puppy daycare

Linette and I agreed to puppy-sit while our friends Chris and Julie are in Chicago. Their dog, Kelly, is six just weeks old. She, like our dog, Freeda, is some kind of pit-bull lab mix. Shes cute. for the most part.

Kelly has been running around constantly, gnashing her razor-sharp little teeth this morning and chewing up everything that’ll come close to fitting in her mouth. Theres this thing she does, and I wanted to get a photo, but I couldnt. She kind of launches herself up a foot or so into the air and latches onto the loose meat that hangs down at the bottom of Freedas face. She flies up, latches on with those sharp, little teeth and then just swings by Freedas jowls. Freeda screams and begins to snap her head from side to side until the much smaller dog goes somersaulting through the air. Linette, in the other room working on a design project, is playing the White Stripes all this time and the whole thing plays like a well-orchestrated music video. I feel bad for Freeda, but its a neat thing to behold.

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