Wet Seal closes stores without notice, screws employees, gives CFO a $95,000 raise

With the holiday shopping season now behind us, the struggling clothing retailer Wet Seal made a move this weekend to quietly close several of their stores. They did so with practically no notice, leaving many of their long-time employees without jobs, and no way to pay their bills. These employees, understandably, are none too pleased. Not only did they go to their places of employment expecting to work this weekend, only to find they no longer had jobs, but they also learned that Wet Seal Chief Financial Officer Thomas Hillebrandt would be receiving a $95,000 raise for having orchestrated this move, bringing his annual salary to $350,000. And, as you might expect, they responded. In several of these closed stores this weekend, you could see messages like the four below, which were left in store windows in Dayton, Ohio, Seattle, Washington, Dublin, Ohio, and Birmingham, Alabama respectively.





Employees had been told not to worry. They were encouraged not to look for other jobs. They were told that their stores were doing OK. When asked why their merchandise wasn’t being replenished, they were told not to be concerned, that new product would be coming. From an outside perspective, though, it seemed pretty obvious. The company had eliminated 78 jobs in October in efforts to cut costs, and they were still losing money hand over fist due to mismanagement. According to Bloomberg, the company had lost “more than $150 million over the past two years and is projected to lose an additional $88 million in the current fiscal year.” And their stock price, in less than one year’s time, had dropped from close to $3 per share to less than 7 cents. And, to make matters even worse, the money that they’d borrowed to stay afloat was past due. In September, the company had defaulted on a $27 million senior convertible note held by Hudson Bay Master Fund Ltd. They were able to renegotiate, but, as I understand it, they only had until January 12 to make good on their obligations or face liquidation. It’s difficult to know what the rank and file employees knew of the situation, but it sounds as though they were assured, up until the point their stores were closed, that their jobs were secure.

The following comment comes from someone on Reddit claiming to have been an employee up until this weekend.

Yeah I was manager at one of the closing Wet Seal stores. They lied to all of us through the holiday season, saying that we were low on stock because they were remerchandising for spring.

Friday there was a conference call where they told my entire district that they were closing us down. Our (District Manager) has over ten years with this company and they basically shit on her, she was crying on the call and it made me want to punch something. They made me fire my sales associates on Saturday. Not a lick of notice for anyone.

Wet Seal is a bunch of lying-ass scumsuckers and I hope they all rot for what they’ve done to us…

Yeah, we were all kind of suspicious about it but every time we asked questions they were very reassuring and kept talking about all of the cute new stuff we were going to be getting.

I don’t know, I guess we all wanted to believe that they wouldn’t fire us all without warning. Corporate liked to talk a lot of shit about what an awesome team/family everyone was, but they were pretty quick to just dump us when it was convenient for them.

Also, according to a number of people who lost their jobs, they had been told prior to this weekend that, given the holiday, they could not use their accrued vacation time. So, even if employees had a sense that bad things were happening, they couldn’t use the vacation time they’d earned in accordance with the terms of their employment. That money, unless there’s a law suit of some kind, is now just lost to them forever.

Having lived through a similar experience in the late ’90s, when I was working for a startup in Los Angeles, my heart goes out to these people. (My coworkers and I showed up to our office one morning to be met by an accountant and a handful of armed guards, who watched us as we cleaned out our offices, then picked through our personal effects to make sure we weren’t leaving with anything owned by the company, and escorted us off the property.) While I can see, from the employer’s perspective, why you might not want to let people know what was happening in advance, for fear that employees might stop caring about their work, begin looking for other jobs, start stealing merchandise, or any number of other things, I don’t see how you can treat people this way and not lose some of what makes you human. These are people who fought for you, and gave their lives to your company. They came in and worked their asses off for you, and, in return, you want to shamelessly lie to them, and then rob them off their remaining vacation days? That, to me, is unconscionable. I’d sooner throw myself off a cliff than do that to anyone.

