let’s impeach the president

Assuming we all do our jobs and get out the vote out next week it might just be possible that we can retake the House and the Senate and impeach this arrogant, wreckless, stupid son-of-a-bitch before his term expires. (And I am convinced that impeachment is the only thing that will allow us to start down the long road to recovery and retake the moral high-ground we once held as a nation.)

Neil Young just released the video for his song “Let’s Impeach the President” today, and it has me thinking that maybe I’ll just take the day of the election off and drive from polling place to polling place with windows rolled down, blasting it as loud as I can.

As for the election, right now it looks as though the Democrats can take the House, assuming we don’t get some kind of November surprise. The Senate, however, is a little less sure. To win back the Senate we need to win six out of seven critical races. Here’s an excerpt from a letter I just received from Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy:

Here’s the good news: all polls show that the public is on our side. From Iraq to Social Security to education, the American people agree with Democrats on the issues and are desperate for a change in course.

The bad news is that we can still lose these races if the Republicans do a better job getting their supporters to the polls than we do. In the last several elections, Republicans have squeaked out victories because they have used their fundraising advantage to build a “Get Out the Vote” machine of unprecedented power. This is why the Washington Post reported that Karl Rove is confident that Republicans will win this election.

We have worked too hard — and there is too much at stake — to let victory in this election slip from our grasp. We need to get resources to Democrats immediately so that they can hire more field organizers to coordinate our volunteers, flood the streets on Election Day, and make sure that our supporters vote.

Please, donate to the Democratic “Get Out the Vote” effort today. Give our candidates the help they need to beat Karl Rove’s special interest machine and win on Election Day!

But winning on Election Day isn’t just about money. We also need thousands of people to volunteer to make phone calls and knock on doors on Election Day to get our people to the polls. If you can, please donate one hour, one day, or one weekend of your time to these critical races today.

Sign up with the Democratic National Committee to volunteer for a race near you today!

Don’t forget, these are the critical races we have to win next Tuesday:

Virginia. Former Secretary of the Navy Jim Webb is running neck and neck with Republican George Allen. Jim Webb is a veteran and expert on national security, exactly the kind of Democrat we need to challenge George Bush on the Iraq war.

Tennessee. Congressman Harold Ford is a rising star who is being subjected to vicious race-baiting attacks by the Republican National Committee. If elected, he will be the first African-American Senator from the South since Reconstruction.

Missouri. State Auditor Claire McCaskill is running dead even with Republican Jim Talent. The question of stem cell research is a huge issue in this race — and if Claire is elected, we’ll have one more strong vote to promote life-saving medical science in the Senate.

Rhode Island. Attorney General Sheldon Whitehouse is leading Republican Lincoln Chafee, but there are enough undecided voters to shift this race either way. We need to keep on the pressure.

Montana. State Senate Majority Leader Jon Tester is challenging Republican Conrad Burns in this traditionally “red” state. Let’s help him maintain his lead all the way to Election Day.

Pennsylvania. State Treasurer Bob Casey is challenging one of the Senate’s most extreme right-wing members, Republican Rick Santorum. Casey is currently leading in the polls — and we need to keep it that way.

Ohio. Congressman Sherrod Brown is leading Republican Mike DeWine in Ohio. We can’t afford to let that lead slip.

Please, donate to Jim, Harold, Claire, Sheldon, Jon, Bob, and Sherrod today — and help Democrats take back the Senate on November 7th!

And, even if you don’t live in one of these critical Seante battleground states, please go out and vote next Tuesday. Several House races around the country are too close to call as well… And, at the very least, even if you can’t afford to donate a few dollars to one of the above campaigns, offer to drive a neighbor to the polls. Every vote is going to count this time (hopefully).

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  1. murph
    Posted November 2, 2006 at 7:55 am | Permalink

    I can’t say I’m terribly impressed with the song in a musical sense. I do find the flip/flop bridge pretty entertaining, though.

  2. Ted Glass
    Posted November 2, 2006 at 10:22 am | Permalink

    I can’t fucking WAIT to see what John Conyers does the day after the election!

  3. egpenet
    Posted November 2, 2006 at 5:29 pm | Permalink

    Why not simply make Bush fulfill his long overdue obligations to the Air National Guard and ship his “stupid” tukus to Iraq for 18 months!

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