Maynard-Lao Archive: Item 0004 [The Monkey Power Trio’s 1995 release, “The First Hour”]

As I explained a while back, we’re currently in the process of making our way through this 180 year old home of ours, and deciding which of our possessions should remain, and which should be jettisoned into the ever-churning gyre of filth and garbage that surrounds us. Well, what follows is my justification for continuing to keep two copies of the first record put out by my one-day-a-year band, The Monkey Power Trio.

TITLE: The Monkey Power Trio’s 1995 release, “The First Hour”
DESCRIPTION: This is the second Monkey Power Trio-related entry to make its way into the official family archive. The first, as you may recall, was the t-shirt I was wearing during our first session, recorded in Brooklyn back during the summer of 1995. Well, this 7″ record, which we decided to call, “The First Hour” in recognition of the fact that we’d decided to keep doing the same thing every year, was the result of that first session, and, with its frantic pace and improvisational nature, it laid the foundation for everything that would come afterward in our catalog.

No, it’s not a great record by any stretch of the imagination, but it’s an historic artifact from a point in time that’s important to me — the exact moment when my friends and I decided not to just move away from one another and become adults, but to stay connected over time and geography, bound together by a promise meet and record one day a year until just one of us remains alive.

This 7″ single contains the MPT originals, Baby Eyes, The Theme from the Film: “Daddy, What Was Monkey Power?”, Jehovah’s Shit List, October Throughout History, Kling Kling Bang Bang Pop, and You Like-a the Cheese?.

I could go on, but everything worth saying about this first record, and how it came to be, was already been said in the exhaustive oral history about “The First Hour” I posted with my bandmates Matt Krizowsky and Dan Richardson.

[note: I had thought about including two copies of this particular artifact, with he thought being that, once I’m gone, both Clementine and Arlo should be forced to care for one. Upon further reflection, however, I decided to just put in one copy as a test to see which one of them loves me more.]

Posted in Art and Culture, Monkey Power Trio, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Saying President Trump “engaged in impeachable conduct,” Michigan’s Justin Amish becomes the first Republican member of Congress to call for the President’s removal from office

While five-term Congressman Justin Amash has long been a critic of Donald Trump’s, today is the first time, to my knowledge, that he’s gone so far as to say that the President should be forcefully removed from office. And, this tweet of his, I believe, makes him the first Republican in Congress to call for the President’s impeachment, demonstrating that even the worst of Republicans have it within their power to become heroes under the reign of Donald Trump.

As Amash, who has described himself in the past as being “the only libertarian in Congress”, has been hinting over the past several weeks about running against Trump in 2020 as an Independent, I suspect this is a calculated move on his part — an attempt to test the waters, and see how much national support he might have, if he should decide to jump into the race — but, none-the-less, even if it is a self-serving move on Amash’s part, it’s an interesting development. [I suspect it was timed to dominate the Sunday news shows.] While I doubt we’ll see any other Republicans in Congress standing up with him, and calling for impeachment, I do think this will get a lot of press, and, hopefully, it encourages a few non-elected, independent conservatives to show some backbone and come out publicly as being pro-impeachment as well.

Here, for those of you who might be interested, are Amash’s subsequent tweets that followed the one above.

For what it’s worth, I’d love to see an ideological, Ayn Rand-worshiping Tea Party Libertarian like Amash in the general election, pealing votes away from Donald Trump, so I’m all for him throwing his hat into the ring. I don’t agree with him on policy, but I respect his contempt for Donald Trump, and wish more Republicans had the courage to stand up to the President and the MAGA cultists who form his base.

Oh, and I do love that Amash refers to himself as “the only libertarian in Congress”, which is clearly a slap in the face of Rand Paul, who really does deserve to be slapped in the face [and knocked from his riding lawnmower] more often. [Amash came to Congress in the big Tea Party wave of 2010, and was a founding member of the so-called Freedom Caucus, which, over time, has moved away from its founding principles to fully embrace Donald Trump.]

update: Well, it looks like someone told The Donald.

update: Well, it looks like this move of Amash’s just got him a primary challenger in Michigan’s 3rd Congressional District.

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Alabama shows us the Republican endgame for women’s health policy

Republicans, in an attempt to see Roe v. Wade rolled back, have been aggressively working within state legislatures to pass restrictive anti-abortion laws that they know will be challenged in the courts, with the hope being that one of these cases might make its way all the way up to the Supreme Court, where the landmark 1973 decision could either be struck down once and for all, or weakened to the point of uselessness. Of all of these coordinated legislative attacks, which are now underway in over one dozen states, the one that was signed into law earlier this evening by Alabama Governor Kay Ivey is by far the worst, as it does not even make exceptions for women who have become pregnant as a result of either incest or rape. It’s so extreme, in fact, that televangelist Pat Robertson said the the Alabama legislature had “gone too far“. [I suspect he said this not because he disagreed with the bill, but because he knows how it will be greeted by the American electorate, which overwhelmingly believes that abortion rights should be protected.]

If you’re wondering how a bill like this — a bill that would force a 12 year old rape victim to carry her attacker’s child to term — could possibly make its way through the legislative process, I have 25 images that I’d like to show you… These are the 25 Republicans who voted earlier today to put this bill on Kay Ivey’s desk. As you can see, they’re all very white and male. [Alabama’s Sate Senate has 35 members. 27 are presently Republicans. Of those, 25 voted for the Human Life Protection Act, which passed 25 to 6. These are those 25 Republicans.]

One would hope that maybe, just maybe, Republican women might see this, and realize that perhaps they need to start voting for fewer white, conservative men. I doubt that will happen in any significant way, as I suspect most Republican women don’t feel as though these laws really apply to them, as they could always just send their daughters out-of-state to have their abortions performed, but I have to think that some will see this and come to their senses, especially as their college-educated adult children begin fleeing the state in droves. [What college-education young woman would remain in a state with laws like this on the books?]

