voting is not enough

I’m finding it harder and harder to accept the fact that some very bright people are willing to sit idly by while the fate of their homeland hangs in the balance. As it’s painfully obvious to anyone with the capacity for rational thought that the current administration is simultaneously dishonest and incompetent, you have to question why people, especially bright people, aren’t taking action.

How can women stand by knowing that Roe v. Wade is at stake? How can parents stand by knowing that Bush’s policies could necessitate another draft? How can members of the gay community stand by knowing that there might once again come a day when they could be put in jail for having sex in their own homes? Shouldn’t there be people yelling on every street corner?

As much as I’d like to think that it’s the case, this is not hyperbole. I’m absolutely convinced that the future of our democracy rests on this election, and I can’t believe that everyone who plans to vote for Kerry isn’t doing more.

Voting, this year, is not enough.

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  1. mark
    Posted October 19, 2004 at 9:25 pm | Permalink

    Sorry if I made you feel bad. That wasn’t my intention… And I certainly wasn’t suggesting that I’m any kind of example. God knows, I could be doing a lot more… I just can’t believe that there isn’t more activity in general. I can’t beleive that no one has rung my doorbell yet and talked with me about the election. I thought that there would be more.

    I’m really tired.

  2. Posted October 20, 2004 at 6:27 am | Permalink

    I plan to take ToyotaSupraTuesday off to drive people on your lists to the polls. Not sure if we can make it to your hood on Sat. Morning , my neighborhood is a more mixed bag, with prospects of fistfights between different backers.

  3. Posted October 20, 2004 at 10:46 am | Permalink

    It’s the Democrats own damn fault if they lose this. They did exactly what the Republicans wanted. Instead of picking a winner, they picked the candidate that was most Democrat. Rove had a smear campaign worked out before John Kerry even accepted the nomination.

    I would volunteer if the Democratic Party had something for people to do besides calling people or going door to door, but I don’t believe in John Kerry’s plans and I’m not going to sell them.

    Why is there no call for handwritten letters to new voters encouraging them to go to the polls?

    MEANWHILE IN WASHTENAW COUNTY, straight party ticket voters will re-elect Prosecutor Brian Mackie, who decided not to file charges against the police in the Barger case. They’re still on the job, and now with a rubber stamp on their illegal searches.

    It doesn’t matter if his Republican opponent wants to start treatment programs instead of building bigger jails and has a much higher conviction rate in Jackson. You can look forward to another 4 years of Mackie.

    (Hopefully, I’ll be in crazy Kym Worthy’s jurisdiction. She’s running unopposed.)

  4. mark
    Posted October 20, 2004 at 6:39 pm | Permalink

    A lot of people contend that the party did the exact opposite of what you’re suggesting, Hillary. They say that the Democrats only picked Kerry because they felt he could win, not because of what he stood for. If they’d wanted the candidate that best reflected traditional Democratic values, they would have gone for Dean… Very few people are passionate about Kerry, but apparently a majority of Democrats thought that he had the best chance of getting Bush out of office. And, let

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