The weighted blanket

This year, for my birthday, Linette ordered a “weighted blanket” for me. Well, it came today, and I’m laying under it right now, struggling to fill my lungs. I can see the appeal. It’s comforting. It’s like the lead apron you have to wear at the dentist’s office when you’re having X-rays taken. I’ve yet to read up on it, but, according to Linette, it’s supposed to make me feel warm and secure, “just like a cow walking through an execution chute designed by Temple Grandin.” I’d like to stay up tonight and write more about the implosion of the Trump administration, but I’m inclined to just give in, allow it to crush me to sleep, and see if maybe there’s something to the claim that blankets like this can increase serotonin production. [I apparently produce very little serotonin, which I imagine isn’t that uncommon for people who, like me, have OCD.] OK, that’s all for now. I’ll try to report back later, unless, of course, I wake up so happy, well-adjusted and content that I just never return to the blog again.

[The above photo was taken by my son, Arlo, who likes to grab my cell phone in the morning and take photos of me as I’m working in bed.]

Posted in Mark's Life, OCD, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Stephan Miller goes full authoritarian, declares that Trump’s national security directives “will not be questioned”

How is it that I didn’t really know about Stephen Miller until today? I feel so cheated. It’s like that day, back in high school, when I heard the Ramones for the first time and thought, “The last sixteen years of my life has been a fucking waste.” Seriously, I can’t believe I’ve been wasting my time obsessing about minor league propagandists like Sean Spicer and Kellyanne Conway, when a ghoulishly dead-eyed fascist like Miller was right there behind them the whole time, just waiting to be discovered. Well, thankfully, he got his shot on the big stage yesterday, and now I’m several hundred feet down the rabbit hole, reading about the non-white kids he unfriended upon discovering conservatism, his time spent learning at the feet of Michele Bachman and Jeff Sessions, and the recent anti-Muslim legislation he’s credited with having penned. He’s absolutely diabolical, and I can’t get enough of him. [I’ve seriously been watching videos for two hours now.] If you haven’t seen it yet, you have to watch this compilation of his Sunday morning appearances that was aired on MSNBC this morning. I don’t want to give too much away, but it’s one of the more appallingly anti-democratic displays I’ve seen in the nearly half century I’ve living in this country, and that’s coming from someone who watched live as Alexander Haig attempted to claim that he was in control of the government after Reagan was shot. [Miller essentially says that the judicial branch should back the fuck off, shut the fuck up, and let Trump do what he fucking wants.]

If you watch the above video past all of the Miller clips, you’ll see former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough go off on Trump’s 31 year old policy advisor, whose presence in the West Wing, he says, demonstrates that “there are some anti-democratic tendencies in this White House.” A bewildered Scarborough went on to say, “All they had to do this morning was quietly issue a new executive order… Why did they put him out (there)? Why did they push him? Why did they have him say undemocratic things? …Are they seeing how far they can push?” He then said that every Republican in Washington, DC, if they really care about the constitution and this democracy of ours, should speak out… Thus far, I don’t think any have. So I guess the administration will continue to test their limits.

For what it’s worth, Trump liked what he saw from Miller, saying it was a “great performance.” So, not only do we have Miller spouting things that are clearly anti-democratic and authoritarian, but we know that he’s doing so with Trump’s approval.

This, for what it’s worth, is how fascist regimes are born. They aren’t just created out of thin air. The people have to acquiesce. The people have to allow checks and balances to be suspended. The people have to allow the executive to seize more power. And that’s what’s happening here. Miller is setting the stage, saying that, in order to remain safe, we need to give Trump more power than the judiciary. This is truly chilling stuff. The question is, how will we respond. Will we fight for the judicial branch, or will we allow this to continue? Will we open the door to the vampire and allow him into our home?

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Just three weeks in and we’ve already got our first Trump administration casualty… Michael Flynn resigns over illegal communications with Russia

I’m not sure how much I won, but I entered a pool a while back and chose Michael Flynn as being the first member of the administration to leave… So things are finally starting to look up, at least for me.

