Russia, Russia, Russia… Now that we’ve got a narrative, we can’t let go

It’s all happening so fast. It’s easy to be overwhelmed. One minute, Kid Rock, in what we can hope is just a bid to sell a few thousand more of his ridiculous “dumbfuckistan” t-shirts, announces a bid to take on Debbie Stabenow for the Senate, and, the next thing you know, Caitlyn “just because she’s transsexual doesn’t mean she can’t also be a reprehensible human being” Jenner, is announcing that she might be following in his terrifyingly unqualified footsteps, because, you know, it’s just politics. It just never seems to end… this constant onslaught of stupidity… this army of idiots and con-men, emboldened by Trump, jumping in to fill the gaping void left open by the implosion of the Republican Party… With all of this going on, it’s hard to stay focused on the big picture. If we going to stop this slide into insanity, though, it’s what we have to do. If we’re going to ensure that this never happens again, we’ve not only got to get Trump out of office, but we’ve got to make him pay such a price that no human being in history ever attempts to do what he’s done again. And we have to be sure that his followers come to see the truth, or, at the very least, slink quietly back into the shadows, never to be heard from again, like all those Germans who cheered on Hitler to victory in the 1930s.

As for how we get there, I’m not so sure. But I have to think there’s a path that will get us back on a path to sanity. We just have to work together to find it.

The good news, as we’ve been discussing, is we’ve finally got something to work with. A narrative is coming into focus – one that we can share with others – one that explains exactly how all of this came about, and why.

We now know that, in early June, 2016, just after Donald Trump secured the Republican nomination, an email was sent to his son Donald Trump Jr., alerting him to the fact that Russia not only supported his father’s candidacy against Clinton, but wanted to help him defeat the former Secretary of State. We know this because we’ve seen the emails between Trump Jr. and Rob Goldstone, the intermediary in Russia, who had worked with the Trump organization in 2013 to bring the Miss Universe pageant to Moscow. [Goldstone, as I understand it, helped secure the financing for the event, by bring in a Russian oligarch by the name of Aras Agalarov, who agreed to put the money up in exchange for letting his son, a pop singer by the name of Emin, headline the soul-crushingly hollow tit and ass parade.] These emails, as everyone who gets their news from sources other than Fox News and Breitbart now knows, included phrases like “This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr Trump” [Goldstone] and “I love it” [Trump].

We also know that Trump Jr. apparently took this offer of help very seriously. Just six days after the initial email from Goldstone offering assistance from the Kremlin, people were flying in from Russia, not just to meet with Trump’s eldest son, but also his son-in-law and confidant Jared Kushner, and his ascending campaign manager Paul Manafort, who, just a few months later, as you’ll recall, left the campaign, when his extensive ties to Vladimir Putin became public, threatening to kill Trump’s chances in the general election. [We’ve heard since from sources within the intelligence community that, last summer, communications were intercepted between Russian intelligence officials discussing how Manafort could be used to influence Trump. And, today, as coincidence would have it, news just broke that New York prosecutors have subpoenaed Manafort’s bank records.]

Donald Trump Jr., of course, denied that any of this happened, at least at first. For months, he denied vehemently that there had been any meetings with the Russians, and only came clean once the emails noted above were forwarded to the New York Times by an anonymous source within the White House. And, even then, he first lied about the content of the meeting, saying that he and the Russian woman he’d met with, whose name he didn’t even know, had only talked about the possibility of once again making Russian orphans available for U.S. adoptions. [The adoption program had been closed in response to sanctions imposed against Russia by the Obama administration.]

Sean Spicer said in a press conference today, that “there was nothing (about the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians) that would lead anyone to believe that there was anything except for (a) discussion about adoption,” but that doesn’t jive with the information known thus far about what was promised in advance, what Donald Jr. has already admitted to, or the fact that Manafort and Kushner were brought into the meeting. [One doesn’t have to have experience running presidential campaigns to know that the top three people working for a candidate don’t typically drop everything to attend meetings about international adoption policy.]

