chelsea has a secret talent

I just found out that one of our readers, Ms. Chelsea Lowe, has a super power. She is a whiz at anagrams. Shes more than just a whiz. Shes got a scary ability It kind of freaks me out.

Chelsea mentioned to me the other day that she was working on anagrams for “Osama Bin Laden.” I was expecting that she might have gotten one or two, maybe three if she was lucky. When I got the following list, I was amazed!

A demon’s in a lab
And so, lima bean
O damn — a lesbian!
I am no sandal be
Blonde as mania
Abandon a smile
A lemon basin ad
An albino’s made
A ban: no damsel, I.
A bad sin, a melon
A mole’s in a band
O, a mane is bland
O, I am land’s bane
A son, a mandible
Bond-sale mania
A nomad in sable
O, a damnable sin
As in, a bad lemon
Manna, soda, bile
Non-biased lama
O, lad, be a man: sin!
Able onanism ad
And as I amble on. . .
I am a noble sand
A mail-ban’s done
One sad mail-ban
An old, mean bias
O, a man is a blend
Idea: salmon ban

29! She came up with 29 prhases from the name “Osama bin Laden.” Am I the only one that finds that shocking? I might as well have just seen a friend walk though a wall or levitate an egg across a room.

My favorite is a nomad in sable. I just think that’s brilliant. If I were Bin Laden, I’d use that on my business cards.

Now, as I sit here, the wheels in my head are beginning to spin. How, I wonder, can we use this talent of Chelsea’s to our advantage?

My first thought is to see what she can do with Mark Alan Maynard. Theres got to be something more challenging, and interesting than that though. How about John Ascroft, or “George Miserable Failure Bush“? Ill have to give it some more thought. Let me know if you have any ideas.

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