the shit is fast approaching the fan

The Washington Post reports today that the justice department is calling for an official inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the fact that several DC-area journalists were contacted by White House insiders some months ago with classified information about the wife of former U.S. ambassador Joe Willson. According to the stories circulating around Washington, up to eight different journalists were contacted by the White House with the information that Joe Willsons wife was a CIA operative. This leak, which endangered the lives of Joe Willsons wife, as well as her contacts abroad, was made shortly after Willson disclosed to the press that the Bush administration was well aware of the fact that the Iraqis had not tried to acquire yellowcake uranium from Africa, a claim that Bush had used on several occasions to build support for the war.

So, what were left with is the mighty strong impression that someone in the White House violated several laws by disclosing that Willsons wife was a CIA operative, and that they did so for the sole reason of retaliating against Willson. So, the justice department has apparently found enough in the way of corroborating evidence to call for an official inquiry into who did what and when.

According to the Washington Post, a senior official in the White House is confirming that these things did in fact take place. And some speculation says it could go all the way up to Karl Rove.

Lest you not think that this is a big deal, heres a political science professor from the University of Chicago that may jump political parties because of it. Heres a quote:

Let me make this as plain as possible — I was an unpaid advisor for the Bush-Cheney 2000 campaign, and I know and respect some high-ranking people in the administration. And none of that changes the following: if George W. Bush knew about or condoned this kind of White House activity, I wouldn’t just vote against him in 2004 — I’d want to see him impeached. Straight away.

My hope is that the American press grows some balls and follows up on the this story as aggressively as they did our former Presidents unfortunate ejaculation onto his intern As you may recall, a few months ago people in the press began asking questions about Bushs case for war. Do you remember the debate concerning the 16 words in Bushs State of the Union address? Well, the attention span of the American people didnt sustain it. The press moved on to the killing of Saddams sons, and we let them do it. My hope is that were not so easily distracted this time.

Hopefully, the finding of old Bone Cheek in the Potomac wont bump this story off the front page.

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