At any rate, there was a meeting between Trump Jr., Paul Manafort, Jared Kushner, Kremlin attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya, Rob Goldstone, a person described as an interpreter, and least two other people, who those in the meeting, at least at first, refused to name. While the eighth member of the meeting is still unknown, we’ve since learned that the seventh was a former Soviet counter-intelligence officer by the name of Rinat Akhmetshin, who, as coincidence would have it, just happens to have an aptitude for hacking. [Akhmetshin claims to have just dropped by the meeting on a whim, as he happened to be in the area, but it seems unlikely.] Here, in case you missed it, is how the news concerning his identity broke.

While it’s unclear that a quid pro quo was established at this meeting, the circumstantial evidence would appear to confirm that some kind of agreement was struck, in which the Russians would work to actively to discredit Clinton and assist in Trump voter suppression efforts in exchange for the lifting of sanctions against their country and the passing of legislation more friendly to Putin and his cronies in Russian organized crime… Just after the meeting concluded, as I suspect you may have heard, Trump began, for the first time, talking about Clinton’s deleted emails and the possibility that they might somehow surface. And, as you’ll recall, about a month later, at the Republican National Convention, the only addition the Trump campaign had to the GOP platform was the stopping of support to those in Ukraine fighting against the Russian military… Oh, and then, this past May, Trump Attorney General Jeff Sessions abruptly settled a money laundering case being handled on behalf of Russian organized crime figures by our old friend Natalia Veselnitskaya. The case, which had been filed by US Attorney for the Southern District of New York Preet Bharara in 2013, according to Foreign Policy magazine, “alleged that 11 companies were involved in a tax fraud in Russia and then laundered a portion of the $230 million they got into Manhattan real estate.” [I’ll leave the discussion of Russian money laundering by way of Trump properties for another occasion.]

So, stay with me here… On March 10, Donald Trump fired Preet Bharara, and, then, on May 12, Sessions, without warning, settled the $230 million case that Bharara had been handling for less than $6 million… It kind of makes you wonder, doesn’t it?

Well, as you might imagine, the 17 Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee would like to know more about this case… Here, for those of you who haven’t seen it, is a clip from their letter to Jeff Sessions, demanding answers.

You might think that the Attorney General of the United States would be anxious to help in an inquiry regarding a money laundering racket being run on American soil by a hostile foreign nation that the FBI, NSA and CIA all feel confident worked to subvert our 2016 election, but apparently that’s not the case. Citing the importance of his “personal privacy,” Sessions has declined to disclose his contacts with Russians. And, it’s worth noting, he’s done this in violation of a court order. This, I should also add, comes after Sessions lied on his SF86 security clearance form by stating that “No,” he had not had any contact with foreign government officials in last seven years. Oh, and then there’s the matter of his lying under oath during his confirmation hearing, saying that he’d not had contact with anyone connected to the Russian government during 2016 election, when, in fact, he had… His end, I suspect, will come like Michael Flynn’s, who also denied talking to the Russians until tapes were apparently produced by the intelligence community… A fitting end, in my opinion, for the man who civil rights leader Coretta Scott King warned us back in ’86 was a threat to American voting rights. In the meantime, though, Sessions will keep looking for ways to take more cash and property from American citizens, while giving more cash and property back to members of the Russian mob.

I suppose it could all be a coincidence. It could be a coincidence that Flynn, Kushner, Trump Jr. and Sessions all just happened to forget their many interactions with Russians prior to the election. And maybe Trump sent his entire senior campaign staff to meet with a Russian delegation promising information harmful to Hilary Clinton because they somehow knew they’d really just be talking about the plight of Russian orphans, which is a cause that’s close to all of their hearts. And maybe it’s a coincidence that, while the President talks shit about every other global leader, he only praises Putin. And maybe there’s nothing to the fact that Sessions quietly settled that Russian money laundering case, and that the Trump campaign’s only contribution to the GOP platform in 2016 was that language about how we’d stop assisting those fighting against Russia, a country that, not too long ago, we used to refer to as the “evil empire.” And maybe the former Russian intelligence officer with a background in hacking, who Trump Jr. neglected to tell tell us was at that meeting, really did just happen to tag along with a friend, as he was in the area and had nothing better to do that day. And maybe there’s nothing to the news about how Kushner had sought a private back channel so that he could communicate with Moscow outside the established State Department channels. And, I suppose, the investigations into how the Trump campaign could have coordinated the strategic placement of fake news stories about Clinton with the Kremlin could lead nowhere. But, really, how likely do we think any of that is? I mean, the odds against all of those things just being coincidence is pretty astronomical, right? And I feel like more is coming. My sense is that it’s inevitable, that this administration has to completely unwind at some point. I mean, the alternative is unthinkable, but it’s more than just wishful thinking on my part, I think. There’s just too much smoke, and there’s more and more if it every day.

