Tomorrow is Glenn Beck’s “I Have Some Hate” rally

We’ve talked about it before, but tomorrow is the big day. Tomorrow is the day that the great white crusader, Glenn Beck, the man who once famously said that Barack Obama, our first black President, has “a deep-seated hatred or white people,” will climb the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., with Sarah Palin at his side, and “reclaim the civil rights movement” before a legion of angry, terrified and pasty white FOX News viewers. It’s unclear as to what exactly he’ll say, on this, the 47th anniversary of day that Martin Luther King delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech, but I’m sure it will be every bit as brilliant, inspiring and historic. Here, in the meantime, is Jon Stewart’s take on the whole thing.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
I Have a Scheme
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

[Tonight’s post was brought to you by the Turn Off FOX campaign.]

Posted in Civil Liberties, Media, Politics, Pop Culture | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 55 Comments

Conviction, shot in Ypsi/Arbor, nears release

The Trailer for the film “Conviction” has been released. Quite a bit of the production, which had previously been referred to as “Betty Anne Waters,” was shot in Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor. Of particular interest in the trailer, at least for me, are the scenes shot at Ypsi’s legendary Sidetrack Bar and Grill – stills of which, captured by my friend Eric, can be seen below.

Hillary Swank:


Minnie Driver:


Speaking of local films being shot in the area, if any of you have had run-ins, regardless of how fleeting, with celebrities in town to work on them, please consider making a contribution to my Pencil Paparazzi project.

Posted in Architecture, Art and Culture, Special Projects, Ypsilanti | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 11 Comments

Give a little money ($8.26) to 826 on 8/26


Still have some spare money after Alan Grayson’s big money bomb, and that donation to the Union of Concerned Scientists? Well, you’re in luck. Tomorrow, one of my favorite non-profits in the world, the youth literacy and writing organization known as 826, will be accepting donations. And they’re not asking for very much. They just want $8.26. And, as if that weren’t enough, they’re making it really super easy. You can donate by way of cell phone, or over the internet.

To give online, just visit and donate via Paypal. Or, if you’d rather, you can text “WRITE” to 20222 to make a one-time donation of $10. ($8.26 will be donated to 826, with the remaining $1.74 going toward the service fee. This cell campaign is being powered by Give by Cell, and is certified by the Mobile Giving Foundation. Additional messaging a data rates may apply. More information can be found here.)

For those of you unfamiliar with 826 and the terrific work they do with young writers, here’s a little background taken from a recent press release on this giant one-day fundraising effort:

…In reference to the festivities, 826 National co-founder Dave Eggers said, “More than ever before, a young person’s success is inextricably tied to their ability to express their ideas clearly and powerfully. We’re happy to celebrate Youth Literacy Day and to highlight all that needs to be done to make sure students have the resources they need.”

With mounting pressure on school systems and parents, 826 writing centers help bridge the gap for students and families by providing free, one-on-one attention and writing help to all young people ages 6 through 18…

826 outposts exist in San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago, DC and Boston, as well as Ann Arbor. If you’ve never been, they’re well worth a visit, regardless of whether or not you’ve got a kid yourself…. The work they do with young people is incredible, and, in my opinion, they deserve our support. If we’re to solve the problems that we face as a planet, we need the next generation to be more creative than we are, and that’s not going to happen without groups like 826, who work one-on-one with kids to gain confidence, explore and really learn to appreciate the written word.

If you can’t afford to give, please help spread the word.

Posted in Art and Culture | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

The party of imagined bravery and craven victimhood

Eugene Robinson asks a great question in today’s Washington Post… “When did the loudmouths of the American right become such a bunch of fraidy-cats and professional victims?” Here’s a clip:

…The thing is, though, that the manufactured brouhaha over the Park51 project is part of a larger pattern in which the far right embraces victimhood and stokes fear. The faction that likes to portray itself as a bunch of John Waynes and “mama grizzlies,” it turns out, spends an awful lot of time cowering in the corner and complaining about how beastly everyone else is being.

Witness the frequent eruptions over instances of reverse racism — real or imagined. The Shirley Sherrod affair was the most recent example of how eagerly the far right wants to sell the false narrative that African Americans, once they achieve positions of authority, will use their newly acquired power to punish whites for historical discrimination. The facts of the Sherrod case, as they finally emerged, argue persuasively against this fictional tale of longed-for revenge. But it will be back.

And look at the hysteria over illegal immigration. Facts don’t matter — for example, that the flow of undocumented migrants has decreased, or that border enforcement under President Obama is much tougher than under George W. Bush, or that illegal immigrants are not responsible for any kind of crime wave. Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Tex.), has gone so far as to sound the alarm about alleged “terror babies.” The idea is that undocumented pregnant women would cross the border so that their children could have U.S. citizenship, then take the babies away to be raised as terrorists — who would be able to come back in 20 years or so, with legitimate U.S. passports, and presumably wreak untold havoc. No, I did not make that up…

Robinson, as he often does, hits the nail right on the head. Today’s Republican party is one of fearful, little people who fancy themselves valiant patriots, willing fight bravely to their last breath, and, if necessary, die to protect our sacred Constitution – a Constitution, by the way, they’d also like to completely rewrite. It’s lunacy. It reminds of me when John Kerry was running against George W. Bush in 2004, and Republicans took to wearing little bandaids on their fingers with purple hearts drawn on them, as if to say that the wounds Kerry recieved in battle – the wounds that earned him a Purple Heart – were nothing more than scratches. The implication, of course, was that they, were they in his shoes, would have just sucked it up and kept on fighting, like Rambo. Do you remember that? I still can’t believe these fanny pack-wearing delegates at the Republican National Convention had the audacity to stand up in public, waving their bandaged pinkies in the air, laughing at the wounds a man received in battle while serving his country in Vietnam. And all this while supporting a craven coward who had his powerful father pull political strings so that he could sit the unpopular war out with other wealthy douche bags in a squadron of the Air National Guard referred to as the “Champagne Squadron.” But these Republicans were then, and still are today, beyond reality. Facts don’t matter to them. All that matters is spin and image. If you fancy yourself a little John Wayne, then, damn-it, that’s who you are. To hell with reality. To hell with the fact that you’d shit yourself if into a coma if you so much as heard that a member of the Viet Cong might be lurking nearby.

Posted in Observations, Other, Politics | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 15 Comments

Open Thread


If you have anything to say to the baby kraken, you’d better say it now…

Posted in Other | Tagged , , , | 35 Comments


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