I just called the local Wet Seal at Briarwood Mall, and it appears as though they’ve avoided the axe, at least for the time being. I’d like to say we should boycott them, but, as I suspect that none of you shop there, I won’t waste our time. It’s probably also true that, at this point, a boycott would probably hurt the local employees more than it would the folks in California who set all of this in motion. Here’s an idea, though… If you’re a business owner, and you could use a few employees, why not go to the Briarwood Wet Seal and interview a few of their folks. I’m sure they would love to be able to walk away from the sinking ship that they’re on, and I’d love to see them leave together, closing up the store to take new, better jobs… And, while you’re at it, why not stop by few other stores at Briarwood and suggest that they unionize before what happens to the folks at Wet Seal happens to them. [#ForgetWetSeal, #BoycottWetSeal]

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  1. Posted January 5, 2015 at 7:39 pm | Permalink

    I like the idea of all the Briarwood employees walking out, forcing Thomas Hillebrandt to fly in to and fold poorly-made shirts for a while.

  2. Posted January 5, 2015 at 8:08 pm | Permalink

    One last thing… The truly disgusting thing about this is that these folks didn’t just get fired, but they got fired after busting their asses to make it though the holidays. Having worked in retail for a number of years, I know just how bad it can be during the holiday season, and I cannot even begin to imagine how betrayed one would feel if, right on the other end of it, they were rewarded by finding a closed store waiting for them.

  3. Meta
    Posted January 5, 2015 at 8:21 pm | Permalink

    In related news, the minimum wage was raised this week in 20 states, and it’s still not enough to live on.

    On New Year’s Day, minimum wage increased in 20 states. More states will bump pay later this year. The first round of hikes will expand paychecks by as much as $1.25 an hour, fattening the wallets of about 3.1 million Americans, according to the Economic Policy Institute. (Peruse Wonkblog or work by our labor reporter Lydia DePillis for more details about how the pay bumps could impact your state.)

    Economically, the verdict is mixed on minimum wage: Supporters paint the raises as an economic stimulus, a way to reduce poverty; detractors worry budget-strained employers will be forced to cut jobs. (Read Tina Griego on Santa Fe’s experience with raising the minimum wage.)

    Some workers believe the wage increases will deliver instant, tangible benefits: a bus ride, another sack of groceries. Others won’t celebrate a victory they deem more symbolic than helpful. Here are a few stories from workers who’ve gotten raises:

    On Dec. 31, New York raised state minimum wage from $8 to $8.75, which will directly benefit an estimated 437,000 employees. One is Aracelly Cantos, 27. She juggles two jobs in different boroughs and expects to see a $2,500 boost in her average annual income. (Reporter’s note: This interview was conducted through a translator.)

    “I work two jobs, between 60 and 70 hours each week at minimum wage. I wake up at 5 a.m. every day and take the subway to either my job in Manhattan or my job in Brooklyn. The trips take between one and two hours. I’m a customer service representative at companies that specialize in kitchen ware. I’m on my feet for 10 hours each day.

    By the end of my shifts, my legs hurt. Everything hurts. I fall asleep when I get home. When you work so much, you don’t really have a social life. I want to work as much as I can now, while I’m young, so I can make my dreams happen. I want to buy a house in Ecuador, where my family is from.

    I make, in total, about $400 per week. The rent for my two-bedroom apartment in Brooklyn Heights, Queens is $1,400. I share the apartment with my mom, who is sometimes able to help out with the rent. She cares for the elderly. She came here 22 years ago. She worked so hard everyday to make a better future. She started having all kinds of problems with her pancreas. She recently had an emergency surgery.

    Besides rent, most of my money goes to commuting and food: $30 weekly for a MetroCard, and $70 weekly for groceries. My last splurge was special moccasins for my mom to help with her blood circulation.

    It’s a step in the right direction, but it’s hard to get excited about a minimum wage raise. I will still work between 60 and 70 hours each week. I will still barely make enough money to get by. I will spend my money on the same things, and hopefully put away more money for my home in Ecuador. I don’t see the people I love enough because I’m always working. Parents in my community don’t get to know their children because they’re always working. I don’t want that to be the case when I have a family. So, I’ll always push for more wage increases.”

    Read more:

  4. Meta
    Posted January 5, 2015 at 8:37 pm | Permalink

    There’s also a good piece in the New York Times about the unionization of retail jobs. Here’s an excerpt.

    Ms. Ryan knows her schedule three weeks in advance. She works full time and her hours are guaranteed. She has never been sent home without pay because the weather was bad or too few customers showed up for a Labor Day sale on 300-thread-count sheets.

