that I step aside and let Linette do it. So Linette got out and and handed the nozzle over to her. As for the truck, it’s no longer with us. According to my father, who helped me acquire it, it was assembled from the parts of several totaled vehicles by members of a high school auto shop class in rural Kentucky. And, if you were ever earshot of it, you got that sense. It was like it was at war with itself. There was always a chorus of grinding and clanking… Riding in it, I always thought, was like being inside the body of a patient rejecting multiple transplants simultaneously… But Linette, being the awesome and charitable human being she is, married me anyway.

There was no diamond ring. I’d just recently been laid off from my job at a startup company in California. And all I really had to my name was this truck built from scraps, a degree in American Studies, a pretty good work ethic, and a sense of humor that seemed to resonate reasonably well with zine readers… Things eventually fell into place for us though, as evidenced by the following two photos.

The first was taken by our friend Leisa Thompson about four years ago, when Arlo was just a baby. And the second was taken this past spring, when our friend Doug Coombe, who had been hired to take my picture outside the local all-nude strip club for an article somewhere, decided to keep shooting as Linette and the kids just happened to come walking by.


For what it’s worth, I’m not covering their eyes here because I’m ashamed of what my kids look like. Their eyes aren’t incredibly ugly or anything. And I wouldn’t really care if they were. I just decided several years ago that, barring some kind of blogging emergency, I would’t post photos of them here. Too many bloggers, I think, cash in on the cuteness of their kids, and I didn’t want to be like that. I didn’t want to have either Clementine or Arlo look back in years to come and accuse me of exploiting them, like some kind of Mama June like character. And, more importantly, given how pervasive surveillance culture is in the world today, I thought they deserved to have at least a few years of something approaching privacy, before the floodgates opened for them. With all of that said, though, you’ll just have to trust me when I tell you that, if you were to see either of these photos without the grey bars obscuring the identities of Arlo and Clementine, you’d say, “Damn, that’s a really handsome family.”


A lot of people that I meet, who claim to be familiar with this site, seem to think that I share a lot of personal information here. The truth in, however, I don’t. Sure, I may post the occasional photo of myself, or mention that I’d just gone somewhere or done something with my family, but, really, if you think about it, I don’t get into too much detail when it comes to things that really matter. I don’t, as a rule, talk about my relationship with Linette, my professional life, or, for the most part, the kids. Sure, I may pass along a funny quote from Arlo or Clementine here or there, along with an out-of-focus photograph, but that’s about it… Well, I’m going to make a little bit of an exception right now, seeing as how Linette and I just celebrated our 16th anniversary, and share a few thoughts.

I’m pretty damn lucky to have these three people, who you can kind of see in the photos above, in my life. I knew, when I married Linette, that we’d continue to do interesting things, and make a decent life together, but I had no idea just what was in store for us as I stood there at the front of that chapel in Northville sixteen years ago, watching her and her father walk down the aisle toward me. I guess I’d considered the possibility, in the abstract, that we might one day have kids, and what that might entail, but it’s not the kind of thing that you can really prepare for. Thankfully, it turned out that we were well suited for each other, and adequately equipped to work through whatever issues had arisen so far. It hasn’t always been easy, especially when the screaming kids were thrown into the mix, but, when it comes to the important stuff, we’ve always found a way to keep everything together and moving in the right direction.

Who would have thought that a relationship that started at Cross Street Station, the since condemned Ypsilanti dive bar, might still be going strong all these years later? The odds would have to be infinitesimal, right? Well, somehow we’ve not only made it work for almost 25 years now, if you count the years before we became “husband and wife” before the eyes of god, but we’ve done it in such a way that we’ve been able to accomplish more than either one of us ever could have alone. We’ve not only started raising two bright, funny, inquisitive kids, but we’ve also been able launch several ventures in the process, and still find the time to remain engaged in our community, which is what we’d hoped for when, living in California, we first started talking about the possibility of moving back and putting down roots in this community where we’d first met.

And, really, what else could you want from life? We’re happy, we’ve got healthy, smart kids, and we feel as though we’re where we’re supposed to be. Yeah, maybe it would have been nice if I’d gotten that Hollywood writing job when we were living in LA, but I doubt the outcome would have been any better in the long run. When it comes to the stuff that really matters, I don’t think either of us could have asked for a better outcome. We’ve managed to create a supportive, collaborative relationship that’s allowed us to bring a few pretty decent kids into the world, and create stuff in a community that we truly care about. Everyone should be so lucky.

update: Apparently my memory wasn’t as good as I thought that it was. My friend Matt wasn’t following in another car when he took the photo of Linette pumping gas. He was actually inside the car with us. Here, with his permission, is his recounting of what happened.

“As usual our memories differ. Dan and I were riding in the back seat, there was no car following you. And it was after the bar on the way to the reception (according to the chronology of my film roll). My memory is that Linette wanted to pump the gas, not that anyone suggested she do so, but maybe I missed you or Dan suggesting it. Anyway, I took the photo because she was pumping the gas, I didn’t request her to pump gas for the sake of a photo. Too bad it wasn’t video, so we could hear all the people waiting at the intersection honking their horns at the bride at the gas pump.”

Posted in Mark's Life, Photographs, Uncategorized, Ypsilanti | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 21 Comments


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