Carole Cadwalladr on how Facebook broke democracy

Today, in front of an audience at the Time 100 Summit in New York City, Donald Trump advisor Jared Kushner downplayed Russian interference in the 2016 campaign as “a couple of Facebook ads.” The truth, of course, as we just had confirmed by the Mueller report, is that the Russian disinformation campaign was significant, aggressive and effective. And, yet, in spite of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, those in Trump’s inner circle, like his son-in-law, continue to understate the threat posed by foreign intelligence services seeking to weaponize social media in order to spread disinformation and sow chaos for their own benefit.

I could go on an extended rant at this point, but I’ve got something more productive in mind. I’d like you to watch the following TED talk, delivered about a week or so ago by UK-based journalist Carole Cadwalladr, who has spent the past several years looking into Facebook’s role in disseminating racist and misleading ads on the behalf of Russian operatives with the purpose of influencing the Brexit vote and weakening the European Union. [Remember, Russia didn’t just fuck us. They also fucked the Europeans.]

In the talk, Cadwalladr challenges the men she refers to as the “gods of Silicon Valley” to step up, get on the right side of history, and do something to ensure that free and fair elections don’t become a thing of the past. The entire speech can be seen at the bottom of this post, but here’s a short bit of it, for those of you who don’t have a full 15 minutes to invest in saving democracy as we know it.

And here’s an excerpt from the accompanying writeup on the TED site. [Kudos to TED, by the way, for booking Cadwalladr, in spite of the fact that Facebook is a sponsor of theirs.]

…“This was the biggest electoral fraud in Britain for a hundred years, in a once-in-a-generation vote that hinged on just 1 percent of the electorate,” Cadwalladr says.

Cadwalladr embarked on a complex and painstaking investigation into the ad campaigns used in the referendum. After spending months tracking down an ex-employee, Christopher Wylie, she found that a company called Cambridge Analytica “had profiled people politically in order to understand their individual fears, to better target them with Facebook ads, and it did this by illicitly harvesting the profiles of 87 million people from Facebook.”

Despite legal threats from both Cambridge Analytica and Facebook, Cadwalladr and her colleagues went public with their findings, publishing them in the Observer.

“Facebook: you were on the wrong side of history in that,” Cadwalladr says. “And you are on the wrong side of history in this. In refusing to give us the answers that we need. And that is why I am here. To address you directly. The gods of Silicon Valley; Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg and Larry Page and Sergey Brin and Jack Dorsey, and your employees and your investors, too … We are what happens to a western democracy when a hundred years of electoral laws are disrupted by technology … What the Brexit vote demonstrates is that liberal democracy is broken, and you broke it.”

Cadwalladr offers a challenge to tech companies: “It is not about left or right, or Leave or Remain, or Trump or not. It’s about whether it’s actually possible to have a free and fair election ever again. As it stands, I don’t think it is. And so my question to you is: Is this what you want? Is this how you want history to remember you? As the handmaidens to authoritarianism that is on the rise all across the world? You set out to connect people and you are refusing to acknowledge that the same technology is now driving us apart.”

And for everyone else, Cadwalladr has a call to action: “Democracy is not guaranteed, and it is not inevitable. And we have to fight. And we have to win. And we cannot let these tech companies have this unchecked power. It’s up to us: you, me and all of us. We are the ones who have to take back control”…

It’s terrifying as hell, but it’s one of the best things I’ve seen in a while. And it’s not just the content of Cadwalladr’s talk that I liked. It was the tone, and the way in which it was delivered. It didn’t fall into the left-right divide we’re all so used to these days. And, while it certainly sought to hold people accountable, the talk didn’t just demonize, but instead sought to engage people at these large social media companies — many of whom were in the room — in a conversation about the role they can and should play in helping us to safeguard our democracies from the manipulation of nefarious sources… Here, with that said, is the full video. Please watch and share with your friends.

Oh, and “just a few Facebook ads,” my ass.

[update: Please disregard the above post. Word has just came out that Jack Dorsey and Donald Trump recently held a closed-door meeting to discuss “the health of the public conversation on Twitter.” I suspect everything will get better soon.]

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Maynard-Lao Archive: Item 0001 [Light blue “Dead Dog’s Eyeball” t-shirt]

Since turning 50, I’ve been making a concerted effort to get my shit in order. I’ve started working more deliberately on this nearly 175 year old house of ours. I’ve pretty much cut bread, beer and refined sugar from my diet. And I’ve been attempting to rid myself of the possessions that I no longer need in my life, which, as someone with OCD, isn’t terribly easy. [I can always think of a reason why I might need to keep something… why my very life might depend on it.]