    This is no fantasy. This is real life, in the heart of New York.

    “I’m able to pay my rent, thank God, and go on vacation, at least once a year,” Ms. Ryan said. “There’s a sense of security.”

    So what makes this Macy’s store so different? Its employees are represented by a union, which has insisted on stability in scheduling for its members. (Union workers enjoy similar scheduling arrangements at the Bloomingdale’s, H&M and Modell’s Sporting Goods stores in Manhattan.)

    Now, I know the term “union” is a dirty word in some circles, even in this city, where labor still has considerable clout and has catapulted many workers into the middle class. But no one can deny that these union workers savor something that is all too rare in the retail industry right now: guaranteed minimum hours — for part-time and full-time employees — and predictable schedules.

    This is no accident.

    “The biggest issue for workers today is scheduling,” said Stuart Appelbaum, president of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, which negotiated contracts for workers at the Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s, H&M and Modell’s stores.

    “It’s not just about how much they’re paid per hour,” Mr. Applebaum said, “but how many hours a week they get to work.”

    To envision what life is like when you do not have those guarantees, just walk across 34th Street to the Zara clothing store, where Sonica Smith has worked as a sales associate for nearly two years.

    Ms. Smith is a 26-year-old single mother of two who loves working in retail. She loves clothes. She loves dressing customers. But her unpredictable work schedule and the relentless struggle to get enough hours wreak constant havoc on her life.

    Some weeks, she is assigned 24 hours of work; other weeks, she gets only 16. There is never a guaranteed minimum and there are never enough hours to get close to full time.

    “At work, all I’m thinking about is: How am I going to pay the rent for the month?” said Ms. Smith, who earns $11 an hour. “How am I going to pay the person who is caring for my kids today?”

    She said her last check amounted to only $396 for two weeks of work. “I nearly cried,” she said.

    Read more:

  5. Jcp2
    Posted January 5, 2015 at 9:03 pm | Permalink

    This is a lousy situation, but would there have been another way? My sense is that the company was in dire straits, over leveraged with falling market share and poor cash flow. The alternative could have been dissolution of the entire company, with everybody loosing their jobs. The company could have not taken the loan, but then it may have gone out of business sooner, rather than surviving in some form past New Year’s.

  6. Posted January 5, 2015 at 10:04 pm | Permalink

    I’ve never heard of this store.

    I can understand their pain. I’ve seen many businesses (much, much smaller than Wet Seal) lay off or fire employees with no notice or apology. It is painful.

  7. Posted January 6, 2015 at 3:38 am | Permalink

    I used to shop at Wet Seal back in the day. It was all the rage. I haven’t been to a mall in over 10 years, so I wasn’t aware that they were no longer the schnizzle. Out with the old….

  8. John Galt
    Posted January 6, 2015 at 9:04 am | Permalink

    If we ever want this country to be great again, we would bring back indentured servitude, giving the wealthy the opportunity to bring people over from third world countries in exchange for their labor. This would allow companies like Wet Seal to save millions and pass along the savings to us. Additionally, it would give the promise of freedom to poor Hondurans after a period of several dozen years spent selling clothes, sleeping on the floors of stores, and eating the refuse of the Orange Julius.

  9. Anonymous
    Posted January 6, 2015 at 9:57 am | Permalink

    Social media is awesome. Unlike when Circuit City closed and fucked their employees, people now have something of a voice.

    There were also signs in North Carolina, Virginia and Alabama.


  10. deleuzean
    Posted January 6, 2015 at 10:25 am | Permalink

    One thing that bothers me personally is that I work as a low-level manager, and situations like this get generalized into giving management a very bad reputation.

    In my workplace it is extremely valuable, for example, to have as much notice as possible that an employee may be looking to move on to a different job. For us, training a new person can take a full year or even more, so losing people, especially on short notice, can be devastating.

    I work very hard to make it clear to people that I really, really want to know if they are thinking about moving on that, if possible, I would love much more than just 2 weeks’ notice. But this is very consistently interfered with by the apparent plethora of awful managers who punish workers who express either dissatisfaction or desire to change jobs.

