olbermann implies that bush is a bigger threat than terrorism

He comes across like a man who’s downed one to many shots of Edward R. Murrow juice at the gravitas bar, but Keith Olbermann is right on the money when he says that, in the final analysis, we Americans may have been afraid of the wrong thing. Here’s a clip from his “Beginning of the End of America” broadcast. I’m sure some will accuse him of fear mongering and hyperbole, but, when you read the transcript, there’s not really much to disagree with on a point by point basis. Here’s a clip. (Watch the video here.)

…This President now has his blank check.

He lied to get it.

He lied as he received it.

Is there any reason to even hope, he has not lied about how he intends to use it, nor who he intends to use it against?

The reference, of course, is to the Military Commissions Act which was just signed into law. (see previous posts for details)

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  1. dorothy
    Posted October 20, 2006 at 7:02 am | Permalink

    at the risk of repeating myself—i have seen this before!! i lived through the rise of the nazi regime and see the same thing happening here. the hyper-relegious movement of far right christians, the hyper-patriotism and the giving up of basic rights in the name of security. i’m glad i’m at the end of life rather than the beginning, but i fear for my children and grandchildren. the worst thing is the smiling and nodding of some of my relatives who think boy george is a “wonderful christian leader.” aaagghhh!

  2. egpenet
    Posted October 20, 2006 at 8:44 am | Permalink

    The study of Law reveals the beauty and precision of language … saying what you mean, while excluding at the same time what is not meant by what you say. At the same time, there is discretion built into the system, not only through pleas, juries and judges, but also in the art of this same art of language.

    The Military Powers Act is NOT well-written in this amateur judicial freak’s opinion. I edited legal manuscripts for ICLE in A2. I love The Law, this country and language … in that order, as a matter of fact.

    I, too, am more concerned for my future generations, as they age from little on within what can only be described from this moment on as a totalitarian regime.

    The Pope has told Catholics, in so many words, follow the rules or get out. The evangelists have said the same. Now Bush has codified it for citizens and non-citizens, alike.

    What’s scary is the approach to law that believes … black or white, guilty or not guilty, right or wrong … no room for discussion, compromise, negotiation, arbitration. No thinking outside the box.
    Is there any wonder why Bin Laden would like to blow up the box?

    “The box” is a stone wall around Israel, a fence along our southern border, unjust laws that are applied through secret police and undisclosed detention and extra-judicial magistrates.

    I have said, “Shame on Debbie Stabenow,” but what other (many) Democrats voted FOR this law? You can’t trust them or Debbie anymore. Now we know how she’ll “save Michigan jobs,” she’ll let George disappear 50,000 aliens!

  3. Dr Cherry
    Posted October 20, 2006 at 9:11 am | Permalink

    You never could trust Debbie Stabenow, look at her voting record.


    She voted for the Secure Fence Act, Military Commissions Act, Missile Defense Testing, and the flag desecration Constitutional amendment.

    I’m still voting for her, even though I can’t stand her many of her positions.

  4. ol' e cross
    Posted October 20, 2006 at 9:36 am | Permalink

    There are other options.

  5. ol' e cross
    Posted October 20, 2006 at 9:36 am | Permalink

    There are other options.

  6. egpenet
    Posted October 20, 2006 at 8:02 pm | Permalink

    Speaking of “other options” … after allowing a near-devastating toxic dump in his country (Ivory Coast) to take place at several sites … citizens (a mob) dragged the Minister of the Interior from his home and beat the s–t out of him in the street.

    Why Dr. Cherry would still vote for her I do not know … because her opponent is a criminal, too? I just think a good spanking … 20 wacks … on Michigan Public TV … would do her some good.

    Perhaps some kids with a car, 24 rolls of Northern tissue, a phone directory and nothing else to do in Lansing on Halloween could think of something creative.

  7. ol' e cross
    Posted October 20, 2006 at 11:13 pm | Permalink

    Spare the rod, spoil the congress, I always say…

    Okay, Ol

  8. ol' e cross
    Posted October 20, 2006 at 11:13 pm | Permalink

    Spare the rod, spoil the congress, I always say…

    Okay, Ol

  9. oliva
    Posted October 21, 2006 at 8:51 am | Permalink

    No pints here this morning but some really tasty coffee . . .

