How’s Rick Snyder going to navigate the frothing sea of mental illness that is the Tea Party?

I didn’t mention it when it happened, but, a little over a week ago, the Tea Partiers here in Michigan waged a bit of a coup against the Republican party. Following is a clip from Blogging for Michigan:

The inmates are taking over the asylum.

In a big and incredibly underreported story that some of us who count tea bags have been predicting for weeks now, the far right tea party caucus of the Michigan Republican Party is taking over.

Thousands of cranky “tea party” types showed up at Republican County Conventions Thursday in large numbers and appear to be close to having effective control of the Michigan Republican Party.

Earth to Rick Snyder: welcome to Republican reality.

According to the MIRS news service, the first victim of the tea party takeover may be Michigan GOP Chair Ron Weiser who thoroughly dissed and reportedly denied a delegate spot at the state Republican Convention, scheduled for Aug. 28 in East Lansing.

MIRS reported “massive” crowds jammed into local Republican conventions across the state Thursday night as tea party activists overwhelmed the local GOP establishment in Oakland, Washtenaw, Genesee and other counties.

Reported MIRS:

Someone was keeping score for the Tea Party folks in Washtenaw County. According to the leaders of the Willow Run Tea Party Caucus, the Ann Arbor Patriots and Campaign for Liberty, the Tea Party swept the 15th Congressional District and gained a two-thirds majority in the 7th District in the delegate election.

The Tea Partiers claim to have defeated Michigan Republican Party Chair Ron Weiser in his bid to become a delegate, relegating him as an alternate…

It probably would have happened anyway, but I guess that it didn’t help matters much that Rick Snyder, a relatively middle-of-the-road Republican when it comes to social issues, defeated Mike Bouchard, Peter Hoekstra and Mike Cox in the recent gubernatorial primary – all three of whom, as you’ll recall, had heavily courted the red-faced and newly-patriotic Tea Party demographic. But, they ended up splitting the vote of the insane, leaving Rick free to make it into the end zone with the help of wily liberals crossing party lines to support his candidacy. And, now people are wondering what future holds for candidate Snyder as he attempts to navigate the frothy, churning, angry waters of the Tea Party… The following clip comes from today’s Detroit Free Press:

…Most preferred other Republican candidates, not GOP victor Rick Snyder, according to tea party leaders. Candidates Mike Cox and Mike Bouchard especially wooed tea partiers by espousing their shared vision of shrunken government and taxes, gun rights and a narrowly applied U.S. Constitution…

Tea party-backed candidates in Michigan congressional primaries had mixed results. Tea party organizers have elected hundreds of delegates to the state Republican convention Saturday, hoping to influence the secretary of state nomination especially…

I don’t know that they have much choice but to vote for Snyder at this point, but they could make things difficult for him at next week’s Republican Convention in East Lansing. I haven’t looked into it very deeply, but, according to the folks at Blogging for Michigan, something similar happened in Maine recently, and the Tea Partiers completely remade the Republican platform with a heavy emphasis on the crazy. Here’s a clip:

…In Maine, where tea partiers took over the GOP, the party adopted a far-right platform at their state convention, promoting Big Oil, advocating government-supported religion, and a move to an “Austrian economy”–whatever that means…

So, Rick might have his hands full. But, he’s not alone. The same story, with various permutations, is playing out elsewhere. In Florida, the Republican candidate for Seante, Marco Rubio, is coming at it from the other side. Rubio, elected in large part by the Tea Partiers, is now trying to come across as a serious candidate, palatable to the larger electorate. And, by doing so, it seems as though he’s alienating his Beck and Palin-loving base. The following clip comes from the New York Times:

…Now, facing intense competition for the moderate Republicans and independents who could be the keys to victory in one of the nation’s most evenly divided states, Mr. Rubio is trying to show that he is more than just an insurgent protest candidate — and he is breaking with some Tea Party orthodoxy in the process…

Mr. Rubio spends less and less time trying to tap into the discontent that has been at the forefront of the midterm elections. A wiser course for Republicans, he said, is offering an alternative, not simply being the angry opposition…

As for the angry opposition here at home, my hope is that it doesn’t rub off on Snyder, who, for the most part, was able to run a decent campaign without sacrificing too much of his integrity. It’s true that, as the primary election approached, he was forced to come out as “pro-life,” but, other than that, I don’t recall him being pushed into any corners. I’m curious as to what will happen at the convention, though, when he’s asked about the building of Mosques, stem cell research, and Obama’s birth certificate.

Posted in Michigan, Politics | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 16 Comments

Racism at Ground Zero, and the role of FOX

There was apparently a big protest yesterday, around the corner from the site of the former World Trade Center. Crazed, middle-aged, white people, emboldened by the likes of FOX News and Sarah Palin, had taken to the streets to show their displeasure over plans to build a 13-story Muslim community center in Lower Manhattan. And, as some are pointing out, their frothy-mouthed antics are likely playing right into the hands of al Qaeda. Here, on that subject, is a clip from today’s New York Times:

Some counterterrorism experts say the anti-Muslim sentiment that has saturated the airwaves and blogs in the debate over plans for an Islamic center near ground zero in Lower Manhattan is playing into the hands of extremists by bolstering their claims that the United States is hostile to Islam.