As I’ve told others, though, I suspect it would have been even worse if Trump had lost. I really believe that it would have been even uglier, with a sizable percentage of our fellow citizens thoroughly convinced that “Crooked Hillary” had “rigged” the election, and stolen the White House from Trump. I think it could well have torn the nation apart, and this cold civil war of ours could have quickly turned hot. At least now, we have an opportunity to work through this together in the light of day, and move forward. It’s just a question of how. How do we break through to the viewers of Fox News, InfoWars and Breitbart News, and convince them that it’s all been a con? How do you pull someone out of a world like that when they’ve been brainwashed for over a decade, told repeatedly that our last president was an America-hating Kenyan marxist, and that Hillary Clinton operated a child sex ring beneath a D.C. pizza parlor? And, more importantly, how do you ensure that it never happens again? Do models exist for the mass deprograming of entire populations? How was it done in Germany and Japan after WWII? How did we convince people to accept the truth of what had happened? The easiest way, I think, would involve a full confession from Trump… a complete retelling of the entire thing from his perspective, starting with the lies of birtherism, and going right through the campaign, admitting to every lie, and explaining to the American people how he conned them by stoking their fear and appealing to their most base instincts. I don’t think, however, that’s going to happen. So maybe we’d better start planning now for contingencies.

This isn’t, of course, to say that we should let up on the health care debate. We should continue to push back, build on our successes, and use it as an opportunity to talk with others Americans about the differences between our parties and our visions for the future. With that said, though, I don’t think we’ve got a chance of rolling back the Trumpification of American politics, and the army of con-men like Kid Rock in our future, without a clear focus on the Russia investigation. Health care is a battle. But Russia is the war. And, in my opinion, we have to proceed with that in mind. The attack on health care will be back. The Empire, as we know from Star Wars, will keep rebuilding the Death Star. The only way to end it once and for all is to get at the root from which all of this terrible stuff is growing, which is ignorance and fear. And the only way to do that, I’m convinced, is to wake the American people up to what’s been happening. And Russia, I think, is the key. It’s the story that shocks them into waking up. And we can’t let go of it, for even a minute.

Posted in Politics, Rants, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 49 Comments

Jim Damron, one of my favorite artists, gets a mention in the New York Times

I think the value of my art collection may have increased a bit today. Not only did one of my favorite Ypsi artists, Jim Damron, just make it into the pages of the New York Times, but the article included a link back to something I’d written about a painting of his that I’d purchased a few years back… For what it’s worth, it’s kind of a stretch to call Jim an “Ypsi artist,” as he just lived here for a short while, several decades ago, as a toddler. Still, though, I like mentioning it… Anyway, I’m happy for Jim, as, to my knowledge, this is the first mention of his work to appear in the national press, and I hope it leads to greater recognition of his work, which is really wonderful. [That’s his painting of the late Adam West as Batman, in the photo below.]

Oh, and if you want to buy the painting of Buck Henry that I bought from Jim, which is now kind of famous thanks to the New York Times, it’s not for sale. I intend to keep it until I pass away, at which point my lazy, good-for-nothing grandchildren will have to fight one another for the opportunity to pawn it.

Posted in Art and Culture, Mark's Life | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

Keep right on pretending to pray, but not even God himself can save you now, Donald Trump

Remember how, not too long ago, I was telling you to keep an eye on Donald Trump’s religiosity? My thinking at the time was that the more ‘in peril’ our President believes himself to be, the more he’ll feign an interest in all things Christian. Well, judging by what we’re seeing in the press today, I’d say he thinks impeachment is imminent.

The following photo, taken last night, shows evangelical leaders laying their hands on Donald Trump inside the White House as he bows solemnly in prayer.

