more on those white supremist knuckleheads

According to Fire Dog Lake, the FBI wanted to prosecute the three men arrested in Denver a few days ago for the attempted assassination of Barack Obama, but their attempts were stopped by US Attorney Troy Eid, who said that the plans of the men were “more aspirational, perhaps, than operational.” And, it may or may not be relevant, but it looks as tough Eid has ties to Karl Rove.

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  1. Brian
    Posted September 4, 2008 at 11:06 pm | Permalink

    Wow. So you can get some buddies and some meth, a few wigs, and a few high powered rifles and drive across country and it’s just “aspirational.”


  2. Mark H.
    Posted September 4, 2008 at 11:50 pm | Permalink

    these guys were arrested in Denver, right, not Minneapolis?

  3. mark
    Posted September 5, 2008 at 7:58 am | Permalink

    RIght you are, Mark. I’ll change it.

  4. Posted September 5, 2008 at 8:55 am | Permalink

    I’m surprised Palin didn’t praise them at the RNC. I’m sure she and her right-wing gun buddies view them as heroes.

  5. Robert
    Posted September 5, 2008 at 10:01 am | Permalink

    These guys need to be released so they can commit ‘suicide’ as soon as possible. Some local news fucker might interview them and get clues. It might just make more sense to have them blow themselves up in a meth lab at this point though. Maybe they could all get shot to death in a police raid of a meth lab, say in Colorado Springs for example, where we have the ‘organization’ in place. These damn Denver cops are too clean.

    Oooops, did I type that out loud? Don’t mind me. I’m just brainstorming with Mr.Eid and the other Bush appointees here.

  6. Ted
    Posted September 5, 2008 at 12:01 pm | Permalink

    Patsies. Plain and simple. Someone put them up to it. They just had to be there, get a shot off, and then get killed by the Secret Service. Someone else would do the actual hit. Why mess with a system that’s worked so well in the past?

  7. Brackache
    Posted September 5, 2008 at 8:49 pm | Permalink

    Boys will be boys!

  8. Posted September 10, 2008 at 8:05 pm | Permalink

    Apparently Troy Eid also happens to be associated with Jack Abramhoff, a convicted organized criminal. Click the link to see the article titled “Did Troy Eid Also Bypass the Vetting Process?” written back in May of 2007.

  9. Robert
    Posted September 10, 2008 at 8:48 pm | Permalink

    “Unsubstantiated reports from Moscow allege that the plot was foiled after the FSB intercepted documents in Georgia describing a project code-named: “Operation Drago” — an assassination plot that was allegedly engineered by a rogue element of high-ranking Israeli military officials.

    The Russian report described the plot that involved a disinformation ploy to set up the members of an outlaw motorcycle gang, the ‘Sons of Silence,’ as expendables to mislead investigators from the actual perpetrators of the operation. The outlaw bikers arrested by the FBI are described as Neo-Nazis.”

    – from The Centre for Research on Globalisation

  10. mark
    Posted September 11, 2008 at 12:11 am | Permalink

    Sounds like fiction, but we live in fictional times.

  11. Robert
    Posted September 11, 2008 at 12:19 pm | Permalink

    Yes, it does sound pretty out there…maybe also too convenient that the Russians get a chance to pin something on some Georgians somehow.

    I did hear several weeks ago that Rove had mysteriously chosen some sort of Georgian resort on the Black Sea for a trip that was identified as just a personal vacation. This was prior to the Russian invasion of the area. That little tidbit was mentioned in a few places and then disappeared completely from the media.

    When I first heard about Rove’s trip, I knew there was something up. After the Russians invaded, I assumed Rove’s trip was to negotiate some secret deal with either the Georgians, The Russians, or both. Now I have all sorts of other ideas about what Rove might have been doing there. He’s no diplomat. Not by a long shot. He would never be sent on any legitimate diplomatic mission. He’s a go-between for criminal action. If there’s any truth to the stories regarding a foreign unit coming into the US, Rove would be one of the most likely liaisons sent to reassure that proper official cover would be provided for the operation.

    It’s all wild speculation of course, but no doubt also an interesting set of circumstances.

  12. Robert
    Posted September 11, 2008 at 12:32 pm | Permalink

    I’m seeing now that some are claiming that Cheney’s deputy assistant for national security affairs, Joseph R. Wood, was in Georgia shortly before the war began.

  13. Robert
    Posted September 11, 2008 at 3:02 pm | Permalink

    Again, I want to make it clear that this is wild speculation on my part. I am not like most folks in that so many of you seem afraid of even hearing, reading or considering things you don’t agree with. I don’t worry that anything scary might get hold of my mind somehow if I speculate about things. I’ve noticed this strange thing about people in general…a fear that thinking about something, or exposing oneself to claims of others, might corrupt one’s own mind in some way they have no control over. It worries me that anybody sees themselves in this way. It’s ridiculously weak.

