garth brooks, lou reed and the hilton sisters

I just found out that a good friend of country music sensation Garth Brooks (you might know him better as the dark, brooding Chris Gains) listened to some of my bands songs and then compared them to the work of Lou Reed, which is odd for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that my voice sounds nothing like that of Lou Reed and my bands songs are dashed out in minutes, not crafted over time like pieces of art. My bands songs are like sneezes. Theres no planning, theres just a buildup in your head and then achoooo. Lou Reed is an artist. He thinks about things before he opens up his mouth.

At any rate, I thought that it was worth mentioning. Its also interesting because, before I even heard this news, I had been thinking about Lou Reed in the context of my band. This afternoon, as I was jogging, I was thinking about the possibility of him producing one of my bands records.

I was just jogging along and daydreaming, as I often do, when it occurred to me that it would be neat if Lou Reed just appeared in front of me, there in the woods. (I jog in the woods.) I kind of let it play out in my head from that point. I cant remember all the details, but I remember telling him that I knew his Velvet Underground band-mate Moe Tucker. He, I think trying to test me, asked me what her phone number was. I told him that I didnt have it memorized, but that I could have Linette find it in our filing cabinet if I could borrow his cell phone. It kind of went on from there. At then end the little film that was playing in my head, my band was in Lou Reeds house. (He lived in an A-frame house in New York State.) I think that Laurie Anderson might have been there somewhere too. I think I could hear her messing around in the kitchen or something. (I knew she was there, but didnt see her.) I remember thinking, If I do see her, I bet shes wearing a white suit.

Jogging is where I do all of my dreaming.

Today, while jogging, I also thought that Id like to call my bands next record, The Monkey Power Trio Meets the Hilton Sisters. I really like the way that sounds and Id love to do the cover art for it.

I had lots of other thoughts too, but I cant remember them. I dont jog with a tape recorder or a pen. I should, but I dont.

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