schools out

I just got this from Dave Miller. He found it posted on Craigs List this morning, along with the concert tickets, used cars and roommate wanted ads.

How is it that summer vacation is nearly here and you are going to be out of my life for good? Being your teacher has been so hard. You have cursed me out, called one of the girl’s moms a “fat slut,” given me the middle finger, beat up J (he switched classes because of you), told me your mom was going to punch me in the face, threatened to take down a huge floor to ceiling pipe and hit us all with it, refused to do all of your math (and writing and reading and art),made the music teacher say “if he is in my class again I will quit”, almost made Ms. D quit because she would rather quit than be your para, stole my special marble behavior improvement system, stole my money, kicked P in the back, tried to hit your para with a door, called out the correct spelling of each word as I called it out for the spelling test (jerk), sharpened your pencil during read aloud with the express purpose of stabbing the kids, talked about all of the kids mothers and fathers, and, as they told me, you talked about their “whole families,” made F a bully for a few months, made W a bully (he is NOT your cousin, I checked), you wrote in crayon on the chalkboard and you put crayons in the heater, which was smelly. And your mom, who called J a pussy and threatened to make a really nice teacher lose her job, and never asked for your report card…..You just suck, it could have been a great school year but you ruined it. You are a bully, and you don’t deserve a free education. All of the kids are glad you left but when I see you in the hall I shudder to think what kind of person you will grow up to be. I can’t believe you are only eight years old.

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