And, yeah, it’s being reported by the Washington Post that Trump’s embattled National Security Advisor, Michale Flynn, has resigned over revelations concerning his illegal communications with Russia.

So now how about some hearings so we can find out what Trump knew, when he knew he knew it, and whether or not there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin during the general election.

This, my friends, could very well be the beginning of the end… the first domino to fall in the chain that connects Trump to the Russian hacking campaign that helped him take the White House.

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Under DeVos, what’s to stop our tax dollars from being spent teaching children that dinosaurs coexisted with people?

Remember a few years ago when this seemingly fake forth grade quiz about human beings coexisting with dinosaurs was making the rounds? Well, it just landed on my desk again, and this time, because I desperately needed a break from watching Trump handshaking videos, I decided to do a little investigating. Well, it turns out that it wasn’t fake at all. Apparently this was really a test administered by the Blue Ridge Christian Academy in Landrum, South Carolina back in 2013. There were even news stories about it, in which the school administrator, Diana Baker, verified its authenticity, saying that she didn’t see anything wrong with it. Thankfully, the school folded soon afterward (possibly due to the fact that the son of the school’s founders apparently threatened to murder his fellow Blue Ridge Christian Academy students), but the entity that accredited the school, the Association of Christian Schools International, still exists. In fact, they were actively engaged in getting pyramid scheme billionaire turned anti-public education activist Betsy DeVos named our new Secretary of Education.

While I’m sure their effort to get DeVos into the Department of Education was largely motivated by the fact that DeVos and her husband have said that they’ve dedicated their lives to defunding secular public schools in order to “advance God’s kingdom” here on earth, I suspect that some of their enthusiasm might be a little more self-serving. DeVos has, after all, indicated that, as Secretary of Education, she would institute programs that would increasingly shift public education dollars to religious schools, which, unlike public schools, would be able to operate with little to no oversight.

So, in the not too distant future, it’s conceivable that our tax dollars could be spent on the dissemination of quizzes just like this.

It’s not quite so funny now as it was four years ago, is it?

For what it’s worth, the authenticity of the above was not only verified by the school administrator, but our old friend Ken Ham, the charlatan behind Kentucky’s Creation Museum, who said that the quiz was based on an “educational” DVD that he’d helped to create.

Speaking of Ham, do you remember that time a few years ago, when I shared a passage with you from a book that he authored which was being given away at a Kentucky Kroger? The passage in question was written by Ham in response to an imaginary kid who asked him if, like on the Flintstones, humans once used dinosaurs for transportation. Here’s Ham’s response… “It seems to me we should at least allow the possibility that some could have been tamed to help with transportation, maybe even farming, hauling heavy loads (the strong ones!), and other things. After all, some dragon legends from China tell us that dragons (dinosaurs?) were used to pull the emperor’s chariots.”

Ham, by the way, says Trump’s victory is proof that “God, Not the Media, is in Control”… So it’s best not to complain about any of this. It’s all part of God’s plan. And it’s unfolding right now in America… In fact, Ham was at Bob Jones University today, “teaching” thousands of high school students. Because, really, who needs another generation of doctors and scientists when we can have people who believe that the earth was just recently created, and that, not too long ago, people saddled up velociraptors to get from place to place?

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It looks like the intelligence community isn’t going to let us forget about Trump’s ties to Russia

As I suspect all of you know, it’s the opinion of our intelligence community that the Russian government played a role in helping Donal Trump win the presidency. That isn’t fake news. That isn’t a conspiracy theory. That’s the opinion of not one, but 17 U.S. intelligence agencies. And, toward the end of his tenure in office, President Obama, confronted by this evidence, took action against the Russians, ordering, among other things, that 35 Russian diplomats be expelled from the country and two Russian compounds in the United States be closed. Surprisingly, though, the Russians did not retaliate. And now we have a pretty good idea why…

