sam pepys walks among us again

Hey. I just got a note from Dave Miller letting me know about a new site called It’s a blog in which the daily posts are taken from the diary entries of a man in London named Samuel Pepys. The thing that makes this a bit different than other blogs though is the fact that this fellow has been dead for well over 300 years.

This project was begun on January 1, 2003 and should, if I understand correctly, run for ten straight years. Each day’s post will consist of Pepys’ actual diary entries beginning on January 1, 1660, and running for a decade. So, today we are reading what happened to Pepys on January 3, 1660. (“…so Mr. Moore and I and another gentleman went out and drank a cup of ale together in the new market, and there I eat some bread and cheese for my dinner.”)

If you’re interested, you can check it out here.

I think it’s really cool that this fellow is essentially holding a conversation with humans so far into the future. It’s as though he’s still alive on some level.

My suspicion is that no one will revive me through my writing in 300 years… unless, of course, society has come to embrace such wonderful things as ball shaving and poop touching. If that’s the case, I might be considered something of a prophet.

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