And that wasn’t all. Trump also met with Pat Robertson earlier today to discuss what he’s doing to protect the religious freedom of Christians in the United States, among other things. Of course, he also made sure to mention that, in his opinion, Vladimir Putin would have rather had Hillary Clinton be elected President of the United States, as she’s considerably weaker and commanding of respect than he is. Here’s a clip from the Christian Broadcasting Network release.

…In an effort to debunk claims that Russia wanted to help him win the election, the president argued that’s an illogical conclusion.

He thinks Putin would actually have been happier with Hillary Clinton in the White House because he’s building the U.S. military and working to export U.S. energy, which Russia opposes.

“We are the most powerful country in the world and we are getting more and more powerful because I’m a big military person. As an example, if Hillary had won, our military would be decimated. Our energy would be much more expensive. That’s what Putin doesn’t like about me. And that’s why I say, why would he want me? Because from day one I wanted a strong military, he doesn’t want to see that,” Trump told Robertson.

“And from day one I want fracking and everything else to get energy prices low and to create tremendous energy. We’re going to be self-supporting, we just about are now. We’re going to be exporting energy – he doesn’t want that. He would like Hillary where she wants to have windmills. He would much rather have that because energy prices would go up and Russia as you know relies very much on energy,” he continued.

“So there are many things that I do that are the exact opposite of what he would want. So what I keep hearing about that he would have rather had Trump, I think ‘probably not,’ because when I want a strong military, you know she wouldn’t have spent the money on military,” he said. “When I want tremendous energy, we’re opening up coal, we’re opening up natural gas, we’re opening up fracking, all the things that he would hate, but nobody ever mentions that”…

As much as I’d like to go off on a tangent about how fucking stupid it is to suggest that the price one can charge for oil goes up with increased energy production from renewables, I’m going to try to stay focused here… and just say that I really do believe the more Trump talks of God, in hopes of rallying what’s left of his far-right, evangelical base, the more vulnerable he thinks that he is. I suspect there are other barometers out there that one might use to predict the proximity of impeachment, but this is the one I’ve chosen to put my faith in… And, on a day like to today, it’s given me comfort. When I see things, like Trump posting about how “The W.H. is functioning perfectly,” as he did earlier today, I just look at this photo of him, surrounded by evangelicals, all touching him as he pretends to pray, and it reminds me that the only reason he’s doing any of this is because he knows the axe is about to fall, and that these are the only people who will be with him at the end… not his golfing buddies, but these poor, deluded culture warriors who really believe that he’s setting the nation back on a righteous path, in spite of all the pussy grabbing, cutting of aid for the poor, etc. “Those morons out there,” as Lonesome Rhodes would call them, are all that he has left. But he can’t fool them forever with his hollow rhetoric about how he’s going to make it safe for people to say “Merry Christmas” again, and the like. At some point, they’ll figure it out. It’s inevitable. But, until then, he’ll try to hold them as tight as he can, wrapped up in the American flag with him, in hopes that they’ll throw themselves between him and Mueller when the time comes.

Posted in Politics, Religious Extremism, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 36 Comments

Ypsi/Arbor Exit Interview: D’Real Graham

A few weeks ago, longtime Ypsilanti resident D’Real Graham left town for Washington, DC, where he’ll soon be restarting his college career. Before leaving, D’Real and I had the occasion to exchange a few emails about his memories of growing up here, how he’d seen the city change over his lifetime, and his plans for the future. I hope those of you who just perhaps knew D’Real in a single way… like as the educator who ran the 826michigan Tutoring Lab on Washington Street, or as the civil rights advocate who took on Brian Mackie as a write-in candidate for the position of Washtenaw County Prosecutor, or as the community organizer who helped launch the grassroots organization Keep Ypsi Black… enjoy knowing a little more about his history here in Ypsi, and the path he’s currently on… And, with that, I give you D’Real Graham’s official exit interview.

MARK: OK, D’Real, let’s start at the beginning… Where were you born?

D’REAL: On the morning of February 22, 1987 my mother labored, later giving birth to me at the University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital in Ann Arbor.

MARK: What’s your first memory?

