remembering terri by having your tubes tied

I just got this from my old comedy writing partner, Jeff Kay. (We never actually wrote anything, but we almost sold a concept for a book… until we found out that they wanted to see sample chapters.) In addition to being a good friend, and, as he likes to say, “a well-hung outdoorsman,” he’s one sick fuck… but then I guess you could have guessed that from the photo. In case you can’t tell, it’s a feeding tube fashioned into the shape of a ribbon. And, Jeff says he’s puttig it on his truck this weekend.

UPDATE: I just heard back from Jeff and the idea for the feeding tube ribbon apparently wasn’t his. He got the image from someone else. I should have guessed, as the hand in the photo appears to have knuckles. Jeff’s hands, at least the last time I saw them, looked like over-inflated rubber surgical gloves.

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  1. Posted March 26, 2005 at 4:07 pm | Permalink

    Your friend has some cajones, man.
    ‘course, a great many people do not understand sarcasm, so your friend may just start a trend.

  2. Ken
    Posted March 26, 2005 at 9:50 pm | Permalink

    I had a thought… What would the right-to-life folks think if Michael Schiavo started making a army of children with Terry. I don’t know all of the details but I haven’t heard if her plumbing is all still in tact. He would be getting a late start (15 years late) but it could still be probable. Would having sex with her be unethical? Would her giving birth be unethical? How about electing her to congress? She might actually be more effective than some that are there!

  3. mark
    Posted March 26, 2005 at 11:58 pm | Permalink

    Brilliant idea, Ken, but I think that Tom DeLay should go first. Then Frist. Then the Bush brothers. Then, if there are enough eggs left, we can bring Michael into it.

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