    As some of you might have noticed, I like to taunt people…sometimes into thinking. The wild speculations I share on this blog are part of that taunting nature. Some of you may have noticed one particular way I especially like taunting people. It’s regarding fears they seem to have toward knowing views opposed to their own.

    If you’re afraid that reading the statements of terrorists will somehow make you some sort of unwilling sympathizer, or if out of fear you avoid learning the details of the procedures involved in abortion, or if you try to ignore any facts out of a desire to hold onto your own excepted beliefs, you should seriously take a look at yourself. Ask yourself this: How is it possible that anyone could have so little conviction? People who are that weak in their convictions shouldn’t go around pretending to have strong beliefs. They should instead be first learning and thinking, and then arriving at the beliefs they can feel confident in as a result…not the other way around.

  14. Robert
    Posted September 12, 2008 at 1:18 pm | Permalink

    Has anyone else noticed how incoherent I’ve become?

  15. mark
    Posted September 17, 2008 at 11:39 pm | Permalink

    Apparently, Eid doesn’t like bloggers asking questions about why he didn’t seek charges against these men for their “aspirational” crimes. Here’s a clip from his letter in the “Denver Post”:

    Most recently, it was dealing with faceless bloggers hounding us for not charging three men high on methamphetamine — Tharin Gartrell, Shawn Adolf and Nathan Johnson — for allegedly “threatening” Sen. Barack Obama.

    Of course, I’d already charged all three with other serious federal crimes — some carrying much longer prison sentences, up to 20 years in one case, than the five years’ imprisonment for making a presidential threat.

    But after an exhaustive investigation by five law enforcement agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Secret Service, we all agreed that the evidence simply didn’t support a charge of threatening a presidential candidate.

    By law and as required by ethics rules, federal prosecutors may never file criminal charges against anyone unless there’s a “reasonable likelihood” we can prove them at trial with credible, admissible evidence. That’s a high standard, and understandably so. Such was the case here. The oath we take as prosecutors is not to rack up convictions, but to ensure that the entire justice system is served.

    The “political” thing to have done in this case, of course, would have been to charge all three defendants with making a threat against Obama and then quietly drop those charges later — expedient, Machiavellian and self-serving, but also illegal, unethical and immoral.

    This is all lost in the blogosphere. Within minutes of our Aug. 24 press conference announcing criminal charges, I found myself being accused of racism and worse for not filing the threat charge — all by anonymous bloggers, none of whom are accountable to anyone or have seen a scrap of evidence in the case.

    What happened next marks the paranoia of our times. Major news outlets contacted us, cited the blog reports, repeated their where- there’s-smoke-there-must-be-fire allegations, and demanded I deny them. These were many of the same reporters who had participated in our press conference just hours before.

    Blog-driven “news” is tragically becoming the rule, not the exception. Much of it is misinformation, where some person or interest group “spins” some angle for an unknown purpose. You can tell this when calls and e-mails start flooding the office, reading from the identical script, accusing you of the moral equivalent of crimes against humanity.

    On many days, my office spends more time dealing with anonymous and often outlandish Internet rumors than talking with professional flesh-and-blood journalists. Why? Because so many print, TV and radio journalists are getting their story leads directly from the blogs, or — thanks to the changing economics of the news business — are blogging themselves…

    Got it? The next time three men are found in the vicinity of a Presidential candidate with disguises, bulletproof vests, and sniper rifles, and they claim to be on a mission to assassinate said candidate, and the US Attorney tells us not to worry – that the “knuckleheads” were “more aspirational, than operational” – we should just accept it.

  16. mark
    Posted September 17, 2008 at 11:40 pm | Permalink

    And, yes, Robert, I’ve noticed.

  17. Robert
    Posted October 16, 2008 at 12:11 pm | Permalink

    Thanks Mark. I wasn’t sure if I was crazy thinking I was crazy. Honestly, I think I’ve just been really tired whenever I’ve been commenting on your blog, because I’m really pretty tired all the time.

    Back on the topic; It’s funny that Eid has become some sort of spokesperson against blogs. I thought he already had a job that would keep him pretty busy. Of course, in the Bush Administration, a person’s official job is mostly just a way of getting them paid for doing the PR work for certain “interests.”

    The local police were giving the impression that there were more people beyond the few named which were also involved somehow in the plot. Eid rushed in and shut that down right quick. The press shouldn’t be trying to get any information out of that Eid at all. They’ll never learn anything from him. They should see if they can get secret interviews with the local police who made the original busts. I bet they have some interesting information to share.

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