D’REAL: Listening to NWA’s Straight Outta Compton while secured in a child safety seat in the backseat of my father’s automobile in commute on I-94 to enjoy a picnic at Belle Isle (in Detroit).

MARK: Do you remember the picnic, or just the trip there?

D’REAL: I don’t remember that exact picnic on Belle Isle, but I do recall my father being very intentional throughout my youth when it came to Detroit, introducing to me to his old stomping grounds, sharing the places that gave him his first memories.

MARK: Do you remember anything specific that your father shared with you about his experience of Detroit as a young man?

D’REAL: While visiting Detroit, especially during the summer months, between the age of 5 and age of 16, my father would give me a tour of the outdoor basketball courts across Detroit proper. Upon arriving to each site, he would share with me his memories of on-court success and introduce me to his peers. Often my father and I would challenge folks to a half-court games of 2-on-2. Winning at basketball with my father provided me the confidence necessary to excel on-court throughout my adolescent athletic career. My father also believed that it was important to travel, and to learn from other skilled individuals.

MARK: How are you and your father most alike?

D’REAL: My father and I are most alike in our willingness to be a teamplayer on and off athletic courts/fields. We are both very protective of our loved ones, we are both known for being unapologetically petty, and dedicated to self improvement.

MARK: And what kind of kid were you?

D’REAL: Curious about the world and its inhabitants. Playful. Engaged in club sports and local recreational activity.

MARK: So, what was it that brought your family to Ypsilanti?

D’REAL: Transgenerational trauma. My grandmother visited Ypsilanti with her children (including my mother) during the summer of 1969. Upon returning to their home in New Orleans, it was discovered that robbers had removed all of their worldly possessions, forcing my grandmother and her children to start a new life in southeastern Michigan. My parents decided to live in Ypsilanti due to its proximity to their workplaces.

MARK: What was it that brought your grandmother and her children to Ypsilanti during the summer of ‘69? Did members of your extended family already live in the area?

D’REAL: Many people of color, including my grandmother, would visit Michigan during the summer months. My grandmother was invited by a friend to lodge and retreat in Ypsilanti for a few weeks. Prior to the summer of 1969, no extended family settled north of the Mason Dixon line.

MARK: So Ypsilanti was a vacation destination for people of color in the ‘60s? I wasn’t aware of that. I new, of course, that we had a large African American population at that time, and that people would travel from the south to see relatives who had moved north to take jobs at the factories and the like, but I wasn’t aware that people without extended families in the area were coming up in significant numbers to vacation.

D’REAL: Gateway cities, including Ypsilanti and Idlewild, often called the “Black Eden,” were visited by well-known entertainers and professionals, and everyday people of color, from throughout the country between 1912 and the mid-1960s. At its peak, Idlewild was the most popular resort in the Midwest, with as many as 25,000 people coming at the height of the summer season to enjoy camping, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, horseback riding, roller skating, and night-time entertainment. When the Civil Rights Act of 1964 opened up other resorts to African-Americans, Idlewild’s boom period subsided, but midwest gateway cities, including Ypsilanti, continued to serve as a vacation destination, a retirement community, and a landmark of African-American heritage.

MARK: It’s amazing to me that I’ve never heard that particular chapter of Ypsilanti’s history. Thank you for sharing that.

D’REAL: Yes, black Americans of color didn’t just migrate north for job opportunities during the Great Migration. They also vacationed here, in hopes of, at least temporarily, escaping the oppressive conditions of the south; the lynching, an unfair legal system, inequality in education, and denial of suffrage. Cities in the north, including Ypsilanti, provided my grandmother and her peers temporary relief.

MARK: When did you become politically conscious? Was there there something specific that you can recall…

D’REAL: I credit Dr. Rev. S.L. Roberson for helping to raise my political consciousness. I attended the Metropolitan Memorial Baptist Church located on Hawkins, south of Michigan Avenue, from 1987-2010. During said time period, S.L. Roberson provided me leadership pathways that challenged me to think critically, to act diplomatically, and, most importantly, to commit to a lifetime of being a selfless servant. S.L. Roberson gave me my holy orders as a child, and appointed me as a deacon before his death. Having direct access to S.L. Roberson gave me the confidence early in my life to contest the status quo daily.