While I’m trying my best to rid myself of those things I no longer need, I’m not being totally draconian when it comes to eliminating the material objects that I’ve accumulated. I’m not seeking to achieve any kind of minimalist perfection. I’m just trying to be thoughtful about what I’m expending energy to keep in my orbit. And, with that in mind, I’ve decided to start a new project. I’m going to start writing a little bit about each of the items that I’ve chosen to keep, explaining why they’re important to me. [If I can’t do that, I figure, I probably shouldn’t be holding on to whatever it is.]

I should add that I’m under no illusion that my descendants will find any of these objects that I’m cataloging to be at all interesting. I fully expect that, when I’m gone, all of these boxes will be lugged to Goodwill. And I’m fine with that. I just feel as though, while I have the time and energy, it probably makes sense to write some of this history down somewhere, so that, when I am gone, my descendants can at least know why I lugged these particular things along with me through my life. Again, I know this likely won’t matter, but I would have loved to have known why my ancestors kept the things that they did, and I suspect there’s at least a slight chance that one of my descendants may share this same unusual interest in family history.

As for how I plan to archive this stuff, I’m still not sure. I’m thinking of having labels printed, which I will then number and affix to each individual item. [I mentioned that I had OCD, right?] And each number will, in turn, lead back to a row on a spreadsheet, where certain details will be outlined. And, I may, on occasion, even post some of them here, depending on how I feel. [I think this could be a more health alternative to obsessively reading the news each night and forcing myself to blog about Donald Trump’s most recent assaults on American democracy.]

So, with all that by way of background, here is the first item in the Maynard-Lao Archive.

TITLE: Light Blue “Dead Dog’s Eyeball” T-shirt
DESCRIPTION: This t-shirt was purchased at a K. McCarty concert somewhere in Atlanta between the 1994 release of her album, Dead Dog’s Eyeball, and the first session of my one-day-a-year band, The Monkey Power Trio, in August, 1995. [The album Dead Dog’s Eyeball consisted entirely Daniel Johnston covers.] This shirt is notable not just because the artwork is by Daniel Johnson, but because I apparently wore it during the recording of the Monkey Power Trio’s inaugural 7″, 1995: The First Hour. I’ve attempted to find out the date this shirt was purchased, going so far as to exchange emails with McCarty. Sadly, however, it would appear that no documentation exists about that particular tour. A photo of me wearing the shirt, just after that first Monkey Power Trio session, can be found here. [It should be noted that there were other t-shirts from this same time period that I also loved, like my Pylon “Chomp” shirt, my Daniel Johnston “Hi, how are you?” shirt, and the Akron, Ohio shirt I was wearing the night I first talked with Linette. All of them, however, disappeared about a decade ago.]

Posted in History, Mark's Life, Monkey Power Trio, OCD, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Six Takeaways from the Mueller Report

I hate to start out yet another post talking about Attorney General William Barr, but, as I’m sitting here, making my way through Robert Mueller’s incredibly dense 448-page report, I find myself with renewed appreciation for just how absurd the conceit behind Barr’s 4-page summary was. The notion that anyone could adequately sum up this report in 4 pages is just so laughably absurd. I mean, a lot of us said it at the time — cautioning the press not to give Barr’s assessment too much weight — but, when you start reading through the actual report, and think about the summary that Barr attempted to pass off if in its stead, it’s just laughable… So, with that said, I’m not going to try to summarize the report. Here, however, are a half dozen observations that I think you might find of interest.


There are a lot of White House lies outlined in the report, but here’s one of my favorite examples. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders apparently confirmed to investigators that she’d lied outright, when, after Jim Comey’s termination from the FBI, she told members of the White House press corp that “countless” FBI agents had reached out to the administration, saying that they had lost faith in his leadership. [As you’ll recall, they were trying to spin his termination as having nothing to do with the Mueller investigation and his refusal to pledge his loyalty to Trump.] Here’s the passage.

While we’re on the subject of lying, I should note that this report also verifies literally hundreds of news items that were reported by the likes of the New York Times and Washington Post, which members of the Trump administration referred to at the time as “fake news”. Here, from CNN’s Jim Sciutto, are three examples; “Trump claimed he never asked for loyalty from Comey – Mueller found he did. Trump claimed he never asked Comey to let Flynn matter go – Mueller found he did. Trump claimed he never pushed McGahn to fire Mueller – Mueller found he did.” More on McGahn in a minute. First, though, here’s video of Sanders lying to the press about how Comey had lost the confidence of the rank and file FBI.