    Such a lack of interest in fostering good communication is simply irrational. Everyone ends up being harmed by it. And these kinds of negative experiences are traumatic enough that they end up damaging people’s long term ability to even bother trying to establish good, functional working relationships with managers.

    It’s extremely confusing to me every time I see adversarial situations arise between “management” and “labor.” Both groups are needed to make companies and institutions function well. How can people be so durably incapable of recognizing that?

  11. Rick Cronn
    Posted January 6, 2015 at 11:08 am | Permalink

    Capitalism? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzM8nip5BEQ

  12. Mr. X
    Posted January 6, 2015 at 11:26 am | Permalink

    I don’t believe that anyone was disparaging store management in this situation, deleuzean. In the cases cited, I suspect that it was the store managers who left the signs. The blame here is with upper management.

  13. EOS
    Posted January 6, 2015 at 11:43 am | Permalink

    Obamacare will cause a lot more businesses to close their doors. Get used to it. That’s still no excuse for the shitty way this company treats their employees.

  14. Eel
    Posted January 6, 2015 at 11:55 am | Permalink

    A shitty company that sells poorly made, unfashionable clothes to a client base that they don’t respect and EOS blames the fact that their poorly paid employees now have healthcare.

  15. K2
    Posted January 6, 2015 at 1:02 pm | Permalink

    Life just isn’t fair. I had to give up the NFL and Wet Seal in the same week. :(

  16. Posted January 6, 2015 at 2:16 pm | Permalink

    Yes, Obamacare is playing a big fake out. All of those job gains after the great recession will soon be taken away. It’s a sick joke by that black, Muslim, Communist President.

  17. Dan Richardson
    Posted January 6, 2015 at 9:20 pm | Permalink

    Wow. What a shitty name for a store. Never heard of them either. Dicks.

  18. Posted January 6, 2015 at 9:28 pm | Permalink

    I’m just happy to see people fighting back. Sure, it may not get them their back pay, or an apology, but I like the fact that they didn’t just crawl away and take it. I think that’s pretty awesome. And maybe, as a result, other employers will think twice before treating people like shit.

  19. Posted January 6, 2015 at 9:29 pm | Permalink

    I think it may have been someone on the Reddit thread that I linked to that called the store Moist Walrus. I liked that.

  20. Posted January 6, 2015 at 9:39 pm | Permalink

    Here’s a chart that might interest you, EOS. It’s based on real numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

    “Over the last 12 months, the U.S. economy has added over 2.73 million jobs overall and 2.66 million in the private sector. What’s more, November was the 50th consecutive month of positive job growth – the best stretch since 1939 – and the 56th consecutive month in which we’ve seen private-sector job growth – the longest on record.”

    I blame Obamacare.


  21. EOS
    Posted January 7, 2015 at 5:26 am | Permalink

    Really Mark?
    Do you think your chart is the best indicator of how well our economy is doing? Rachel Maddow and MSNBC spin is your source? How many of those new jobs are full-time with a decent wage and benefits?

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the unemployment rate is only 5.8%. But this figure doesn’t include the 37% of Americans that have given up looking for work. Nor does it include 6.9 million part-time workers who would prefer full time work. Don’t be so naive.

  22. Mr. X
    Posted January 7, 2015 at 9:12 am | Permalink

    EOS, the numbers are from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, not from MSNBC. They merely posted the chart. As for they way they count jobs, you’re right, it’s not perfect. It, however, is the same way they’ve done it for years. So, when you look at the Bush years against the Obama years, you’re comparing apples to apples. The fact is, there is more job growth now, under Obama, than there was under Bush. The economy did not die under Obama as you, Romney, and the Republicans said that it would. Wall Street, in fact, is doing better than ever.

  23. EOS
    Posted January 7, 2015 at 9:50 am | Permalink

    Mr. X,
    The BLS reported a large amount of data and MSNBC cherry picked this chart to prove their point. But if every full time job in America were converted to two 20 hr/week jobs to avoid paying healthcare costs, the bars are this graph would skyrocket and yet would not be indicative of a better economy. When you interpret the graph, you’ve got to understand that the number of jobs created, by itself, is not an accurate gauge of how the economy is doing. The facts are, according to BLS, that only 63% of American adults are either currently working or looking to work. And the wages of those who are still working, on average, have stagnated.

