“Right now we are living in an Ayn Rand novel…” -Paul Ryan

When Mitt Romney chose as his running mate an avowed acolyte of the serial killer-loving philosopher Ayn Rand, he ensured that the controversial libertarian author would factor significantly in this Presidential race. Here, if you aren’t familiar with her work, are two videos that will bring you up to speed on Rand, who famously referred to altruism as a “basic evil,” and how her “moral philosophy” of individualism over all else, has guided the work of Paul Ryan.

It’s worth noting that Ayn Rand, who consistently referred to those receiving government assistance as “looters” and “moochers,” secretly took advantage of both Medicare and Social Security later in life. And, much like his hypocritical idol, Paul Ryan, who is now known for his efforts to dismantle social programs, payed his way through college with the Social Security survivor benefits that he collected from the government when his father passed away. It would seem, I guess, that a social safety net is OK in some instances… like when it’s employed to assist white, middle class conservatives.

update:Our friend Doug Skinner had the following to add:

Here, if you’re curious, is an appreciation of Rand from the Church of Satan. They do point out, though, that although they share Rand’s values of reason, greed, selfishness, and atheism, they’re not as dogmatic. Apparently, Satanists see Rand as someone who takes those Satanic values too far.

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In hopes of salvaging the weekend news cycle, Romney, just moments ago, announced Tea Party favorite Paul Ryan as his running mate

A few days ago, as you may have heard, Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul went off-script while trying to make the case that her boss is a real human being, with… you know… a heart. She reminded Fox News viewers that Romney was responsible for bringing universal health care to the the people of Massachusetts when he served as Governor. While, in a sane world, that would have been a great point to bring up, in today’s through the looking glass world of Republican politics, what she said was greeted with blood-curdling screams. (Given the vitriol directed at Saul, you’d have thought that she’d revealed something truly terrible, like that Romney had systematic outsourced thousands of American jobs to India and China, while at the head of Bain Capital.) And the campaign has been in a tailspin ever since. Well, in an attempt to contain the damage, and change the course of the weekend news cycle, Mitt Romney, early this morning, announced that Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan would be his running mate. The following comes from Talking Points Memo.

Via smartphone app Saturday morning, GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney announced he’s selected Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) to be his running mate.

In a later press release, the Romney campaign named the two men “America’s comeback team.” News of the Romney pick leaked late Friday night, ahead of Ryan and Romney’s first appearance as running mates in Norfolk, VA Saturday morning.

Ryan, and the budget plan that has come to define him as a politician, offer the ticket serious risks and rewards: Ryan can galvanize conservatives and offer a substantive alternative to President Obama’s vision for improving the economy, but that vision involves enormous tax cuts focused on the wealthy — a fact that could cement Romney in the minds of voters as the rich man’s candidate.

Ryan is a staunch conservative and one of the most high-profile Republicans in Congress. As chairman of the House Budget Committee, Ryan is the architect of the party’s contentious policy platform, which includes radical restructuring of popular programs like Medicare and the eventual eradication of some of the government’s key functions.

Ryan represents the Wisconsin’s 1st District — a region that includes the small city of Janesville, where Ryan was born and raised. An Ayn Rand acolyte, Ryan worked as an aide for Sens. Bob Kasten (R-WI), Sam Brownback (R-KS) and for GOP vice presidential nominee Jack Kemp, whom he identifies as one of his professional role models. He was first elected to public office in 1998, when he was only 28 years old.

Though he’s now identified as the GOP’s small government standard-bearer, Ryan rose through the ranks of the House GOP conference supporting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, an unfunded Medicare prescription drug benefit and TARP, the 2008 bank-bailout bill…

Here, if you’re interested in knowing more about Ryan, is some great footage of him being booed by his constituents for proposing that social programs be eliminated in order to make further tax cuts for the wealthy possible.

It’s also worth noting that Ryan, who now crusades against Social Security, paid his tuition at Miami of Ohio using the Social Security survivor’s benefits he received after his father passed away. (How’s that for hypocrisy?)

And then there’s this, from Esquire.

