gardening at night

As long as I was home with a cold this afternoon, I thought I might as well try calling a few of the people on my “Please, Please Vote for John Kerry” list. One of the folks I got through to was an elderly man, a veteran. He was probably at least eighty years old. He told me that he’d never voted before because he was afraid that he’d have to serve on jury duty if he did. Well, this year he registered. He said that he’d serve on jury duty every day for the rest of his life for the chance to vote against Bush.

A friend just confided something very strange to me, and I feel as though I have to share it. Here it is:

I had my first “making out with John Edwards” dream last night. I kept worrying about Elizabeth Edwards. He was also trying to sell me a very expensive vest from some South American country… I’m not one of those women who thinks Edwards is “HOT”. I guess we can’t control our subconscious. I once had a dream that Donald Trump was dropping quarters down the back of my pants. I certainly don’t find him attractive.

I want to post a photo of her to go along with the quote (to prove that I really do have a “friend,” and it isn’t really me daydreaming about Trump stuffing change into my slacks), but I don’t think she would let Linette and me stay at her place when we visit Chicago any more if I did… Oops, I hope I haven’t said too much. Please forget that I mentioned Chicago.

OK, I need to go have dinner now and go to bed. I’m tired, and I’m still feeling a little sick. I probably shouldn’t have, but I went out canvassing again tonight. It was my only chance to train a new guy who wanted to volunteer, so I had to do it. We got five more people — bringing our total for the precinct to about seventy-five. I want to get to 100 by Friday night. (Canvassing after dark, by the way, sucks. I hate knocking on the doors of strangers after dark. It brings back gruesome memories of when I was young and living in rural New Jersey, just off a tight bend in the road. Every couple of years there would be someone showing up on our doorstep at night, dripping blood and cradling a broken limb or two.)

The baby is on my lap. She’s beautiful. I was just having a panic attack and I think she’s cured it. (She may have caused it too, but I don’t plan to focus on that so much.)

Good night my invisible friends.

* This post was brought to you by the 380 tons of missing explosives in Iraq.

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  1. Jim
    Posted October 27, 2004 at 12:09 pm | Permalink

    The story of that veteran is great! I think we’ll be hearing from lots of new voters like him on Election Day.

    Bush finally talked about the missing explosives today, stating that “a political candidate who jumps to conclusions without knowing the facts is not a person you want as your commander in chief.”


  2. Ryan
    Posted October 27, 2004 at 12:46 pm | Permalink

    My name is Ryan. I spoke with Lynette on Friday about helping out Saturday morning. I apoligize for not making it. I stayed up really late on Friday playing cards and slept in on Saturday. Let me know if I can help in any other way.

  3. Tim
    Posted October 27, 2004 at 1:01 pm | Permalink

    If you’re interested, you can read about the whole “missing munitions” thing here.

  4. Posted October 27, 2004 at 4:07 pm | Permalink

    Any good christian knows that cards are a tool of the devil.

  5. mark
    Posted October 27, 2004 at 5:08 pm | Permalink

    Not if they’re Christian Playing Cards, Steve!

  6. Posted October 27, 2004 at 7:55 pm | Permalink

    Merely clever tools of the Devil.

  7. Posted October 27, 2004 at 7:56 pm | Permalink

    oooOoo plants of the bible.

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