Before the Russians came through for the Trump campaign, Trump had instructed his people to do whatever necessary in order to acquire Hillary Clinton’s emails. In one instance, Michael Flynn, having been personally directed by Donald Trump, reached out to GOP operative Peter Smith and GOP Senate Judiciary Committee staffer Barbara Ledeen, who then attempted to obtain the emails from hackers in the employ of hostile foreign intelligence services. [Ledeen worked for Senator Chuck Grassly, who was Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee at the time.] The following is from former DOJ spokesperson Matthew Miller.

Here’s a little more color from Fortune: “Ledeen eventually obtained a trove of emails from the ‘dark web’ that she believed might have belonged to Clinton, according to the report. Erik Prince, an informal Trump adviser, gave Ledeen money to hire a tech adviser to analyze the messages, which were later determined to not be authentic, according to Mueller’s report.” [So, Erik Prince financed the attempt to acquire Clinton’s emails from foreign intelligence agency hackers. Interesting, right? One now wonders if that might be why his sister, Betsy DeVos, without any real credentials to speak of, got the job running the Department of Education. It wouldn’t surprise me one bit… Oh, and Peter Smith took his own life after this episode. I’m not sure what happened to Barbara Ledeen.]

It’s also worth noting that, once it became clear that the Russians had stolen the DNC emails, and had gotten them to Julian Assange, Donald Trump apparently directed Manafort and Gates to reach out to Roger Stone to find out when they’d be released by WikiLeaks… Put a slightly different way, Donald Trump personally instructed senior members of his presidential campaign to coordinate with a Russian front organization to release stolen documents thought to be harmful to his political adversary. [Sounds worse than a consensual blowjob to me, but apparently Republicans see it differently.]


OK, remember how news broke a while back that, on August 2, 2016, just before the 2016 Republican National Convention, Trump Campaign Director Paul Manafort had handed over internal polling data to Konstantin Kilimnik, a shady Ukrainian with ties to Russian intelligence? Well, while Mueller’s investigators apparently couldn’t prove what Kilimnik did with the data, and whether it influenced the work of the Russian Internet Research Agency, which, according to investigators, “conducted social media operations targeted at large U.S. audiences with the goal of sowing discord in the U.S. political system,” we now know a little more about the conversation between the two men. Specifically, we know from Manafort associate Rick Gates that Kilimnik was told the “battleground” states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Minnesota were particularly important. As Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, by giving Trump slim victories against Clinton, essentially handed him the White House, this would seem to be an important bit of information. I mean, we now seem to know that Manafort explicitly told Kilimnik where Russian disinformation could be used to greatest effect, right? I suppose, without proof that Kilimnik couriered the data to Moscow, and gave the orders to focus on Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, there’s not enough to charge criminal conspiracy, but the pieces seem to line up.


Attorney General William Barr repeated again this morning that it was his role as the nation’s lead law enforcement officer to make the call as to whether or not Donald Trump technically committed obstruction of justice. Furthermore, he said that Mueller understood that he, as the Attorney General, would be making this call. According to the report, however, it would appear that Mueller was looking for Congress to make the call, not Barr.

“With respect to whether the President can be found to have obstructed justice by exercising his powers under Article II of the Constitution,” Mueller wrote in the report, “we concluded that Congress has the authority to prohibit a President’s corrupt use of his authority in order to protect the integrity of the administration of justice.”

And the report is rife with examples of obstruction, beginning with the firing of Jim Comey, and extending to the apparent promise of pardons. Here, on that last point, is a link to an article about how Manafort had told Gates that Trump’s personal counsel had promised that they’d be taken care of if they remained quiet.

And, then, of course, there’s all the stuff about how Donald Trump had tried to force White House counsel Don McGahn to shut down the Mueller probe.

Not only did Trump try to get McGahn to shut down the probe, but, afterward, he tried to get McGahn to swear that it had never happened. Here, with more on that particular chapter, is a clip from the ABC News coverage of the Mueller report.

…After news broke that Trump ordered McGahn to fire the special counsel, Trump pressured McGahn to deny that he had been directed to do so, even suggesting to aides that he would fire him unless he complied. Mueller concludes that there is evidence to suggest Trump acted this way to impede his investigation.

According to the report: “The President then directed [staff secretary Rob] Porter to tell McGahn to create a record to make clear that the President never directed McGahn to fire the Special Counsel. Porter thought the matter should be handled by the White House communications office, but the President said he wanted McGahn to write a letter to the file “for our records” and wanted something beyond a press statement to demonstrate that the reporting was inaccurate. The President referred to McGahn as a ‘lying bastard’ and said that he wanted a record from him. Porter recalled the President saying something to the effect of, ‘If he doesn’t write a letter, then maybe I’ll have to get rid of him’.”

