I know this probably isn’t a good thing for me to be wondering, but how long do we as a civilization have to wait before making jokes about the recent tragedy at the Great White show?

I just wrote a post on the subject that’s pretty good, but I think it may not be quite the right time for me to load it into the wagon and haul it to market. It takes a while for these things of questionable taste to ripen.

I will say this, however… It is difficult for me to imagine a place worse than a Great White show for me to meet my maker. Just thinking about it makes me anxious… I’m picturing myself as an angel being obsessed by the fact that my name, somewhere on earth, was on a plaque, for eternity, beneath the words “Great White.” I can’t imagine a greater shame.

It’s sad. The whole thing is sad. Death is sad. Being a fan of the band Great White is sad. That’s all I’m at liberty to say right now. I hope you understand.

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