  24. Mr. X
    Posted January 7, 2015 at 10:21 am | Permalink

    I’m not saying that the economy is working for everyone. It’s not. Income inequality is growing. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. What I am saying, though, is that you’re full of shit when you say that Obamacare is tanking the government. That’s false. Look at the data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis if you don’t like the jobs numbers (http://www.bea.gov/newsreleases/glance.htm). The GDP grew at 5% in the third quarter of 2014. And the dollar is getting stronger (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/06/upshot/what-a-stronger-dollar-means-for-the-economy.html).

    “The dollar is strengthening in many ways for the right reasons,” said Chad Moutray, chief economist at the National Association of Manufacturers, “because we’re one of the brighter spots in the world. That will present a challenge in terms of growing exports, but at least to the extent we’re strengthening it’s because the U.S. economy is getting better.”

  25. Lynne
    Posted January 7, 2015 at 11:39 am | Permalink

    Years ago, I worked for a shitty fast food restaurant over on S. University called Rax. They did this to me. I showed up for work one day and the doors were locked. I didn’t have things like vacation or sick time but I never got my last paycheck so they stole about 20 hours of work from me. Luckily, I was a teenager who lived at home at the time so my life wasn’t turned upside down.

    Still, one of the things the experience taught me is why we must have good labor laws. My hope is that those employees screwed over by this will now vote in people who are sympathetic to their needs. We need laws which encourage unions. We need laws which require vacation and sick time. We need laws with criminal penalties for wage theft rather than a system where CFO’s get raises when they figure out a way to do it legally.

  26. General Demetrious
    Posted January 7, 2015 at 12:38 pm | Permalink

    How many Wet Seal employees sat out the last election, I wonder. If you don’t vote you have no power. If you want better treatment, you gotta fight for it. Look for the union label!

  27. Frosted Flakes
    Posted January 7, 2015 at 12:57 pm | Permalink

    Keeping the closures hidden and then to accept a 95k raise? Those are the actions of a psychopath or coward, take your pick…I would like to think every employee that was surprised by the closure would have received at least a 2 weeks worth of wages severance package…

  28. Posted January 7, 2015 at 1:33 pm | Permalink

    EOS is trolling. There is nothing (to my knowledge) to suggest that Wet Seal closed stores because of the ACA. EOS has fabricated an association in order to spread ideology.

    Wet Seal closed stores likely because it is in trouble as a company and was looking to downscale. It’s boring stuff, really, but clearly, if they can’t make it without providing decent wages and health care to their employees, they shouldn’t be in business at all.

    I have been laid off before. It was by small businesses who paid under minimum wage and refused to provide health care. At this stage in my life, I would ask why they were in business at all. Businesses shouldn’t have to base their success on how shitty they treat their employees, but EOS would have it that way.

    And forget the market. Consumers don’t give a shit how much workers get paid. They just look for the best deal, the burden of which falls on workers.

  29. Scott T.
    Posted January 7, 2015 at 2:02 pm | Permalink

    Even if ACA was a factor in their struggle to remain open (unlikely to be a causal or even significant factor but let’s assume it is), that does not absolve them of the fact that they acted like heartless assholes to their loyal employees. “Sorry we fired you without notice after lying to you about your job, but ACA hurt our bottom line ¯\_(ツ)_/¯” <– still assholery

  30. EOS
    Posted January 7, 2015 at 2:04 pm | Permalink

    The employer mandate only started Jan 1, 2015. It will impact about 5% of the businesses in the U.S. as most businesses employ less than 50 persons. Most will pay the fine or pay for insurance. Many businesses will choose to close. Get used to it. You will soon be reading many stories of people who have lost their jobs.

  31. Elf
    Posted January 7, 2015 at 2:17 pm | Permalink

    I heard that 338 stores closed and 3,700 full- and part-time workers were fired.

  32. Frosted Flakes
    Posted January 7, 2015 at 2:36 pm | Permalink

    On NPR yesterday a guest made a good point. Obamacare is not a cure all but at least it gets more people in the health system and therefore it gets more people interested in fixing an unsustainable healthcare system–hopefully more interest will bring about real and meaningful changes….One of the greatest barriers to starting one’s own small business is fear of inadequate health care. Obamacare helps to lessen that fear and I think it will lead to more people opening their own businesses. I am not well schooled in economics but my gut feeling is that a dramatic increase in small business ownership is one of the most revolutionary “happenings” that would battle the widening gap between upper and lower classes.

