moveon endorses obama

Yesterday, the folks at MoveOn asked their members to cast a ballot for their favorite Democratic candidate. The organization had been saying all along that they wouldn’t get involved in the primary until more than 50% of their members favored a particular candidate, and with Edwards out of the race, and the field narrowed to two viable candidates, they decided to pose the question. Hundreds of thousands of responses came in, and the results were overwhelming. 70% of MoveOn members indicated a preference for Obama. So, it’s been decided — MoveOn is officially endorsing Obama, and putting everything they’ve got behind him. And, Obama has accepted the endorsement… If you want to sign up through MoveOn to work on the Obama campaign, just click here.

Still no word from Edwards, but I expect we’ll be hearing something soon. Assuming he encourages his supporters to join the Obama campaign, I think it’s very likely the freshman Senator from Chicago will kick ass come Super Tuesday.

[According to MoveOn, they have 3.2 million members nationwide, and over 1.7 million in Super Tuesday states.]

update: Lisa from Think Local First just directed me to a great list of 12 reasons that Edward’s supporters should support Obama. It’s worth checking out, if you’re still on the fence.

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  1. mark
    Posted February 1, 2008 at 5:02 pm | Permalink

    If only they’d done this prior to Edwards dropping out… My sense is that he might have come out on top with the MoveOn crowd… No use crying over it now, but I wonder how things might have played out differently had MoveOn gotten behind him.

  2. Posted February 1, 2008 at 6:00 pm | Permalink

    Obama is a good guy, please give him a chance. Edwards can still be a difference maker for this country, maybe even greater in a role outside of presidency. Maybe being president would have required him compromising his values too much. It’s all about the team – if Edwards can join Obama’s team, he’ll be right there, fighting for poverty and other progressive issues. He just won’t be the captain, the quarterback…but that’s OK, every role is important.

    Edwards ain’t dead! And I bet you anything that Gore isn’t dead either. Let’s let Obama captain our team and go out and kick ass and fight for all the right things.

    Going back to me amd OEC’s Pistons banter, it was Tayshawn Prince the super role player who hit the dagger that knocked out Kobe and the evil Lakers last night. Why can’t Edwards be our Prince?

  3. mark
    Posted February 1, 2008 at 8:32 pm | Permalink

    I am giving him a chance. I even voted for him yesterday on my MoveOn ballot. I’m just trying to keep an open mind for a while before making a public endorsement. The longer the campaign drags on, the less objectional I find Hillary.

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