where to buy land

Let’s say you were a paranoid type, and thought that the end of American civilization as we know it might be at hand… Where would you want to be, geographically speaking, when the shit hits the fan? (Be sure to factor in the effects of global warming, the inevitable collapse of our oil-based economy, the availability of water and other resources, relevant regional history, political/religious landscape, etc.) I have my answer, but I’m curious as to what you think. Here, to help facilitate our conversation, is a map of the United States (in case you decide to stay somewhere within its borders).

Posted in Mark's Life | 26 Comments

you post for a change

I had a lot that I wanted to say tonight, but my computer’s totally fucked, so I’m going upstairs to read… If it’s not too much to ask just this once, would you mind entertaining each other today? I’ll try to come back tomorrow.

Posted in Mark's Life | 4 Comments

christian soldiers marching into war

All the “Justice Sunday” video is now up…. Watch and be amazed. (I particularly liked Bill Frist calling for “more civility” in Washington. Absolutely, fucking, amazing. And his spin on this whole thing is just awe inspiring… After you watch the Frist video, do me a favor and click over to the comments by Atrios.)

Posted in Church and State | 2 Comments

caring about the integrity of our democracy is not un-christian

I knew a religious war was coming, I just didn’t think that it was going to be fought between Americans…

Here, by way of evidence, are a few quotes from the American Prospect on the subject of the “Justice Sunday” event that I mentioned yesterday, which, by the way, just started a half-hour ago… Right now, things should be building to a boiling, righteous rage.

The fight over the Senate confirmation of President George W. Bush’s most conservative judicial nominees is about to take an ugly turn, as the administration’s supporters in the religious right prepare an organized campaign to accuse Democrats of being biased against Christians.

For several years now, in the right’s rhetoric against Democrats who have threatened to filibuster judicial nominees, there has been an undercurrent that hinted at an anti-Christian bias. But at a conference on the judiciary last week, sponsored by the Judeo-Christian Council for Constitutional Restoration (JCCCR), the movement began to take a more menacing form.

In a speech laced with claims that the federal courts, and the Supreme Court in particular, have “systematically attacked Christianity,” Family Research Council president Tony Perkins announced the launch of a new campaign by the right to turn the confirmation battle into a religious war against the “anti-Christian left.”…

The next day, the onslaught on Capitol Hill is set to begin. Perkins said, “We are going to hold our fire [until April 24 — “Justice Sunday”], and then we begin to just pound the United States Senate with phone calls and faxes, telling them to stop filibustering people of faith and vote up or down on the president’s judicial nominees. We have got to get the Christians of this country — people of faith — to understand that this is an issue; this is a battle they cannot miss.”

In case you’re interested, there’s a running commentary on “Justice Sunday” going on at the Daily Kos site… And this guy says he’ll have video clips up later tonight.

Posted in Church and State | Leave a comment

fucking michigan

It dropped from 83 degrees to 29 in a span of about four days and I’m sitting here, in two sweaters, thinking about lighting a fire, and trying to remember why in the fuck we keep deciding to move back here… And that (to the right) is a photo of a snow-covered tulip that I snapped this morning as I made my way across town to scavenge for food and things that I could burn for heat.

Posted in Ypsilanti | 15 Comments


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