In the interest of fairness, here’s an argument in favor of the legislation… Sure, this new law would sentence any doctor caught performing an abortion on a 12 year old incest victim to prison for up to 99 years, but, on the up side, it would ensure that the evidence of said incest would be preserved in the form of a human life that could be entered into evidence!

[Of course, you know the father, in this scenario, would get no where near the 99 years given to a doctor found guilty of having performed an abortion.]

There’s very little positive to say about this, as it’s completely fucking terrifying, but maybe this will swing enough Alabamans away from the Republicans in 2020 that Democratic Senator Doug Jones can squeak out a win and hold onto his seat, giving us a chance of flipping the Senate, and forcing the very evil Mitch McConnell from power… Here, speaking of Jones, is what he had to say today.

I wish I could say more, as there’s a lot more to be said, but I need to sleep. Sorry, folks.

Posted in Civil Liberties, Health, Politics, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 34 Comments

I’m endorsing Elizabeth Warren for President of the United States

My intention was to wait another year or so before calling a press conference and formally endorsing a candidate for president, but, when I saw this thread of comments today from Senator Elizabeth Warren about why she wouldn’t be following the lead of other Democratic candidates and appearing on FOX News, I decided that I’ve waited long enough. Warren, as we’ve discussed here before, continues to lead the pack on the policy front, constantly sharing new, ambitious plans on everything from how to make capitalism more accountable to how we address the student debt crisis, and I don’t see reason to hold off making an endorsement. No one else in the field, from my perspective, is even remotely close. I may not agree with her on every issue, but I love that she’s not willing to equivocate when it comes to stating her beliefs. And I admire her willingness to go absolutely anywhere (except FOX News) to talk about these big, bold, unabashedly progressive ideas of hers. She’s bright, authentic, thoughtful and driven. And we’d be lucky to have her as our president.

While a lot of people on the Democratic side are qualified for the job, Warren, I think, is uniquely positioned for the task right now, as America confronts the ramifications of unchecked corporate power and money in politics. I know there are other huge issues that we face as a country, but I can’t help but think that the biggest root cause — when you look at all of the problems that we’re facing, from rapidly increasing income inequality, to our inability to act on global warming — is the corporate stranglehold over Washington. And I don’t see anyone better equipped to take that on than Warren. She knows what needs to be done, and she knows how to talk about these issues in a way that regular Americans understand, tying everything back to the fact that an overwhelming percentage of us want the same exact things — access to quality health care, decent educations for our children, and good, middle class jobs. No one speaks to those core issues like Elizabeth Warren, and I intend to do whatever I can to make sure that more people hear what she has to say.

Now, with all of that said, here’s her Twitter thread that made me get off the sidelines.

I’m sure some of you might be thinking, “But, Mark, Donald Trump has an effective nickname for her. She can never win.” Well, to that I say, “I don’t give a fuck.” I’m not going to walk away from the best candidate in the field because a racist old man on Twitter has convinced some portion of the electorate that she’s unfit for office because, one time, decades ago, she wrote “American Indian” on a registration card for the Texas bar. [By the way, no one, to my knowledge, has been able to demonstrate that she ever sought any kind of advantage by indicating her heritage.] And, I reckon, if we could elect a president who bragged on tape about grabbing women “by the pussy” without their consent, and had unprotected anal sex with a porn star while his wife was was home with their newborn son, then maybe a women who believed members of her family in Oklahoma when they told her that they were descendants of Native American ancestors might have a fighting chance. [For what it’s worth, it did turn out that she had Native American ancestry. It just wasn’t as recent as she’d been led to believe. As I recall, her DNA test showed that she had a Native American ancestor about 7 or 8 generations back, which, as coincidence would have it, is about how far back my Native American ancestor apparently was. I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned that, but it was the one interesting revelation my DNA test came back with a few years ago.]

I suppose it’s possible that another candidate could come along and inspire me the way that Warren does… I’ve seen flashes of it here and there from people like Kamala Harris… And if someone else wins the nomination, I’ll fight like hell for them. But, as of right now, I’m all in for Warren, and I feel really good about the decision.

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“Trade wars are good, and easy to win”

Donald Trump, who, not too long ago, said “trade wars are good, and easy to win,” this past Friday announced his intention of starting a legitimate trade war with China, saying that he had given word to increase tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods to as much as 25%. Well, today, China’s Finance Ministry announced that, in response, they would be raising tariffs on a wide range of imported American goods from 10% to somewhere between 20 to 25%. This increase, according to the New York Times, “will affect the roughly $60 billion in American imports… including beer, wine, swimsuits, shirts and liquefied natural gas…

Trump, who once referred to himself as a “Tariff Man,” has repeatedly assured the American people that, if we followed him down this path, we’d be rewarded financially. Tariffs, he said, would “MAKE AMERICA RICH AGAIN.” And the down side, he said, would be minimal, as the costs of these tariffs would not be passed along to American consumers. Sadly, though, at least according to economists, he’s wrong on both counts. And the American financial markets are starting to drop as a result.

Today, U.S. financial markets had their biggest decline of 2019, with the S&P 500 dropping by 2.4%, and the Nasdaq composite index falling by 3.4%. [Who could have predicted that putting the world’s largest economy in the hands of one of America’s most thoroughly incompetent businessmen might lead to less than optimal results?]

If I were Trump, I think I’d be a little less inclined to meddle with the economy, seeing as how it’s probably the only thing standing between him and impeachment… but, what the fuck do I know.

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