we love you, please dont kill us

I just happened across a nice little news item about an 11 year old being held by authorities after his plot to commit murder was exposed and it has me panicking about this baby that Linette and I have coming to live with us in a few weeks. I know its probably really unrealistic, but I suppose theres always a slight chance, however remote it might be, that this child will one day turn on us Im going to try not to dwell on this possibility Heres a clip from the story, in case youre interested:

The father of the older boy told a Mohave County Superior Court judge that he and his wife can’t control him and are terrified of the youngster. The man told the judge his wife takes a phone into the shower for fear that her son will attack her with a bat, golf club or knife.

Id much prefer to keep the image of my son or daughter bathing me and feeding me ice cream in my old age in the forefront of my mind, but this idea is so much more horrific, and thus attractive to the mind of a person with OCD who likes to dwell on worst case scenarios.

The good news is, since Ive been thinking about being murdered by my son or daughter, I havent thought much at all about the fact that nearly half of the ties worn by medical workers harbor bacteria which could cause disease.

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