Mueller concluded that “Substantial evidence indicates that in repeatedly urging McGahn to dispute that he was ordered to have the Special Counsel terminated, the President acted for the purpose of influencing McGahn’s account in order to deflect or prevent further scrutiny of the President’s conduct towards the investigation.”

In the end, it’s true that Trump’s efforts to obstruct were largely ineffective, given that many refused to do what he demanded. Sessions, for instance, didn’t un-recuse himself and shut down the special counsel’s investigation. And McGahn didn’t fire Mueller. With that said, though, these actions on the part of Trump and his people did, in Mueller’s opinion, “materially impaire” the Russia investigation. In other words, they obstructed the course of justice… And, I should add, in some instances, like with the firing of Jim Comey, Trump was actually successful in the execution of his plans to stymie the investigation. [Again, all the more reason that Congress should get involved, taking the case back from Barr.]

Here, for those of you who might be curious, are a few more examples of the President’s various attempts to stop the investigation. [Hilariously, Barr talked this morning about how supportive Trump had been of the investigation. In reality, he tried on multiple occasions to file Mueller and end the investigation. And, of course, he never agreed to testify, telling investigators what he knew of Russia’s attempts to influence the election.]


Remember how, back during the Republican National Convention in 2016, the GOP platform was somehow changed to be more Putin-friendly on the subject of Ukraine? Well, we now know, at least according to one source, that it was Donald Trump himself who made the change. Following is something that I wrote at the time, followed by a clip from the Mueller report.

Just before the Republican National Convention, the Republican party released their new platform for 2016. The New York Times called it “the most extreme Republican platform in memory.” Among other things, according to the Times, this new platform outlined positions “making no exceptions for rape or women’s health in cases of abortion; requiring the Bible to be taught in public high schools; selling coal as a ‘clean’ energy source; demanding a return of federal lands to the states; insisting that legislators use religion as a guide in lawmaking; appointing ‘family values’ judges; barring female soldiers from combat; and rejecting the need for stronger gun controls — despite the mass shootings afflicting the nation every week.” This apparently came to pass largely because Donald Trump, who would go on just a few days later to accept the party’s nomination for President, didn’t push back. With one notable exception, Trump and his team, accepted everything that was suggested without debate.

According to Talking Points Memo, “The Trump Camp was totally indifferent to the platform. So party activists were able to write one of the most conservative platforms in history. Not with Trump’s backing but because he simply didn’t care. With one big exception: Trump’s team mobilized the nominee’s traditional mix of cajoling and strong-arming on one point: changing the party platform on assistance to Ukraine against Russian military operations in eastern Ukraine.”

That’s right. They didn’t push back against any of the retrograde domestic policies, but, curiously, they insisted that proposed wording about our need to arm the Ukrainians to fight Russian and rebel forces be stricken, “contradicting the view of almost all Republican foreign policy leaders in Washington,” according to the Washington Post…

Well, now we know who made it happen. The question remains, why? Why would Trump go out of his way to do a favor for Vladimir Putin?


As for why Donald Trump would work so hard to subvert the special counsel’s investigation, I think the answer is pretty clear in this quote from Jody Hunt, then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ chief of staff. According to Hunt, when Donald Trump was told that a special counsel had been appointed, he slumped back in his chair and said, “Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m fucked.” And, it would appear, he wasn’t just upset about the prospect of losing the presidency. Donald Trump had every reason to believe that other crimes would come to the surface during the investigations, like the fact that he paid-off multiple lovers in violation of campaign finance law. Here, with more on that, is another excerpt from the report.

I know that Barr said this morning that the President’s obstruction was defensible, as Trump had his feelings hurt — seeing as how he just wanted to Make America Great Again, and a bunch of angry Democratic sore losers kept trying to investigate him unfairly for collusion — but that’s not the way the law works. Obstruction is obstruction, regardless of whether or not your feelings are hurt. And, despite what Trump and others might think, a person can still be found guilty of obstruction, even if he or she is ultimately found not-guilty of the underlying crime being covered up. And it’s not a valid argument to say, “They made me obstruct justice by being mean to me.”

Here’s Barr making the ridiculous “But He Was Frustrated” case.

For what it’s worth, a lot of people on the right are now making the same case, saying that Trump wasn’t obstructing justice so much as he was fighting back against a cruel and unjust system. In fact, Donald Trump just tweeted out the following from Fox News personality Jesse Watters. “Donald Trump was being framed (and) he fought back,” he said. “That is not Obstruction.” [Again, even if this were true, it would not be a legal defense for obstruction.]