  33. Lynne
    Posted January 7, 2015 at 2:49 pm | Permalink

    Re: “Keeping the closures hidden and then to accept a 95k raise? Those are the actions of a psychopath”

    It isn’t an accident that there are higher concentrations of psychopaths/sociopaths in upper management. You know why? It makes for good business if your only concern is profit. It was a good business decision not to tell the employees about the upcoming closure because had they warned them, they would have likely found other work during the busy Christmas season which would have hurt the company more. Which makes the technology interesting because if those signs get passed around enough on social media, the bad publicity just might make it a really bad business decision to treat employees in such a way.

  34. Lynne
    Posted January 7, 2015 at 2:54 pm | Permalink

    Frosted Flakes, I have been saying that for years. I am totally an arm chair economist and I can tell you that health care is a significant barrier to starting a small business. Really though, we need to divorce health care from employment completely. There are plenty of actual economists who agree with me on that point too (although of course plenty who dont agree too).

  35. Posted January 7, 2015 at 3:43 pm | Permalink

    There is zero evidence that Wet Seal closed stores because of the ACA.

  36. jcp2
    Posted January 7, 2015 at 4:39 pm | Permalink

    I know it’s quite popular to pillory Thomas Hillebrandt for getting a bump in pay for orchestrating this partial company shutdown, but how else is the company going to get somebody with the skills to wind down the company in an orderly fashion to actually complete the job?

    They’ve already gotten rid of the management that got them into this mess. They’ve avoided complete bankruptcy, thus ensuring that everybody is out of a job. They were unsuccessful in renegotiating contract with landlords. The 2/3 of closed stores accounted for 48% of total revenue, meaning that the remaining 1/3 of stores account for 52% of total revenue. In other words, they are keeping the stores that are twice as productive as the other stores.

    I see this more as a pay for performance structure, much as you might pay a contractor to remodel a building. He’s completed one piece, which is to reduce costs as a proportion of revenue. It’s still not clear whether he can, or if anybody can, restructure the company to be profitable. If he does, then maybe another promotion. If he doesn’t, then he’s out of a job.

    If anybody is to blame, it’s teenage girls for not buying their stuff at Wet Seal and going to Forever21, H&M, Target, or Amazon.com. Maybe we should just fire them instead.

  37. Frosted Flakes
    Posted January 7, 2015 at 6:00 pm | Permalink

    JCP2, I haven’t investigated it beyond Mark’s post but it sounds like Wet Seal stores were closed down in an unethical manner. There isn’t any ethical obligation that Wet Seal stays in business but there is an ethical obligation to tell people the truth about a potential job loss or to offer a minimal severance package. A truly skillful downsizing would have worked within the bounds of common decency–it does not sound like the Wet Seal store closings were skillfully executed at all. My guess is that Wet Seal will pay for it, and rightfully so.

  38. EOS
    Posted January 7, 2015 at 6:23 pm | Permalink

    Nobody in this link made any claim that Wet Seal closed due to ACA or Obamacare. Learn to read.

  39. Posted January 7, 2015 at 6:27 pm | Permalink

    Oh wait, were you merely trolling? Oh, I’m sorry.

  40. EOS
    Posted January 7, 2015 at 7:30 pm | Permalink

    No. I made a relevant comment about job loss. You misinterpreted and made your usual ad hominem attack.

  41. EOS
    Posted January 7, 2015 at 7:32 pm | Permalink

    I actually agreed that Wet Seal did a shitty thing. Doesn’t matter what I write, some will always find fault.

  42. Jcp2
    Posted January 7, 2015 at 8:08 pm | Permalink

    Expecting skillful management of multiple store closures from the Wet Seal management team may be too much. I agree that the Wet Seal brand is likely moribund. However, the entity may still live on under a different name. After all, not many people know that People’s Express is now part of Southwest Airlines.

  43. Posted January 7, 2015 at 8:18 pm | Permalink

    I had never heard of Wet Seal before this post.

  44. EOS
    Posted February 9, 2015 at 8:14 am | Permalink


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