MARK: I wasn’t aware that you were a deacon. What does that work ential?

D’REAL: Dr. Rev. S.L. Roberson died before I was able to understand the full capacity of my appointment, or holy orders, and I did not participate in much activity at MMBC following his death. Instead, I focused my attention on studying biblical texts including literature outside western thought (e.g., the Tao Te Ching, the Quran), and pursued a career as an educator.

MARK: But, before his passing, the church was a big part of your life growing up here in Ypsi?

D’REAL: Yes. The church hosted creative activity, year-round, making available plenty of opportunity for fellowship, learning, and volunteer work. Actively participating in programming at the MMBC helped cultivate habits that have benefited me in my adult life.

MARK: What was life like for you as a kid in Ypsilanti? When you weren’t at church, or in school, how did you spend your days?

D’REAL: As a young person, when I was not in church, or in school, I would spend my days in practice (either with a club sport, band, writers’ club). Most of my time outside of my childhood home was dedicated to practice or service.

MARK: And where is it that you’ll be going when you leave us?

D’REAL: The District of Columbia.

MARK: Why now? What makes this the right time for you to leave Ypsilanti?

D’REAL: It is a high risk to be in the streets advocating for equity and inclusion. And with millions of white supremacists, etc., galvanized in response to the election of the 45th President of the United States, it seems appropriate to spend time on the yards of Howard University.

MARK: Given the climate in the nation right now, I can see the appeal of an historically black university. I’m curious, however, as to your choice of Howard, as it’s in D.C., just a stone’s throw from Trump’s White House. Was that a consideration? I mean, as you say, you’re moving, at least in part, in response to the white supremacist movement which has galvanized around our current President, and I’m curious as to how much, if at all, you struggled with the idea of moving closer to his administration?

D’REAL: Ta-nehisi Coates refers to Howard University as “The Mecca.” “Established in 1867, Howard University is, ‘the only truly comprehensive Black university and one of the major engineers of change in our society’.” Along with Ta-nehisi’s enthusiasm, I’m drawn to Howard’s rich history of developing technically competent and morally committed individuals. Howard students are prepared to advance social justice and the preservation of humanity. Returning to Ypsilanti in five or ten years with an undergraduate degree in creative writing, and a graduates degree in women’s studies, will help me advocate for the “elimination of inequities related to race, color, social, economic and political circumstances.”

MARK: For what it’s worth, I wasn’t questioning the fact that Howard is a terrific school. I was just wondering to what extent the current situation in D.C. played into your decision, and whether or not you were at all apprehensive about moving closer to the current administration, given your feelings about what Trump’s presidency has unleashed.

D’REAL: Howard University has a strong creative writing program. HU’s legacy of consistently educating black writers played into my decision to enroll, not the current administration in the White House. Faculty at Howard University are known for being dynamic and engaging individuals, and I cannot wait to study under revered professors and lecturers of color.

MARK: I know it’s difficult to look ahead five years, but what do you see yourself doing upon your return to Ypsilanti? Or, more to the point, what would you like to do upon your return?

D’REAL: With a B.A. in creative writing, and an M.S. or PhD in women’s studies, I hope to offer my talent to an organization or institution dedicated to providing upward mobility pathways to people of color, most importantly youth and women of color.

MARK: Have you given any thought as to what form your political activism might take in D.C.?

D’REAL: In D.C., I will make time to stand in solidarity with individuals against dominator culture.

MARK: What does activist culture look like at Howard these days? Did you get a sense of it when you visited the campus, assuming you went down to check the campus out before signing up…

D’REAL: Since 1867, “Howard students and professors have since established a tradition of political protest.” You can find out more about HU’s legacy of activism by reading the article “At Howard U., Anti-Trump Protests Echo Past Activism” by Alex Arriaga.

MARK: Did you accomplish everything here in Ypsi that you’d wanted to? I know you said you’d eventually be coming back, but do you feel as though you still have unfinished business right now?

D’REAL: I have outlived my usefulness in Ypsilanti, Michigan. It makes sense for me to relocate rather than being further disenfranchised by post-colonial settlers.

