Each weekend, Ed Schmidt performs his one-man play “The Last Supper” in the kitchen of his Brooklyn apartment. At the end of the play, he serves his audience a delicious dinner.

golden arches falling

McDonald’s closed 175 stores today.

I had an idea many, many years ago, back when I was a vegetarian, that McDonald’s stores would eventually begin to close. My thought was that I should think of a business that could essentially live within the shell of a McDonald’s. (Like one crab moving into another crab’s shell.) As they’re fairly standard, I thought it would be neat to be ready with a plan to change them over to something else, whether it be another restaurant or something else. Of course, it goes without saying that first stores to close would be those that aren’t doing well. As that’s the case, you’d have to ask yourself why they weren’t working. Is there a labor shortage in the area, not enough traffic flow, too much competition (i.e. another McDonald’s on the opposite corner), etc. It is an interesting puzzle though. If I had the time and energy, I’d give it some thought.

and to my park slope Brooklyn friends

Will someone go and see this and let me know how it is? It sounds cool to me.

Here’s a quote from the NYT article:

Here’s the article.

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