Opposition to the center by prominent politicians and other public figures in the United States has been covered extensively by the news media in Muslim countries. At a time of concern about radicalization of young Muslims in the West, it risks adding new fuel to Al Qaeda’s claim that Islam is under attack by the West and must be defended with violence, some specialists on Islamic militancy say.

“I know people in this debate don’t intend it, but there are consequences for these kinds of remarks,” said Brian Fishman, who studies terrorism for the New America Foundation here.

He said that Anwar al-Awlaki, an American-born cleric hiding in Yemen who has been linked to several terrorist plots, has been arguing for months in Web speeches and in a new Qaeda magazine that American Muslims face a dark future of ever-worsening discrimination and vilification…

Pardon the interruption, but there’s a fucking al Qaeda magazine? Can someone please verify this? Or, better yet, send me a copy? I’m curious as hell as to who the advertisers are… OK, back to the article:

…“When the rhetoric is so inflammatory that it serves the interests of a jihadi recruiter like Awlaki, politicians need to be called on it,” Mr. Fishman said.

Evan F. Kohlmann, who tracks militant Web sites at the security consulting firm Flashpoint Global Partners, said supporters of Al Qaeda have seized on the controversy “with glee.” On radical Web forums, he said, the dispute over the Islamic center, which would include space for worship, is lumped together with fringe developments like a Florida pastor’s call for making Sept. 11 “Burn a Koran Day”…

Oh, speaking of that Florida pastor, his name is Terry Jones, and he was just arrested for possession of child pornography. Of course, that’s not to say that he’s not totally credible when he preaches of our moral superiority.

Back to this weekend’s protest in Manhattan, from the video I’ve seen, it looks like a real good time… at least as long as you’re white. Here, to illustrate that fact, is a short video clip that shows a back man, who is thought by the crowd to be Muslim, due to his unfortunate choice of headwear, having to be escorted out for his own safety.

And, here, by way a background, is an explanation of the video shared by someone calling herself Jane Austentatious, at the online community Reddit:

Taken by a friend of mine live-blogging the conservative Anti-Mosque rally held at Ground Zero today in NYC. You can hear chants of “NO MOSQUE HERE” over and over. Here is what my friend had to say:

“The crowd turns on Kenny. At the end of the rally a black man named Kenny walked through the crowd, and was immediately mistaken for being Muslim. They mistook the Under-Armour head cap he was wearing as the Muslim skull cap, and as he walked through the crowd several people confronted him. Ultimately he was asked to leave by security.

After this I caught up with him and had a long conversation about how scary that was for him. He works at Ground Zero as a union carpenter. The hate at this rally was palpable. This is what scares me about the direction America is taking. I really got a good taste of the mob mentality at work.”

And, why do you think it is that anti-Muslim sentiment, especially as it concerns this one particular mosque, is running so high these days? It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the “Fair and Balanced” network, could it? Here, on that subject, is a clip from today’s column by Frank Rich:

…At the Islamophobia command center, Murdoch’s News Corporation, the hypocrisy is, if anything, thicker. A recent Wall Street Journal editorial darkly cited unspecified “reports” that Park51 has “money coming from Saudi charities or Gulf princes that also fund Wahabi madrassas.” As Jon Stewart observed, this brand of innuendo could also be applied to News Corp., whose second largest shareholder after the Murdoch family is a member of the Saudi royal family. Perhaps last week’s revelation that News Corp. has poured $1 million into G.O.P. campaign coffers was a fiendishly clever smokescreen to deflect anyone from following the far greater sum of Saudi money (a $3 billion stake) that has flowed into Murdoch enterprises, or the News Corp. money (at least $70 million) recently invested in a Saudi media company…

And, here, if you haven’t seen it yet, is that Jon Stewart segment that Rich refers to:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Extremist Makeover – Homeland Edition
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

So, have you got all that?

Here are the main points as I see them… A few weeks ago, the folks at FOX thought that the 51 Park project was a good idea. Then, for what would appear to be strictly political reasons, they reversed course. It would seem that they smelled blood in the water, and knew that they could use this to beat up on Democrats, who would be seen as soft on terror if they were were to defend the progressive Muslim group seeking to build the community center. (Murdock and company know damned well that their audience’s love of the Constitution only goes so far.) So, FOX knew that they could make political hay, and, at the same time, draw some big ratings, which would, in turn, earn them more advertising revenue. So, they started the drumbeat about the “Ground Zero Mosque,” and how future terrorist attacks may be planned there. But, in the process, they not only fed this xenophobic monster that’s welling up within the American populous, but they also helped confirm to the Muslim world that we hate them, thereby making their recruitment of young American jihadists even easier. That couldn’t possibly matter to Rupert Murdoch, though. All he cares about it pushing ratings, and getting his Republican candidates into office – the hell with journalist ethics, the Constitution, and the future of our nation.

update: It’s too early to say for sure, but one wonders if FOX might now have blood on their hands. It’s being reported that a cab driver in New York was just stabbed in the throat by a passenger who, right before the attack, asked “Are you Muslim?