MARK: By “post-colonial settlers” are you referring to gentrification? Also, for what it’s worth, I think many in this community who know you would object to your characterization of having outlived your usefulness here.

D’REAL: The term gentrification, like the sympathetic support of the 45th President, has received too much attention post-Election 2016. Instead of focusing on a term or a phenomenon that disenfranchises people of color at a higher rate than people of non-color, I’d like the readers to understand that I have decided to venture outside of Washtenaw County in an attempt to better understand “Howard University’s long held commitment to the study of disadvantaged persons in American society and throughout the world,” and be a part of the change.

MARK: I don’t want to belabor the point, but I’m curious as to what you mean when yous say that gentrification has “received too much attention.”

D’REAL: Readers are familiar with the term, but are less familiar with the process.

MARK: I suspect that some people reading this are, in fact, familiar with the process, and are concerned about the fact that, as Ypsilanti becomes a more popular alternative to Ann Arbor, some in our community, especially people of color, will likely start being pushed out. With that said, though, we can move on, if you like… What are you most proud of having done while you were here?

D’REAL: I am most proud of having challenged the current County Prosecutor for his seat in November 2016. Running a creative write-in campaign educated me on the functionality of the County Prosecutor Office while also teaching me how to engage the public in the election process. Having had a chance to amplify the concerns of 3,500 unique Washtenaw County voters that decided to write in D’Real Graham on November 8, 2016 remains the most humbling experience had in Ypsilanti.

MARK: Now that you’ve had a taste of politics, do you think it might be something you pursue in the future?


MARK: It’s kind of an odd question, given that you intend to come back, but I always ask folks how they’d like to be remembered by the people of Ypsilanti.

D’REAL: I would like to be remembered by the people of Ypsilanti for my contributions to the field of education. And, my early attempts at connecting black artists/creatives/students, etc. with materials, organizations, and tools to make upward mobility possible.

MARK: And I also always ask, “If the people of Ypsilanti were to erect a statue of you, where would you want it placed, and what would the statue show you doing?”

D’REAL: Please don’t erect a statue of me, especially if I happen to experience premature death by the hands of law enforcement, or a bigoted vigilante. Instead, use monies to support projects and activity that reflects the values of the people of Ypsilanti.

MARK: And what do you perceive to be the values of the people of Ypsilanti?

D’REAL: Equity, Inclusivity, Sustainability.

MARK: How has Ypsilanti changed in the time you’ve lived here?

D’REAL: Ypsilanti has changed from a stigma filled small gateway city to become a small, reputable, international political powerhouse. People from all over the world look to online and offline activity in the City of Ypsilanti and its people to witness the level of resistance needed to affect social change. Hopefully more people will pay attention to the City of Ypsilanti and its people, and learn from the changes that have help shape Ypsilanti.

MARK: How, if at all, do you intend to stay engaged with Ypsilanti during your absence? I mean, I know you’ll stay in touch with family and friends, but I’m curious about how you might stay engaged on the activist front, and whether or not we might see any input from afar.

D’REAL: I will continue to edit and publish content online. And, when I will provide logistical support to Ypsilanti-based freedom fighters when needed.

MARK: Let’s talk about the work you did for 826michigan…

D’REAL: I helped launch the Washington Street Tutoring lab in Ypsilanti in 2013, managed drop-in writing sessions across the Ypsilanti District Library branches from September 2012 to June 2017, and supervised creative writing workshops at 826michigan’s flagship location from September 2015 to June 2017. I also contributed workplace solutions to the Ideas Group, an autonomous collective of educators and writers committed to fostering diverse, fair and impartial, inclusive work environments across the 826 National network from June 2015 to June 2017.

MARK: Do I understand correctly that you’re going away party took the form of a roast? If true, I love the idea… I’m curious, though, as to what made you gravitate toward that format.

D’REAL: The Roast of DRG gave attendees an opportunity to learn more about my work and education history 2007-present, while laughing at the same time.

MARK: So no roasting the pre-2007 D’Real?

D’REAL: Feel free to review The Roast of DRG participation form.

MARK: How would you like to see Ypsilanti change, if at all, during your time away? What would make you happy to see upon your arrival back home after graduation?

