That show you loved is back in style… The return of Twin Peaks

I know I should be writing about something other than Twin Peaks tonight, as everyone else in the world is posting their thoughts about today’s big announcement right now, but there’s really nothing else I want to write about. I mean, I sat here, trying to write about Naomi Wolf’s descent into madness, but my mind keeps coming back to David Lynch, and how absolutely poetic it is that Twin Peaks will be coming back on the air after 25 years… One wonders if this was Lynch’s plan all along, given what Laura Palmer promised Agent Cooper that time in the red room. [See the video below.]


For the five or six of you who may not have already heard… According published reports today, Showtime has committed for 9 episodes, to be set in the present day Twin Peaks, and following plot lines established during the show’s somewhat frustrating, yet still occasionally brilliant second season. And, best of all, all 9 episodes are to be directed by Lynch. While no official statements have been made relative to casting, word is that Kyle MacLachlan will be reprising his role as FBI Agent Dale Cooper, and I would imagine that almost everyone else on the original cast would love to join him. (Sadly, Jack Nance (Pete), Frank Silva (Bob), and Don Sinclair Davis (Major Briggs) have all passed away.)

Coincidentally, I had just started re-watching Twin Peaks on Netflix last weekend, a few days before Lynch started dropping coded messages by way of Twitter, hinting at the return.

Screen Shot 2014-10-03 at 2.30.43 PM

[Trying to keep from getting hurt, I suppose, many Lynch fans were setting their sites low, not allowing themselves to get too worked up, for fear that the show might not really be coming back, despite the talk of our favorite gum coming back in style. One of my favorite theories floating around the internet was that Lynch was planning to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the show by launching a Twin Peaks brand of chewing gun.]

Maybe it’s because Twin Peaks came onto the scene at a time when I was craving something that challenged me more than Matlock, or maybe it’s just because, when I lived in LA, I used to spend a lot of time in the Bob’s Big Boy where Lynch did so much of his writing, but, to this day, I have a lot of love in my heart for the man, and the incredibly ambitious series that he was somehow able to sell to ABC. It’s impossible for me to imagine a world without Twin Peaks, as it kind of reverberates through everything around us these days.

And I know that the whole thing could very well suck. I know it’s probably very unlikely that anything made today could ever hit me as hard as Twin Peaks did when it first aired. But I’m extremely thankful that Lynch is being given an opportunity to once again work his way inside the minds of the American public, even if it means that, after over a decade without television, I may have to break my vow and go crawling back.

As for potential plot lines, I don’t want to speculate. I am hoping, however, that there’s at least passing mention of the the Twin Peaks breastaraunt chain

Now here are those video clips that I promised.

Laura Palmer, “I’ll See You In 25 Years”:

Today’s announcement from Lynch and Showtime:

And it still amazes me that something like this was ever allowed to air on commercial television:

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  1. Elviscostello
    Posted October 6, 2014 at 11:55 pm | Permalink

    I wonder if Lara Flynn Boyle will do the show. Recent pictures of her are ghastly. I don’t know if she has a disease or it’s the effects of Plastic Surgery, but she looks hideous.

  2. Elviscostello
    Posted October 6, 2014 at 11:57 pm | Permalink

  3. idea man
    Posted October 7, 2014 at 7:12 am | Permalink

    I’d love to see it come back as a situation comedy, something like Welcome Back Kotter, with Agent Cooper as a high school guidance councilor dealing with the kids of people we’d met in Twin Peaks 25 years prior.

  4. anonymous
    Posted October 7, 2014 at 7:24 am | Permalink

    I wish you hadn’t shared that, Elvis. I’m now totally sad.

  5. 734
    Posted October 7, 2014 at 9:18 am | Permalink

    I don’t know what’s more terrifying, Naomi Wolf or Lara Flynn Boyle.

  6. Meta
    Posted October 7, 2014 at 9:36 am | Permalink

    Jack Nance’s death was a homicide. He was punched in the face at at LA doughnut shop and died at home from the injury. The person who killed him has never been found and likely doesn’t know that he committed murder.

  7. Lynne
    Posted October 7, 2014 at 10:43 am | Permalink

    The real question for me is how much artistic leeway is Showtime going to give Lynch. You see, ABC toned him down during the original and, imho, that made it a LOT better than it would have been had Lynch had a free hand. I think Fire Walk With Me is a good example of this. I guess I am not much of a Lynch fan. It isn’t even that he is weird. I can handle weird but sometimes I feel that he just gets weird for no good reason and then his work just gets boring.

    Oh well, I will probably end up watching this for the same reason I love watching movies, even really bad ones, set or filmed in the Detroit area. I like seeing places I have been in film. Don’t know why. I’ve spent a lot of time in North Bend, WA where the original was filmed. I imagine they’ll be filming the reboot there as well. I can only hope Lynch doesn’t get all boring on me as he usually does.

  8. Eel
    Posted October 7, 2014 at 11:12 am | Permalink

    Episode 1: Ben Horn plots to open a Twin Peaks breastaraunt at the Great Northern. While Mayor Cooper tries to kill it though legislative means, Horn’s granddaughter, a saddle shoe wearing troublemaker if there ever was one, employes blackmail.

  9. Mr. X
    Posted October 7, 2014 at 11:19 am | Permalink

    Damn. J. K. Rowling is now tweeting hints that Harry Potter might be coming back. What’s next?

  10. Kim
    Posted October 7, 2014 at 1:49 pm | Permalink

    It may not be as good as the original, but it’ll be better than the “Say Anything” series.

  11. Anonymous
    Posted October 7, 2014 at 2:20 pm | Permalink

    Say what you will about the Twin Peaks restaurant, it’s a great place to spend your birthday.

  12. Frosted Flakes
    Posted October 8, 2014 at 11:43 am | Permalink

    I started watching Twin Peaks on Netflix last night. I am trying to be open minded but I don’t understand it’s appeal to so many. The only redeeming quality I see is the faces of the actors–lynch seems to have a knack for choosing actors that have interesting facial features. I plan to rewatch the pilot tonight but so far it reminds me of soap operas I watched with my grandmother when I was 12. What am I missing?

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