sustainable ypsilanti movie series

Our friends at Sustainable Ypsilanti are going to be hosting a series of documentaries at the Corner Brewery (720 Norris Street, Ypsilanti) on the fourth Tuesday of each month, starting April 24. (Hopefully they get the sound thing figured out a little better than I did when I set up the viewing for “Idiocracy” there.) Here’s a clip from their release:

* The POWER OF COMMUNITY will start at 7:30 PM on April 24. The film tells the story of what happened to Cuba when the embargo cut off the cheap energy source of petroleum. How did citizens create and adapt to a post-oil culture there?

* THE FUTURE OF FOOD will be shown at 7:30 on May 22. It’s gardening time again in SE Michigan. Can you trust this country’s food supply or should you just grow your own?! If you’ve been wondering why the phrase “local food” has been on everyone’s tongue lately, come see the film and find out!

* THE END OF SUBURBIA will be shown at 8:00 on June 26. The film asks, as energy prices skyrocket in the coming years, how will the populations of suburbia react to the collapse of their dream?

* If you missed AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH the first time around, come see it at 8:00 on July 24. Al Gore’s oeuvre on global warming.

Posted in Ypsilanti | 6 Comments

monkey power trio music stolen!

It’s just been brought to my attention that, in spite of our copyright, a freedom-hating group of godless mother fuckers has stolen Monkey Power Trio intellectual property and set out to enrich themselves with it.

The good news is, since they’re Canadians, we can have them abducted at night and taken to Guantanamo. I don’t care if they are kids.

That ought to teach them not to use our song to promote their garage sale.

[In all seriousness, I love it whenever anyone takes the time and effort to do anything related the Monkey Power, whether it be writing a review, sending an email, or making a video. In fact, I think I speak for the whole band when I say, we’d be honored if anyone else out there made a video for one of our songs (unless, of course, the entire video was about how bad the song sucked — like if it was footage of a bunch of people shitting themselves and vomiting — that would just be mean).]

Posted in Monkey Power Trio | 5 Comments

gore, and what my sources from the future tell me

You get odd, little emails every now and then when you’re in the blog business. When you work for “Playboy”, you get naked snapshots in your mailbox. When you publish a blog, you get letters from people who claim to have knowledge of the future. It’s unfortunate, but that’s the way it goes. Blogs are magnetic when it comes to certain things. It’s unfortunate, but I deal with it the best I can.

Usually, I don’t put much stock in notes of “I have an important message for the people of Earth” variety. I just got a note a week or so ago, however, that doesn’t seem to fit into the standard “crackpots,” “conspiracy theorists” and “time travelers” categories. This one came anonymously from a man who claimed to “know people.” He wanted to tell me that I shouldn’t give up hope on the prospect of a Gore campaign for presidency. He assured me that something was in the works. Was it a cruel trick – just someone hoping to get my hopes up only to have them dashed horribly later? I don’t know. The person who wrote the note, however, came across as both knowledgeable and sane.

On the face of it, it seems plausible enough. Gore could hang back for a while, let Hillary implode a bit, let Obabma wither some under the intense glare of public scrutiny, and then jump in a the last minute to offer a real alternative. My guess is that, at this point, it’s not just Al’s decision, though. Campaign finance laws would have to be taken into consideration, wouldn’t they? Obama and Hillary both have upward of $25 million in the bank right now, a great deal of which is earmarked for the Democratic primary. Could Gore possibly come into the game late and compete financially? Can he get a campaign up and running fast enough to bring in the kind of dollars that he’d need to combat the well-oiled machines of Clinton and Obama? And, even if he could, I’m not sure what the campaign finance laws stipulate when it comes to contributions toward the primary. Do they have to be in by a certain time, or can they keep on raising money right through to the end of the primary? Regardless, I suspect financing is a critical consideration.

I have this far-out scenario in my mind where Obama, realizing he doesn’t have the experience necessary to run the country, urges Gore to run with him as VP. I don’t know if it’s legal, but according to this scenario of mine, Obama would then transfer all of his funds into Gore’s account, and tour the country stumping for Gore in the primary, against Hillary. They’d be unstoppable. They’d roll right over Hillary and whatever poor sucker the Republicans decide to sacrifice.

So, this letter that I got has me dreaming. The logical part of my brain tells me not to believe, but I do. I believe that Gore will enter the race, win, and become our next president. He’ll serve for eight years, during which time, among other things, the hole in the ozone will disappear, global warming will cease, and democracy — real democracy — will spread through the world like the plague. Then, Obama will have the oval office for the next eight, solving those few problems still confronting mankind, like childhood obesity and ringworm… It’s nice to dream.

update: OK, I just received an update from the anonymous reader. He wants to know if I’ve seen that, in the past few days, both Bill Clinton and James Carville have indicated that a Gore run is still possible.

Posted in Predictions | 11 Comments

the fox news “tribute” to kurt vonnegut

Fox News has been pissing me off for years, with their not so subtle attempts to gloss over torture, prop up incompetent leaders, sell a war of aggression, stoke the fires of fear, and label those who dare to question the administration as unpatriotic. In spite of all of that, however, I’ve never written a letter of complaint until just now. When I watched their “tribute” to Kurt Vonnegut I had to do something.

You can watch the video if you follow that last link. It’s an amazing piece of work. My favorite part was where they said that, “by the late ’70s Vonnegut was rich and irrelevant.” There are so many good parts to choose from. Another highlight for me was when they categorized his work, across the board, as “despondent leftism.” That takes balls. But I guess, now that the 84 year old who so terrified them is dead, they feel it’s safe to go after him, and his “weft wing screeds.”

And, before I forget, this is the voiceover the piece ends with: “Vonnegut, who failed at suicide years 23 ago, said 34 years ago that he hoped his children wouldn’t say of him that he told wonderful jokes but was such an unhappy man, so I’ll say it for them.”

Surely that’s as bad as calling someone a “nappy headed ho.”

Does the pretext of Fox News delivering news, at least as it’s traditionally defined, even exist anymore? I know it’s never been “fair and balanced,” but early on wasn’t there at least an effort to keep up a journalistic facade? But now, I don’t imagine that the state-run North Korean news agency pushes the envelope much farther.

The contact information for Fox News, in case you’d like to join me, can be found here. Or, better yet, write their advertisers.

And, yes, that’s the image they used of Vonnegut. Doesn’t he look sinister?

[Thanks to Kevin Dole for the link to the Fox News footage.]

Posted in Media | 5 Comments

things i learned on the internet about the virginia tech massacre

It happened because we don’t teach our students to fear God.

And because no one wanted to speak out for fear of being labeled a racist.

If the victims were worth a damn, though, they would have fought back.

But, it probably wouldn’t have helped anyway, seeing as how God wanted it to happen.

People are assholes, who will use any opportunity to push their own agendas.

Posted in Observations | 4 Comments


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