dick films

Theres a good piece in Wired on the film adaptations of Philip K Dick stories and why it is that there are more and more of them each year. I didnt know until I read the article that he died in 81, just before Blade Runner premiered. For some reason, I thought that at least a decade had passed between his death and the release of the film. I didn’t realize that he was so close to seeing his work on the big screen. I find that sad.

I also didn’t know until today that Shirley Temple and Hitler had the same birthday. My friend Chelsea, the journalist, told me that in passing. She also told me that J.D. Salinger had a son named Matt who, at least for a while, was a professional actor. I started doing a little research and found that his first acting role was in Revenge of the Nerds, as a character named Burke. I cant believe I didnt know that Salingers son was in Revenge of the Nerds. That is so weird on so many different levels.

If I were a good writer, I could tie all this stuff together somehow, but since Philip K Dick didnt write Revenge of the Nerds, I dont know how. Maybe I could say something about Hitler and time travel. That might tie everything up.

I think theres a thesis in there somewhere. I can definitely see a comparison being drawn between Robert Carradines Lewis (the head nerd) and Adolph Hitler. Could the atrocities of World War II been avoided had Hitler embraced his inner-nerd, founded a fraternity, gotten laid? I suppose well never know.

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