One day, some years from now, I’m going to figure out how Paul Ryan, the zombie-eyed granny-starver from Wisconsin, managed to fool so many people for so long. He’s a garden-variety supply-side faker. His alleged economic “wonkery” consists of a B.A. in economics from Miami of Ohio — which he would not have been able to achieve without my generosity in helping him out with the Social Security survivor’s benefits that got him through high school after his father kicked. (You’re welcome, zombie-eyed granny-starver. Think nothing of it. Really.) Whereupon he went to work in Washington for a variety of conservative congresscritters and think-tanks, thinking unremarkable thoughts for fairly unremarkable people. Once in Congress, however, he has been transformed into an intellectual giant despite the fact that, every time he comes up with another “budget,” actual economists get a look at it and determine, yet again, that between “What We Should Do” and “Great Things That Will Happen When We Do” is a wilderness of dreamy nonsense, wishful thinking, and an asterisk the size of Lake Huron. At which point, Republicans who’d like to have careers in five years take to hiding behind the drapes when he comes down the hall. Then, a few months later, he’s at it again. And even some putatively liberal commentators shrug and tell themselves that, at least, Paul Ryan is a Serious Person. He gets credit for sincerely wanting to “reform” entitlements, when his entire career makes it quite plain that he doesn’t believe in the concept of entitlements, let alone the ones we actually have. He gets a pass on obvious mendacity that none of us would buy from, say, Herman Cain. (In a way, it’s not dissimilar to all those valentines to the mighty intellect of Newt Gingrich that we read back in the early 1990’s, until everybody figured out that Newt’s default position on almost everything was being a thoroughgoing creep.) Outside of the very real possibility that it’s all being done to give Paul Krugman a stroke, I don’t get it…

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Hobnobbing with Mark Maynard makes Metromode’s “10 Things To Do In Metro Detroit Before Summer Ends” list

Earlier today, the folks at Metromode released their top 10 list of things to do in metro Detroit before the end of summer. And, there, right alongside the Northville Victorian Festival and Wyandotte’s citywide garage sale, for some inexplicable reason, was the MarkMaynard.com 10th anniversary party. Here’s what they had to say.

Celebrate MarkMaynard.com’s 10th anniversary party at Woodruff’s:

If you’re interested in Michigan politics and culture and have yet to visit Mark Maynard’s blog, you might want to take a look. The Ypsilanti resident’s posts range from local, state, and national politics to arts and entertainment, and his bitingly intelligent style places him among our finest local writers. Maynard’s now been in the blogging game ten years, and he’s celebrating the occasion with an anniversary party at Woodruff’s in Ypsi. The event features a set by hard-rocking minimalists Minus 9. Although Maynard’s keeping the evening’s other festivities under wraps, it’s a great opportunity to hobnob with Maynard and other local luminaries while supporting a good cause; the $5 cover fee goes to FLY Children’s Art Center. The party starts September 8 at 7:00 PM.

Sadly, the praise was offset by the fact that the article was accompanied by a photo of the moist, bloated shell that I currently inhabit… And, no, I don’t travel around with a giant “.COM” that I insist on setting up next to me whenever I settle my ass down onto a barstool. That was the idea of the talented young photographer Dave Lewinski, who was assigned the herculean task of making me seem interesting. (Among other things, it looks as though he used a filter that turned my shirt to denim.)

Oh, and in addition to listing our upcoming 10th anniversary party, the folks at Metromode also mentioned the Bike Ypsi-sponsored Taco Tour, which is set to begin, here in Ypsi, at 1:00 PM on September 16.

Posted in Detroit, Mark's Life, Media, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , | 8 Comments

25 Suaves emerge from retirement to play the MarkMaynard.com 10th anniversary party

The negotiations are complete. 25 Suaves… who now wish to be referred to simply as 25… will be coming out of retirement to play the MarkMaynard.com 10th anniversary party on Saturday, September 8. When, earlier this evening, I asked Mr. Velocity Hopkins if he and DJ Party Girl would be in any condition to perform after over a half a dozen years in exile, he responded by sending the photo to the right. Rehearsal, it would seem, has had already begun.

While there will be other big announcements in the days to come, as of right now, there are only two bands on the bill that I am at liberty to talk about: 25 and Minus9… I’m tempted to bill them together as “16”, but I don’t think that anyone would get it.

Posted in Art and Culture, Mark's Life, Site Admin, Ypsilanti | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

As no one from the press has contacted me, and as no lobbyists have dropped by with expensive gifts, I’m going to assume that Stabenow beat me in the primary

This was sent in yesterday by an anonymous reader… who apparently doesn’t have a very high opinion of Debbie Stabenow.

Speaking of Stabenow, as we all seem to have problems with her, why don’t we find a credible progressive candidate to run against her? Is she really so powerful that no one can beat her, or is it just that we don’t have any truly progressive candidates in this state that are worth a damn?

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