“call me a chickenhawk, will you?”

Amazing video of Press Secretary Scott McClellan attempting to explain the fact that no one in the administration reported to the authorities the fact that the Vice President had shot a man in the face… It’s not surprising that people are beginning to wonder whether or not alcohol may have been involved.

update: It just occurred to me that this could be something that Rove thought up, a way to get rid of the whole “Chickenhawk” aura that surrounds the administration. Sure, the guy he shot was almost 80, but he was armed, and sneaking up on the Vice President from behind! Even if it weren’t a setup from the beginning, I’m surprised that ROve didn’t take better advantage of it. Rove should have been more proactive. He should have had a spokesperson out in front of the press right after it happened, explaining how Cheney had thwarted a very well-planned out assassination attempt. Sure, his old hunting buddy would been executed, but the country would have been better for it.

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  1. be OH be
    Posted February 14, 2006 at 9:31 am | Permalink

    I’m sure Scott would’ve rather been answering questions about the health of the victim than non-explaining the lapse in communication about the incident. An exchange with one reporter seemed to suggest that he was in disagreement with how the VP’s office handled things.

    Having said that, I have a hard time sympathizing with condescending spokesmen like Mr. McClellan or the smirking Ari Fleischer.

    What was especially unsettling to me watching that clip was that the White House wants us to believe that for the first 20-some hours after the incident every single Secret Service agent, medical personnel, local law enforcement officer, hunting buddy and other misc. staff were concentrating all available effort on making sure that the victim received the care he needed. And then sometime on Sunday morning over danishes and recollections of SNL skits from the previous evening, someone chokes back their coffee and sputters, “Shit! did anyone call the White House and tell them that it was the VP who was holding the smoking gun?”

    If it takes this administration that long to figure out that their own second-in-charge just shot someone, what kind of faith can we have that they’ll be able to thwart secretive terrorist plots?

    Did anyone hear that Secret Service prevented a local sheriff from questioning Cheney?

  2. Tony Buttons Esq.
    Posted February 14, 2006 at 2:04 pm | Permalink

    According to the West Virginai Surf Report, Cheney has a fetish for hunting humans.


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