There’s a ton that I still wanted to tell you about, like the fact that Donald Trump Jr. was apparently found to be too stupid to be arrested, but I’m going to have to call it quits for the night. Before I go, though, I just want to say two things. First, while it may be true that Robert Mueller couldn’t prove criminal conspiracy related to the Trump campaign’s involvement in the Russian hacking, I think it should be incredibly clear to anyone reading this with an open mind that there was collusion. Donald Trump wanted Clinton’s emails stolen. He openly urged the Russians to steal them. And, after the fact, once the emails had been stolen and disseminated, he lied repeatedly, saying that our national intelligence agencies were wrong, and that the Russians hadn’t been behind the hacking. As Congressman Adam Schiff said today, “Regardless of whether the obstructive acts described by Mueller was criminal or whether the litany of illicit contacts with Russia rose to the level of conspiracy, they’re dishonest, unethical, and unpatriotic. Mueller’s report is not a vindication of Trump, but a condemnation.” And, second, obstruction is against the law, and the question as to whether or not Donald Trump is guilty of having engaged in obstruction of justice should be taken up by Congress, as Mueller had intended. And we have to encourage our representatives in Congress to take up the cause. The very future of our democracy depends on it.

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The Mueller report open thread

I have absolutely nothing new to say about the Mueller report, but, as I suspect many of you will be looking for a place to start trading “OH MY GOD”s for “I TOLD YOU SO”s once it’s been released, I thought that I’d start a new thread. So, here it is…. Have fun with it.

Now I’m going to go and watch The Thin Man with a glass of scotch, in an attempt to block the insanity of our world out for a while.

Oh, before I go… if you haven’t already heard, news just broke that William Barr will once again be offering his unsolicited interpretation of the Mueller report tomorrow morning, a few hours prior to the document’s public release. That’s right, before anyone in the press has even had an opportunity to read a single page, he’ll apparently be taking one last opportunity to steer the narrative in a way that’s beneficial to the President. And, for what it’s worth, Robert Mueller, the author of the report, will not be present. So, once again, we’ll have the President’s hand-picked Attorney General — a man who got the job by condemning the Mueller investigation, and saying that, if he were Attorney General, he’d make sure that Donald Trump never faced obstruction charges — placing himself in the story to advance the Trump narrative, without any concern, it would seem, about how it might look to those of us who already question his impartiality in the matter. [And, yes, it’s a big deal that the historically independent Judicial branch has been politicized.]

Maybe I’m overthinking it, but I can’t imagine that Barr would once again put himself in this position after being so roundly criticized for denying Congressional access to the report for almost a month, cherrypicking Mueller’s materials to defend an inappropriate and premature “not guilty” verdict, and promoting conspiracy theories about a deep state spying campaign directed at the Trump campaign, but here we are. Not only did Barr hold off on the report’s release until the beginning of the Easter holiday, when members of Congress would be out of DC, but he decided to schedule the day’s events so that he’d take questions from the press prior to handing over the report, instead of afterward, when people knew what was actually in it.

Personally, I suspect the report will be redacted to hell, and we won’t get anything of value tomorrow, but, judging by the way Barr and Trump are acting, I suppose it’s possible that they’re concerned about the public response to the contents… Why else would the White House have spend the past several weeks drafting a “response” to the Mueller report, under the apparent advisement of the Attorney General? [It’s being reported today by the New York Times that “Justice Department officials have had numerous conversations with White House lawyers about the special counsel’s conclusions in recent days,” helping them to get ready with their rebuttal.] If Mueller had ‘completely exonerated’ Donald Trump, as the President has claimed, why stall on the release, conspire to draft a formal rebuttal, and keep having Barr offer his interpretations? It just doesn’t make any sense. No, they know what’s in this report, and they’re scared. They may not be afraid of any legal threat, but my sense is that they know it’ll hurt Trump politically when people see everything laid bare.

OK, I need to stop for the time being… Let me leave you, however, in the very capable hands of Representative Jerry Nadler, who apparently knows a cover-up when he sees one.

Posted in Politics, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 151 Comments

Totally Quotable Arlo: Future Lyric Edition

Arlo, pictured here a few years ago, came up to me last night and said that his head was a cage of eyeballs. He was explaining some kind imaginary armor that he’d been thinking about, and this one particular phrase stuck with me. It’s not the most profound thing he’s said to me since the last installment of Totally Quotable Arlo, but it’s something that I thought that he might later appreciate, so I decided to add it to the official archive. If nothing else, maybe he can work it into a high school poetry assignment someday, or, better yet, a metal song.

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