There’s new required reading at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building

Someone sent this to me today. It’s a photo taken inside the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, where most White House staffers work. I thought at first that it was a joke, but, as Esquire just ran it, I suspect there’s a good chance that it’s legit. Of course, I suppose that, while the photo itself might be real, someone working in the building may have placed these Trump books on the shelf without authorization. Regardless, however, I thought it was worth sharing. Whatever the backstory, I just find it interesting that, upon entering the Old State Department Library in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, people were greeted this morning by copies of Art of the Deal, Midas Touch, Great Again, Trump 101, and Crippled America.


I’ve searched the internet for photos from different perspectives, trying to see whether or not, like that video store that only sells Jerry Maguire, the entire four-story library now only has Trump titles on the shelf, but I haven’t had any luck. If you’re in DC, stop by and take some photos for me, OK? And, if you see a librarian, ask if there are plans to include copies of Trump’s book on golf, back issues of Trump Magazine, and Trump: The Game.

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  1. Eel
    Posted January 27, 2017 at 7:31 am | Permalink

    There’s still a lot of room there. Someone should add a few copies of Mein Kampf.

  2. jean henry
    Posted January 27, 2017 at 8:04 am | Permalink

    Trump liked stage props. Remember the file folders and piles of meat at the press conference? I’m sure they just ordered someone to place product at every spot possible.
    It’s all a stage show. Those books were ordered placed their by Trump or by whichever staffer is responsible for supplying clapping audiences at all his public appearances. The man can only be controlled with adulation.
    I’m pretty sure Bannon is running the actual implementation of authoritarian rule. trump is inclined that way obviously but not clever enough to do it so quickly. The others aren’t that evil as far as I can tell. They’re just trying to prevent a total meltdown.Bannon on the other hand has made a study of authoritarianism. He’s truly frightening.

  3. M
    Posted January 27, 2017 at 10:55 am | Permalink

    How did we elect someone who wrote a book called Crippled America?

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