breaking news from brooklyn correspondent matt krizowsky:

“Nedra Volz, AKA Adelaide, the 2nd housekeeper for Mr. Drummond, has died. She was 94.”

note from Mark: Over a decade ago, I was drinking in an Ann Arbor bar with Matt. The bar was called “Rick’s” and they used to sell dollar pitchers of beer for a two-hour period, one afternoon a week. We would go, along with our other friend Dan, and get shit-faced, leaving the bar at 2:00 or 3:00 PM and stumbling home to either vomit, break things, fight or pass out. At any rate, during one of these 4-pitchers-a-person sittings, we learned that Vic Tayback, the actor who played Alice’s boss, Mel Sharples, on the TV show “Alice” had died. Ever since then, Matt has taken on the role of a TV Land goul. He just watches and waits, like a vulture. Now, where ever I am in the world, I am certain to have a call from Matt before a minor TV celebrity’s body grows cold.

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