mothman lure

I just received the following note from a reader named Ken. He was in Las Vegas last week for a conference and he had this insect observation to share.

The Mandalay Bay, even with all its luxury, has a major moth problem. I couldn’t believer how they were everywhere you looked. Not in swarms or anything but you could see clusters of them here and there. They would fly in front of the screen at the presentations that I went to. I thought it very strange. I was starting to think that this was a biblical plague being released on sin city in slow motion. Swarms of moths would infest all of the casinos and people would stop coming for fear of other deadly plagues. A couple of days later, this guy told me that the light in the top of the Luxor hotel is what is attracting all of the critters. It is the strongest light in the world, apparently and every moth for miles around has found it. When I got home, I did a quick search and did find a reference to this, but the source went on further to say that the moths in turn bring the bats and at any given time during the night, you can look up at the Luxor and see swarms of bats chowing down on the moths. Coincidence? I think not. Perhaps the second plague? Maybe.

This story made me think of my friend Doug, his friend Keel, and Keels acquaintance the Mothman. I wonder if the Mothman could be lured in with the most powerful light in the world. If Im fortunate enough to meet Keel when Im in New York next week, Ill ask him.

As for the big light on the Luxor, I guess it hasnt occurred to anyone to attach the worlds biggest bug zapper. They could kill all the bugs in the state. Theyd fly in, get zapped, and then slide down the sides of the Lurox pyramid, where a bulldozer could scoop them up and push them away.

The whole place looks evil to me. It looks like a beacon for evil.

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