tonights multi-layered shit sandwich contains the following ingredients:

I wanted to link to this last week, before I took off for Lake Michigan. You may have seen it by now, but these photos show how few people were involved in the now famous pulling down of that Saddam statue in Baghdad. As the story suggests, theres also a possibility that the Iraqis pulling down the statue were ex-patriots of Iraq who had just been brought back to the country with the US military Some people, however, are skeptical about this interpretation of the photos though And then there are the folks who issued a press release saying that jubilant crowds had dismantled a statue of George Bush in San Francisco.

Some people are optimistic. Theyre reading recent statements from North Korea as evidence of the fact that our military action in Iraq is having positive effects in other international hotspots. William Safire had this to say on the matter Meanwhile, in the U.S., John Ashcroft receives top honors for reigning in the looming threat of free speech in America Its almost like freedom is a zero-sum game. For every bit of freedom we help someone else achieve, we lose a little ourselves.

To borrow a phrase from John Stewart, Halliburton just got its first big government contract in Iraq, and I feel as though someones just shit on my chest And, Jeff Kay is running a terrific series of special investigative reports on his site lately. Apparently, he embedded a journalist, a fellow by the name of Chris, in a Bob Evans restaurant somewhere in West Virginia a few decades ago. Well, hes apparently extracted him now. And these are his stories. I must caution younger readers; most of these stories involve drugs, sex and other disgusting and dirty criminal activities.

This is just the first layer of the shit sandwich. It was getting too tall, so I decided to serve it in layers tonight. Stay tuned for the next one.

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