later than most, thomas friedman finally looses the faith

Ive taken some shit in the past for linking to articles by Thomas Friedman (who, like me, supported the war at its outset, if not the way that it was sold to the American people, prosecuted, etc), but heres another one of his op-eds from the New York Times. Its succinct and to the point. Read it if you get a chance. (Thanks to Kurt Little-Thumb in Chicago for the link.) Heres a clip:

It has always been more important for the Bush folks to defeat liberals at home than Baathists abroad. That’s why they spent more time studying U.S. polls than Iraqi history

Why, in the face of rampant looting in the war’s aftermath, which dug us into such a deep and costly hole, wouldn’t Mr. Rumsfeld put more troops into Iraq? Politics. First of all, Rummy wanted to crush once and for all the Powell doctrine, which says you fight a war like this only with overwhelming force. I know this is hard to believe, but the Pentagon crew hated Colin Powell, and wanted to see him humiliated 10 times more than Saddam. Second, Rummy wanted to prove to all those U.S. generals whose Army he was intent on downsizing that a small, mobile, high-tech force was all you needed today to take over a country. Third, the White House always knew this was a war of choice its choice so it made sure that average Americans never had to pay any price or bear any burden. Thus, it couldn’t call up too many reservists, let alone have a draft. Yes, there was a contradiction between the Bush war on taxes and the Bush war on terrorism. But it was resolved: the Bush team decided to lower taxes rather than raise troop levels.

Why, in the face of the Abu Ghraib travesty, wouldn’t the administration make some uniquely American gesture? Because these folks have no clue how to export hope. They would never think of saying, “Let’s close this prison immediately and reopen it in a month as the Abu Ghraib Technical College for Computer Training with all the equipment donated by Dell, H.P. and Microsoft.” Why didn’t the administration ever use 9/11 as a spur to launch a Manhattan project for energy independence and conservation, so we could break out of our addiction to crude oil, slowly disengage from this region and speak truth to fundamentalist regimes, such as Saudi Arabia? (Addicts never tell the truth to their pushers.) Because that might have required a gas tax or a confrontation with the administration’s oil moneymen. Why did the administration always rightly bash Yasir Arafat, but never lift a finger or utter a word to stop Ariel Sharon’s massive building of illegal settlements in the West Bank? Because while that might have earned America credibility in the Middle East, it might have cost the Bush campaign Jewish votes in Florida.

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