face taint

I just invented a new term for that area of the human face between the nose and the upper lip. From now on, I’m suggesting that it be known as the “face taint.” Please do what you can to help me popularize the term… I’m counting on you.

Posted in Observations | 18 Comments

hate monger

I get reminded every now and then by the conservative trolls that congregate around this site that I don’t hate Muslims enough, or at least that I don’t talk about hating them enough… So, here, for all of you monitoring this site for good ol’ patriotic Christian content, is my obligatory post about hating Muslims… I hope you enjoy it.

Actually, before I even get started, I’ve got a qualification to make. I hate to get all PC, especially right here at the start of my “I Hate Muslims” essay, but it’s not actually all Muslims that I hate. It’s just the ones that want to destroy the secular democracies I’ve so come to love in my old age.

So, I guess you could say, I really dislike… and, yes, even hate… fundamentalist Muslim extremists. Especially the ones that are hell-bent on jihad.

Generally speaking, I find it hard to like anyone who wants me dead, and that would, from all the signs that I can see, include fundamentalist Muslim extremists.

They are, from what I can tell, even worse than the fundamentalist Christian extremists that we have right here at home, the ones that shoot doctors, bomb abortion clinics and blow up federal buildings.

One of the biggest problems I have with fundamentalists of all stripes is that they seem to revel in the superiority over women that their religious beliefs afford them. I’m certainly not an authority when it comes to such things, but it seems to me that people, especially insecure men, enjoy power, and it stands to reason that these same individuals would gravitate toward religious sects that justify their exercise of power over non-believers and women.

By the way, in my estimation, the single most effective way for us to de-radicalize unstable regions in the Middle East would be to aggressively push for women’s rights in those areas. Unfortunately, however, since our “liberation” of Iraq, it seems as though the women there have seen their rights eroding by the day.

OK, I know I can be awfully negative about the war in Iraq, but it’s not all bad news. On the positive side, our presence in the region has brought old enemies back together again. That’s right, the emerging leaders of Iraq are not only rolling back the rights of women in their new constitution, but increasingly they’re reaching out to the men behind the theocracy of Iran for advice as to how they should proceed in building their religious state… So much for the “shining example of western-style democracy in the Middle East” that we were promised.

Oh, and while we’re on the subject of Iran and how they’re helping the Iraqis in their quest for finding a suitable form of government, you might be interested to know that the Iranians just executed two men for being gay. It’s terribly sad stuff, and, if I were living in Iran, I’d like to think that I’d have the guts to speak out against it. (Or, if not speak out, then at least blow something up.) There are few things in this world that I am certain of, but I’m certain that god (it doesn’t matter which one you believe in) would not prefer murder to a consensual loving relationship, even if it were between two men.

So, how’s that for a start? I hate the way radical Muslim extremists treat women, and disrespect what I feel are inherent human rights. I also hate the way they chop off heads, terrorize people I love, and blow up non-Islamic religious sites. There’s a long list of things I dislike about them, and, contrary to what you might gather from this site, I do feel that they are deserving of our anger. But, I don’t think hatred alone will get us anywhere… and that’s why I don’t dwell on their actions, as offensive as they may be, day in and day out.

So, I guess the bottom line is that, as a believer in civil rights and freedom of religion, I don’t like radical Islam. The truth of the matter is, however, that I feel as though our involvement in Iraq has moved things in the wrong direction, further radicalizing the region… Yes, I tend to do more complaining about the religious forces in the U.S. that have led us into war and kept us there, but it’s not because I am a fan of those “evil doers” we find ourselves fighting. It’s because I don’t see as how cataloging the instances of their offensive behavior will do much good. What might do some good, however, at least it’s my hope, is if I can convince a few people that we’re on the wrong course, and if some subset of that group go on to get involved in politics. As truly terrible as I think the radical elements within Islam are, I don’t think that the president is going about protecting us and disarming them in an effective, sustainable manner, and that’s why I spend most of my time railing against the Christian right on my site… I know that’s a long and jumbled explanation, but it’s the best I could do without coffee on a few hours sleep. I hope it made some sense.

Posted in Politics | 22 Comments

and what’s under this card, i wonder

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales was the first person in the administration told by the Justice Department that they had initiated an investigation, at the request of the CIA, into the outing of agent Valerie Plame. According to the records that have been made public thus far, Gonzales was contacted at 8:30 PM on September 29, 2003, and told to inform all White House staff to “preserve (any) materials” that might be relevant to the case. That, apparently, isn’t what happened, though.

According to Gonzales, in an interview broadcast this morning on Face the Nation, he took 12 hours to get the word out to White House staff, telling them not to destroy evidence… Actually, that’s not quite right. He didn’t wait 12 hours to tell everyone. According to Gonzales, one person got a “heads up” the night before, and that person was none other than White House Chief of Staff, Andrew Card. (Gonzales, in his defense, says that his contact at the Justice Department told him that he didn’t have to send out the “do not shred or delete” order until the following morning.)

Now, it looks as though the investigation is going to focus on Card, and who, if anyone, he contacted that night, after speaking with Gonzales, and what he may have told them about shredding papers and deleting files that may have indicated contacts with journalists concerning the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame… And so, things continue to unravel.

If you want to know more, there’s a good article on this at Think Progress, and video of the Gonzales interview can be found at Crooks and Liars.

Posted in Politics | 3 Comments

anti-arab police violence in hamtramck?

My friends Steve and Hillary buy their meat at a little place near their home, in Hamtramck. Yesterday, when they walked into the shop (the Jerusalem Meat Market), they noticed that the owner of the shop, a butcher named Hani, had two black eyes. When asked what had happened, he then told them a story that involved being tasered three times by the police, beaten, and denied access to an attorney, as well as being called a “fucking Arab.” Of course, what Steve and Hillary are sharing on their blog is only one side of the story, but I suspect that more will be coming out shortly, especially if they file a Freedom of Information Act request for any video footage that might have been shot that evening within the police station… Stay tuned for further developments.

And this, in case you’re wondering, is why blogs are great.

Posted in Civil Liberties | 21 Comments

we are just like you

In response to the ever growing backlash against Starbucks for their leadership role in the corporate assault on community space, the company has just launched a new “Owned and Operated by Human Beings” ad campaign. (The image to the right comes from today’s New York Times.) I guess we’ll have to wait and see how it’s greeted, but I suspect there are a lot of us out here for whom merely “being human” doesn’t mean a hell of a lot… I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to suddenly stop lamenting the fact that American communities are being homogenized-to-hell just because it’s being done by creatures that look like me, and not a pack of latte-dripping blobs from deep space.

Posted in Marketing | 3 Comments


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