collin brings the visuals

Yesterday, I linked to a photo taken by my friend Jeff of a pile of pink flamingos stacked up in someones front yard. According to Jeff, in Olyphant, Pennsylvania, this is a common occurrence… It apparently has something to do with the intermingling of organized-crime and organized-religion.

According to Jeffs wife, Toney, if you dont tithe enough to your church, fellow parishioners fill your yard full of flamingo corpses. It’s like a modern, white trash version of the Scarlet Letter.

Anyway, in my post I suggested that the scene looked like a flamingo version of the Jonestown massacre. I said that the only thing that was missing was a slumped-over flamingo on a throne up front, next to a bucket of Kool-Aid Well, I just received the following image from Collin.

Isnt that cool? (OK, maybe “cool” isn’t the right word, but it’s it great that Collin could produce something like that?)

This is the coolest thing about having, the fact that, on occasion, people are compelled to contribute really interesting work.

I think its safe to say that Collin wins the prestigious “Reader of the Week” title… (Thereby giving him immunity during this week’s vote.)

I need to go now and watch the new episode of 24. If I dont have a chance to talk with you again before the holiday, I hope you and your family have a happy, healthy and terror-free Thanksgiving.

Oh, before I go, heres a story about Neil Bush having sex with hookers and selling access to his brothers administration.

And here’s a story about congress voting to expand the powers of the Patriot Act through an underhanded maneuver.

I’m sorry, but I had to sneak those things in. You’re probably immune to it now anyway though. I am. There’s so much going on that it’s hard to stay focused… Does anyone remember the “Plame affair” anymore? How about the 16 words from the President’s State of the Union address on Iraq’s quest for uranium in Niger? What about the 2,000 election? Fuck, it’s just absolutely overwhelming.

In spite of all that though, we truly have a lot to be thankful for. Its hard to keep that in mind sometimes, but its true. America is still the greatest country in the world, and the course we’re on isn’t necessarily set in stone. A new course can be set.

With that, I must leave you for my old friend Tivo.

Happy holidays.

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