saint hunt writes in

Over the years, I’ve written quite a bit about legendary CIA-man E. Howard Hunt. Most recently, I wrote about his death, and the hotly debated revelations of his son, Saint Hunt, who claims to have sat by the bedside of his father, as he laid out LBJ’s plan to kill Kennedy in vivid detail. Well, if you can believe it, that same son of E. Howard Hunt just left a comment here at Here it is:

This is a response to those of you doubting the truthfullness of the audio tape my father (E.Howard Hunt) sent me in Jan. 2004. It is real and my intentions are to provide this and the full audio as well as his handwritten memos for historical purposes. I have not made money by doing this, however the idea does appeal to me…it is after all my life story and well within my rights to seek a publisher. My father’s revelations have all been substantiated by other sources both in the private sector and in print. Best to you all, Saint John Hunt

How fucking weird is the internet? I post something here, late at night, in Ypsilanti, Michigan, and, a few days later, I’m trading emails with the son of a man who quite possibly had a hand in the murder of John F. Kennedy about, of all things, his rock band. It’s all too surreal.

You can hear a portion of the alleged E. Howard Hunt confession tape at Saint’s website. (I’m listening to it right now, while simultaneously listening to Saint performing his song “Get Down Like James Brown,” and I don’t believe it’s possible for my mind to get any more fucked.)

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  1. dr. teddy glass
    Posted May 17, 2007 at 1:08 pm | Permalink

    There’s also a very good article in Salon about Bobby Kennedy.

    One of the most intriguing mysteries about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, that darkest of American labyrinths, is why his brother Robert F. Kennedy apparently did nothing to investigate the crime. Bobby Kennedy was, after all, not just the attorney general of the United States at the time of the assassination — he was his brother’s devoted partner, the man who took on the administration’s most grueling assignments, from civil rights to organized crime to Cuba, the hottest Cold War flashpoint of its day. But after the burst of gunfire in downtown Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963, ended this unique partnership, Bobby Kennedy seemed lost in a fog of grief, refusing to discuss the assassination with the Warren Commission, and telling friends he had no heart for an aggressive investigation. “What difference does it make?” he would say. “It won’t bring him back.”

    But Bobby Kennedy was a complex man, and his years in Washington had taught him to keep his own counsel and proceed in a subterranean fashion. What he said in public about Dallas was not the full story. Privately, RFK — who had made his name in the 1950s as a relentless investigator of the underside of American power — was consumed by the need to know the real story about his brother’s assassination. This fire seized him on the afternoon of Nov. 22, as soon as FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover, a bitter political enemy, phoned to say — almost with pleasure, thought Bobby — that the president had been shot. And the question of who killed his brother continued to haunt Kennedy until the day he too was gunned down, on June 5, 1968.

    All the pieces may come together yet.

  2. frenchfries
    Posted May 17, 2007 at 5:49 pm | Permalink

    And now in the Washington Post, we have this story about the bullets…

    Slashdot has it too.

  3. G. Lachner
    Posted May 27, 2007 at 9:17 pm | Permalink

    I heard the announcement by radio in 1963. the reporter stated that people heard shots from the “grassy knoll.” I heard this a second time and then, never again. I remember thinking at the time, why are they not reporting the shots from the grassy knoll, any longer? I believe Hoover, and others knew of the plot to kill Kennedy, and, for those not involved in the conspiracy, directly, let it happen. Kennedy had said he would “break the CIA into a thousand pieces,” and had already fired John Foster Dulles. E. Howard Hunt has been suggested as a part of the group for years. After all, he had the responsibility for the Bay of Pigs recruitment etc. the failure for which was placed by the invaders directly at the feet of Kennedy. But, Kennedy had many other enemies by then, including the anti integrationists, the Mafia etc. It seems to me that the CIA and Mafia likely teamed up, with the FBI, under Hoover, doing nothing to stop it.

  4. bert
    Posted June 3, 2007 at 3:56 pm | Permalink

    just a slight correction for G. Lacher. it was allen dulles that was fired; john foster’s brother.

  5. Posted November 22, 2008 at 4:23 pm | Permalink

    Saint Hunt is appearing on Coast to Coast tonight. See the link.

  6. Robert
    Posted November 23, 2008 at 12:45 pm | Permalink

    I listened to the Saint Hunt appearance on Coast to Coast last night, and he comes across as pretty credible.

    Lamar Waldron was also on the program talking about operation AMWORLD, which was the CIA’s code name for their supporting role in a planned coup to occur in Cuba on December 1st, 1963.

  7. Dr. Grweich
    Posted April 2, 2010 at 12:34 pm | Permalink

    Quite a bit about E. Howard Hunt can be gleaned from his work as an author. You’ll find examples here:

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