D’REAL: I would be most happy to see the Elijah McCoy memorial placard located in Depot Town restored and free of vandalism… Continue to flourish, Ypsilanti!

[Among others, the above photos were taken by Chris Stranad, Kate de Fuccio and Nick Azzaro.]

[Curious as to why people are leaving this place we call home? Check out the Ypsi/Arbor Exit Interview archive.]

Posted in Special Projects, Uncategorized, Ypsilanti | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 9 Comments

With the release of Trump Jr.’s Russia emails, and plausible deniability significantly more difficult to come by, some Republicans are beginning to abandon ship

Every morning I wake up and tell myself that the Donald Trump Jr. story line can’t possibly dominate the headlines yet one more day, and yet here we are again. After yesterday, when the President’s eldest son admitted to having accepted a Russian offer “of potentially helpful information” about Hillary Clinton, I didn’t think it could possibly escalate any further. But then Trump Jr. decided to release what he claimed to be his unedited email correspondences with Rob Goldstone, the eccentric former British tabloid journalist turned Russian marketing firm head who helped set up the June 9, 2016 meeting between senior Trump campaign officials and Natalia Veselnitskaya, a well-known lawyer for the Russian mafia… The Washington Post has published all of the emails between the two men, but here’s a brief excerpt. Pay particular attention to the part where Goldstone tells Trump Jr. pointblank that the woman he’s bringing from Moscow to meet him is a “Russian government attorney” and that she’ll be coming to relay information on behalf of the Kremlin.

That’s right… Goldstone says, “This is sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump,” to which Donald Trump Jr. responded, “I love it.”

I’d like to think that most folks, if faced with a hostile government offering to help sway an election, would, perhaps after a bit of agonizing, reach out and contact the FBI. Trump Jr., however, did not. The allure of illegally acquired dirt about Clinton, it would seem, was too great. Trump Jr., of course, has said that this meeting didn’t yield any dirt, which may or may not be true. What’s clear, however, is that he, Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner, all of whom were in the June 9 meeting at Trump Tower with Goldstone and Veselnitskaya, made it crystal clear that they were in the market for useful intelligence about Secretary of State Clinton, and that they were willing to work with Russia to get it. Veselnitskaya, who was interviewed earlier today in Russia, described their appetite for dirt like this… “They wanted it so badly,” she said.

So the ridiculous notion that all of this talk of collusion has been little more than “fake news” ginned up by CNN and others, has pretty much been rendered moot over the past 48 hours. We now know, by his own admission, that Donald Trump Jr. initiated a conversation with a hostile foreign government with the intention of receiving information from the RIS (Russian Intelligence Service). And we know that the Russian attorney who initiated the conversation was sent at the behest of the Kremlin, who, according to Goldstone, wanted to see Trump in power… And it would appear that, with these revelations, things are finally starting to shift within the Republican Party.

I think David French, a senior fellow at the conservative National Review Institute, summed it up quite nicely when he said the following today, in an op-ed titled, “Trump Officials Attempted to Collude With Russia.” “The Russian investigation isn’t a witch hunt anymore, if it ever was,” he said. “It’s a national necessity.” And, it would seem, other conservatives are echoing the sentiment. MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, for example, today announced that he’d officially left the Republican Party, and Tucker Carlson today got compared to the Hitler apologist Charles Lindbergh on his own FOX News show by FOX contributor Lt. Col. Ralph Peters. And, while it doesn’t look like any Republican members of Congress have yet to call for impeachment, some, like Ben Sasse, Lindsey Graham, and John McCain, are at least starting to say the right things… One just hopes their comments translate to action at some point, before it’s too late.

There’s more, I’d like to say, but it’s late, and I’m tired from having spent the evening celebrating my daughter’s 13th birthday. So, I’ll just leave you with this… It came out today that the letter Donald Trump Jr. issued yesterday, in which he essentially confessed to collusion, was actually written under the direction of his father. Given what’s been reported about Trump’s cruel treatment of his son over the years, I don’t guess it surprises me, but I’d like to think that most fathers, even the most evil ones, would draw a line at writing a “I committed treason” letter and demanding that their son sign it.

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