    This week Olbermann’s black and white has taken on a more animated form: Tigers or Cardinals. He said he picked Tigers back in spring training and is sticking with ’em. So the man is astute anyway.

  10. egpenet
    Posted October 21, 2006 at 10:22 am | Permalink

    Videotape shot this Spring, records Sparky saying: “I like St. Louis in the National. And I like the Tigers in the American. And if you have some gambling money … I’d say it’s the Tigers in the World Series in four games.”


  11. mark
    Posted October 21, 2006 at 11:00 am | Permalink

    The problem with you, Ole’ E.C., is that you’re too evenhanded in your analysis.

    Of course, everything that you say is correct, but I wish you could find it in your heart to give Olbermann a bit of a break. For what it

  12. mike_1630
    Posted October 21, 2006 at 2:58 pm | Permalink

    I ‘heart’ Olbermann.

  13. Dr Cherry
    Posted October 22, 2006 at 12:30 am | Permalink

    OEC: There are other options

    If I thought the Dems had the seat locked up I’d vote 3rd but I can’t spend my vote on a third party as long as the Republicans are destroying the country.

    They way I see it is I’d rather have the Democrats waste all our money on programs than the Republicans use it to kill, imprison, and torture people.

  14. ol' e cross
    Posted October 22, 2006 at 10:25 pm | Permalink


    I know. But the only time I’ve felt clean behind the curtain, that I voted for someone who I actually desired as a leader, was for blessed Nader in the election that gave us Bush. Other than that, I’ve towed the line.

    It is personal weakness. I mean that sincerely. A vote for Stabenow is the best thing. But, from time to time, I lack the fortitude to suck it up and swallow. Once, every eight to ten years, I have to vote my conscious or risk losing it. To pit my personal enniu against the fate of a nation is deplorable; in my current state, it’s all I can muster.

    Again, it’s personal, it’s an issue that hit too close to home. I can’t bring myself to vote for someone who voted for the MCA. I think I should, wish I could, and commend all those who can.

  15. ol' e cross
    Posted October 22, 2006 at 10:25 pm | Permalink


    I know. But the only time I’ve felt clean behind the curtain, that I voted for someone who I actually desired as a leader, was for blessed Nader in the election that gave us Bush. Other than that, I’ve towed the line.

    It is personal weakness. I mean that sincerely. A vote for Stabenow is the best thing. But, from time to time, I lack the fortitude to suck it up and swallow. Once, every eight to ten years, I have to vote my conscious or risk losing it. To pit my personal enniu against the fate of a nation is deplorable; in my current state, it’s all I can muster.

    Again, it’s personal, it’s an issue that hit too close to home. I can’t bring myself to vote for someone who voted for the MCA. I think I should, wish I could, and commend all those who can.

  16. Mike
    Posted October 24, 2006 at 9:13 am | Permalink

    Now, I hate the two party sysem, and I think it’s as bad or worse for our country as Pterodactly porn, but I did vote for Nader in 2000 for real reasons.

    First, Michigan was safe. I don’t know how pissed off I would have been if I woke up and Gore had lost the election by one state, and lost the state by one vote, but it didn’t happen.

    Second, and more importantly, my vote for Nader was not just symbolic, it was striving for a real, quantifiable goal. I wasn’t just telling the Democratic Party that I was disappointed, I was trying t get a federally funded third party. If Nader had received 5% of the popular vote, it would have been the biggest blow to the two party system since the death of the Bull Moose Party.

    Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. After the election, a lot of Democrats blamed us Nader voters for Gore losing the election. Personally, I blame all the assholes that voted for Bush, but that’s just one man’s opinion. In any case, it’s easy to feel like our votes don’t count today. It didn’t matter that I didn’t vote for Gore then (although based on his record lately, I really want the chance again), but it did matter that I voted for Nader. The only other election I’ve felt a part of was when, thanks in large part to this blog, I felt informed enough to vote in a local election that had a city council race won by a dozen votes.

    So, yeah, Sole’s not going to get elected, but if I can get enough people to promise to go out and vote for Debbie, I’ll let them take the fall of conscience so I can throw my vote away on Sole.


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