On Friday, the Washington Post reported that Trump administration National Security Adviser Michael Flynn had been in direct contact with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, discussing the sanctions, just hours after they were announced. We know this, according to the Washington Post, because our security agencies are in the practice of intercepting the communications of Russian diplomats in the country, and, from what we’re told, they have recordings of Flynn’s calls and text messages. This is troubling for a number of reasons. First, it would appear that Flynn, the man who now heads our National Security Council, had no idea that our national security people listened in on calls made to the Russian embassy. [If he had known, he wouldn’t have denied up until this point that he’d been in communication with the Russians about these sanctions prior to Trump having been sworn in.] Second, it would appear as though Flynn, likely working on behalf of Trump, undermined the sitting President of the United States, Barack Obama, by giving the Russians the impression that the sanctions would be lifted as soon as Obama left the White House. And, third… and most importantly… it would appear as though these conversations between Kislyak and Flynn didn’t just start after Trump won the general election. No, according to the Washington Post, sources inside our intelligence agencies have confirmed that we have records of conversations taking place between the two men during the campaign, when we know that the Russians were actively working against Secretary Clinton. The only question now seems to be to what extent Trump and his team were orchestrating things. [Flynn has stopped denying that he spoke with the Russians concerning sanctions, and now just says that he doesn’t remember.]

The following comes from the Washington Post.

..The emerging details contradict public statements by incoming senior administration officials including Mike Pence, then the vice president-elect. They acknowledged only a handful of text messages and calls exchanged between Flynn and Kislyak late last year and denied that either ever raised the subject of sanctions.

“They did not discuss anything having to do with the United States’ decision to expel diplomats or impose censure against Russia,” Pence said in an interview with CBS News last month, noting that he had spoken with Flynn about the matter. Pence also made a more sweeping assertion, saying there had been no contact between members of Trump’s team and Russia during the campaign. To suggest otherwise, he said, “is to give credence to some of these bizarre rumors that have swirled around the candidacy”…

So, where do we go now that credence has been given to these “bizarre rumors”? How do we respond now that we know for certain not only that Flynn was in direct contact with the Russians prior to the election, but that he actively worked against the security interests of the U.S. government?

Well, Congressman Jerrold Nadler of New York has an idea. As the second ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, Nadler just filed what is called a “resolution of inquiry”, a seldom used parliamentary tactic, which, if successful, would force the Trump administration to share records with Congress. According to Nadler, it would also “force (a) GOP Vote on Trump’s conflicts, ethics violations, and Russia ties.”

At this point, though, I’m not even sure we need for Nadler to be successful. It seems to me that the intelligence community has decided to turn on the spigot and leak everything they know to the media before the administration can do further damage to the United States. [The Washington Post article noted above had nine sources within the intelligence community. They clearly want this out.] The following, by way of background, comes from an article in The Observer titled “Intelligence Community pushes back against a White House it considers leaky, untruthful and penetrated by the Kremlin.”

…(F)ears that the White House is too friendly to Moscow are causing close allies to curtail some of their espionage relationships with Washington—a development with grave implications for international security, particularly in the all-important realm of counterterrorism.

Now those concerns are causing problems much closer to home—in fact, inside the Beltway itself. Our Intelligence Community is so worried by the unprecedented problems of the Trump administration—not only do senior officials possess troubling ties to the Kremlin, there are nagging questions about basic competence regarding Team Trump—that it is beginning to withhold intelligence from a White House which our spies do not trust…

It probably shouldn’t be a surprise that career intelligence officers are coming out against Flynn, who was fired as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency for managerial incompetence, called for Clinton to be “locked up” during the election, and tweeted that the former Secretary of State was likely involved in a child sex ring.

And, as all of this is happening, CNN is reporting that they’ve confirmed several aspects of the 35-page intelligence dossier written by former MI6 officer Christopher Steele about Trump’s ties to Russia. When asked earlier today to comment, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer refused to engage, saying only, “We continue to be disgusted by CNN’s fake news reporting.”

I suspect this is going to be an eventful week.

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