el pero est roja

Linette and I just found out from some of our friends that theyre considering a move to Mexico. According to them, theres a mass exodus taking place from the United States thats just not being covered in the mainstream media. Either I heard wrong, or they were saying that as many as eight to nine percent of Americans between the ages of 25 and 35 had already left.

If someone can verify this, please let me know. I dont want for Linette and I to be the last sane people left at the party… (stuck chatting with fundamentalist Christians about the Left Behind series and Janet Jackson’s evil nipple)…

While I can certainly believe that theres a growing trend in the direction of American ex-patriotism, I find it hard to believe that it could be anywhere near the level suggested by our friends. I cant imagine that eight to nine percent of Americans between the ages of 25 and 35 would have the economic wherewithal to even consider it. I mean, youd have to be either wealthy to begin with or have a fairly secure income stream that could extend across notional boundaries. While Im sure that some computer programmers could pull it off, I dont think that it would work for most people. Most people, as much as they might want out from under this teetering American empire of ours, just arent willing to compete for low-wage factory jobs in Mexico that have no healthcare benefits.

So, this is what Im thinking about tonight. Im thinking about being left behind as all the like-minded people scurry away.

My friend Doug just sent me an email that didnt help matters much. His email was short. It just told me to run a Google search on “Constitution Restoration Act” + “Dominionist.”

Well, I did what he suggested and heres a clip from one of the articles I found:

On January 6, 2004, the Yurica Report published America Stands on the Edge of a Grave Constitutional Crisis Linked to Pat Robertson. In that article we reported that televangelist Pat Robertson devised a number of ways of limiting the power of the U.S. Supreme Court and the federal courts of America. To quote from the article, Robertson said as early as March 24, 1986, Congress could say, Theres a whole class of cases you cant hear and theres nobody can do anything about it!

On February 11, 2004, we published The Despoiling of America by Katherine Yurica. To quote Robertson from this article, Gods plan is for His people, ladies and gentlemen to take dominionto reign and ruleTherell be a reformation.We are not going to stand for those coercive utopians in the Supreme Court and in Washington ruling over us any more. Were not gonna stand for it. We are going to say, We want freedom in this country, and we want power

Both these articles reported a crisis in our government and revealed the plan of the far right Dominionists who control Congress to reconstruct our constitution and restore it to subservience to a theocratic religion under God and under biblical law. It is the first step in a series of steps to take over and control the government of the United States of America as outlined in The Despoiling of America.

Now Im sitting here, in the dark, reading articles like this one about the religious right in America and their plan to shut down the Supreme Court with this Constitution Restoration Act. (Apparently, Justice Roy Lets Sneak an Enormous Ten Commandments Statue into the Alabama Statehouse Moore is involved, in addition to Pat Lets Pray for the Liberal Supreme Court Justices to Die Robertson.)

Of course, you tell yourself, something like this could never actually happen in America but, at the same time, its probably not a bad time to start learning Spanish.

whats the weather like in mexico city, i wonder
I know its unlikely that something like this would pass but heres a link to the official announcement from the office of Alabama Congressman Robert Aderholt on his introduction of legislation (H.R. 3799), the Constitution Restoration Act. According to this announcement, drafted by Aderholt, Moore and others, this legislation would, requiring the federal courts to operate within the jurisdiction given to them by the United States Constitution as it pertains to the public acknowledgment of God as the sovereign source of law, liberty, and government. (This would essentially invalidate the Supreme Court and make the United States a theocracy.)

I wonder how you say, “Do you have any work for a day laborer?” in Spanish.

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