The President of the United States is unwell

Apparently, it wasn’t enough for Donald Trump to tell the American people that he could remember five words in a row, draw the hands on a clock, and identify an elephant. Today, in hopes of reassuring voters that he’s not suffering from a serious cognitive impairment, he came out and publicly announced that, contrary to what we might have heard, his recent trip to Walter Reed Medical Center was not due to his having suffered “a series of mini-strokes.” [He said this repeatedly over the course of the day.] This, I suspect, may have been a good strategy, had it been followed by something like an in-depth interview in which Donald Trump came across as being at the top of his game. Unfortunately for the President, though, that’s not what happened. No, his announcement about not having succumb to a series of debilitating strokes was followed by the mass sharing of a long, rambling presidential statement about the threat posed by anarchists armed with soup. [The video was apparently shot a month or so ago, but it just started making the rounds this afternoon.]

Over the past few days, Donald Trump has made several statements that have made people question whether or not he’s suffering from cognitive decline. Here he is, for instance, comparing police who shoot unarmed civilians to golfers who miss putts. [Even Laura Ingraham, as you can see is this video, recognizes his response as being absolutely, fucking crazy.] Personally, I just think this is who he is — someone who equates the taking of a human life with a bad day on the golf course — but I suppose it’s possible that something else is at play. I don’t know that it matters all that much. There are ample reasons not to support Donald Trump. In fact, cognitive decline probably wouldn’t even make my top-ten list. But, as he spent all day talking about “mini-strokes,” I thought that I should at least offer it up for conversation.

[For those of you keeping track at home, yes, Donald Trump has defended his supporters bringing assault weapons to Black Lives Matter protests, and even shooting at protesters with paintball guns. Apparently, however, he draws the line at soup.]

Or then there’s this exchange, during which Donald Trump says that “people in the dark shadows… who control the streets” are pulling Biden’s strings. He, of course, offers no real evidence of this. Instead, he suggests that people in “black uniforms” have been seen on planes. [There’s been no word as to whether or not these shadowy individuals have been carrying cans of soup.]

I know you know this, but the President of the United States is unwell, weak and ineffective.

Here, for those of you too young to remember what a real, non-delusional president sounds like, is a new ad just put out by the Biden campaign, which is set to start running here in Michigan shortly. [Assuming it was produced by the soup-throwing, shadowy figures who control the streets, I think they’re doing a pretty good job.]

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