History of Zines


In an attempt to better document the American underground press, or at least the sharp, tiny sliver of it that corkscrewed its way into my heart bone 25 or so years ago, I’ve given myself the task of reaching out to all of the zine publishers that I know, and asking them how they found their way into the underground press, and how, with the benefit of hindsight, they now feel about the experience.

Nancy Kangas (Nancy’s Magazine)
Doug Holland (Pathetic Life)
Alex Hubbard and Dan M (The Removal Technician)
Christopher Becker (Factsheet Five)
Sean Tejaratchi (Crap Hound)
Amy Fusselman (Bunnyrabbit)
John Marr (Murder Can Be Fun)
Eric Nakamura (Giant Robot)
Doug Biggert (Tower Mag Hell)
Jeff “Keffo” Kelly (TempSlave!)
Robert Helms (Guinea Pig Zero)
Scott Huffines and Sarah Boonstoppel (Atomic Books)
Pete “Dishwasher Pete” Jordan (Dishwasher)
Julee Peezlee (McJob)
Russ Forster (8-Track Mind)
Jeff Kay (West Virginia Surf Report)
Gregory Hischak (Farm Pulp)
Steve Hughes (Stupor)

As I intend to keep this series going, please feel free to forward your ideas concerning potential interview subjects. I can’t promise that I’ll get to everyone, but I’ll try.


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