help protect the judiciary

It’s not much yet, but I’m in the process of pulling together all the articles I’ve read concerning the Republican attack on the Judiciary in one central location (with links and excerpts). And, as it’s set up as a wiki, anyone who likes can contribute, edit, add pages, etc. My hope is that, on this site, we can not only archive all the background information, but also share ideas for action. You can see what I presently have up in the way of articles and ideas for action by following these links… If you have anything to add, please feel free to do so. All you have to do is hit the “edit” button at the bottom of the page and follow the same formatting.

It’s pretty rudimentary at this point, but my hope is that by Monday morning, we’ll be able to kick off a grassroots email campaign pointing people toward it.

If you’re interested, you can find the main page here, but be forewarned that several of the sub-sections hold nothing now by my notes. (If you’d like to pitch in and help whip them into shape, I’d appreciate it, but don’t feel obligated.)

I’m sure you all know this, but it looks now as though the showdown could come as early as this Wednesday… And we need to do everything in our power to make sure that everyone understands what’s at stake, and how they can be heard. A majority of Americans do not support this so-called “nuclear option” and we can’t allow for it to happen. If we do, we could be screwed for generations… If we allow this to happen, it means that Bush will be able to appoint anyone he likes, regardless of how far-right they are, to the Supreme Court, without debate. This means single-party rule. This means the Republicans controling every branch of government… I’m sorry if this is boring, but this it’s extremely important. If you don’t want to live under a state-religion, you need to get involved.

(note: Many thanks to George Hotelling for setting up the wiki.)

UPDATE: Thanks to everyone who contributed, but there was a problem with the wiki software last night and all the work that had been done to date was lost… And, as we’re too close now to the date that the issue will come before the Senate, I’m not going to try to rebuild it. Again, I’m sorry if you, like me, invested your time and effort in helping to build this resource/tool. It was really cool while it lasted though, and maybe someday we’ll try it again (with a more stable platform). Stay tuned.

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One Comment

  1. mark
    Posted April 24, 2005 at 5:26 pm | Permalink

    The project’s temporarily stalled… the wiki site’s been down all day… Please be patient.

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