Posted in Media, Other, Photographs | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 13 Comments

A desperate Manhood appropriates my face to win fans, secure lucrative record deal

Two girls came by the house this afternoon. They handed me a box, looked at each other for a second, and ran away.

Given the appearance of the girls, I was expecting it to be something gross, maybe in retaliation for yesterday’s post on the nastiness of dog-punching nomadic crusties. I don’t know what I thought would be inside. It was a small box. Maybe, I thought, it could be a well-worn pair of gutter punk underwear, or, perhaps, a handful of dog hair infested with bedbugs. It turned out to be something worse.

Apparently these two impressionable young street urchins had been sent by the men of Manhole, or, as they’ve taken to calling themselves lately, Manhood. The band, it would seem, wanted me to have one of their new t-shirts.


And, yeah, that’s me on the shirt, wearing pink flamingo glasses, like a 65 year old woman who wants desperately to show her friends how “wild” she is. Maybe that’s how they see me – like an old woman trying to be hip. Actually, it’s not a bad analogy, now that I think about it. There’s another possibility, though. Maybe they respect me, the way one respects an elderly uncle who survived something terrible, like a war, by eating lice and drinking his own urine. And, I guess, it could have something to do with them changing their name to Manhood. Maybe they want to grow up to be like me when they reach manhood, wasting their lives away online and in bars, instead of giving in to the temptation of a sedentary existence in front of the television, or, worse yet, with family. Or, maybe they just wanted to fuck with me. I suspect the truth is somewhere in between. It usually is.

On the off chance that you’d like a shirt for yourself, I suspect that they’d sell you one at a show. Or, if you wait a year or two, they may even give you one.

n2243997_47893936_4588842Oh, and let this be a lesson to you if you post photos on Facebook. You never know what kind of derelict is going to download your picture, photoshop some whacky glasses on it, and put it on a t-shirt.

I’m not pissed, though. I’m honored, actually. They’re good guys. Or at least they seem to be. Two of them even talk to me. And one of them wears an ascot. That’s enough in my book… At any rate, here’s hoping they make it big in the music industry, so that I can sue their asses off.

If you’ve never had the pleasure of experiencing Hole Hood, here’s a little video from this summer’s Shadow Art Fair.

[note: If it wasn’t clear, about the girls who came to give me the box, I was kidding. They didn’t look like acolytes of the Manson family. They were quite lovely, actually, and nice. They were also relatively clean, by Ypsi standards. And they didn’t run away, so much as walk.]

Posted in Art and Culture, Mark's Life, Monkey Power Trio | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 34 Comments

Creationism as intellectual child abuse


Guess what? Our old friend Ken Ham, the charlatan behind the much maligned Creationism Museum, is now publishing books for kids, spreading his nonsense about how dinosaurs and men once coexisted. The photo above was taken by my friend Mike Ambs in a Kentucky Kroger.

If you can’t read it, this page has a Ham’s response to a kid who asks if men once used dinosaurs for transportation, like on the Flintstones. Here’s part of his response:

…It seems to me we should at least allow the possibility that some could have been tamed to help with transportation, maybe even farming, hauling heavy loads (the strong ones!), and other things. After all, some dragon legends from China tell us that dragons (dinosaurs?) were used to pull the emperor’s chariots.

It’s unbelievable to me that we as a society sit back and allow this shit to go on without so much as a modest letter writing campaign to Kroger. I guess, though, we have bigger things to worry about, like Muslim community centers being built in the vicinity of the former World Trade Center. I know I’ve said it before, but we’re a nation of idiots, and we deserve the same fate as the dinosaurs.

Posted in Rants, Religious Extremism | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 65 Comments

When did punks become hippies?

Occasionally, as a public service, I like to reprint something here from Facebook, for all the folks that I can’t bring myself to “friend.”


So, any thoughts? Am I alone in thinking that the folks who gathered here in Ann Arbor for Punk Week weren’t really punks, at least in the classic sense? And I realize that I sound like an angry old man when I say this, but I remember punks. I lived in Atlanta when the Sex Pistols first came over to the states. I’ve even seen the punk episode of Quincy… And I don’t think these punks we’re seeing wash up on the shores of Ann Arbor are the same species. They’re something new, some kind of hybrid. I don’t have a problem with it, but I’m curious as to when it happened. Was it a gradual thing, or was there one big event where everything changed?

Posted in Ann Arbor | Tagged , , , , , , , | 42 Comments


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