Speaking on behalf of Christ, Santorum warns of Obama’s plans to feast on the blood of euthanized seniors

I heard a comedian by the name of John Fugelsang do a pretty brilliant bit the other day on the incredible disconnect between the teachings of Jesus and the actions of those who invoke his name in the pursuit of political power. It’s nothing we haven’t discussed here before, but I enjoyed Fugelsang’s perspective, given that he’s the offspring of a former nun and run-away Franciscan Brother, and knows a thing or two about the Bible. And, so, when I read in the news today that Rick Santorum, who professes to be the most religious of our current candidates for president, was in fact the least charitable of the bunch, Fugelsang’s concise, thoughtful diatribe on hypocrisy came to mind. I was going to post video of it here, but, then, at the last minute, I changed my mind, and decided to share something even funnier – this video of Santorum being interviewed a few days ago by James “Focus on the Family” Dobson instead.

That’s right… Obama is taking us down a road that leads directly to the forced euthanasia of seniors. Yes, just as gay marriage has led to rampant beastiality, contraception will surely lead to old people being dragged from their beds in the middle of the night and bludgeoned to death by the dark forces of Obamacare. But, what would you expect from a President who is clearly doing the bidding of Satan?

Oh, hadn’t you heard? Yeah… well, it seems as though Obama is following “a different theology” than the rest of us. Here’s some of what Santorum had to say yesterday.

…Obama’s agenda is “not about you. It’s not about your quality of life. It’s not about your jobs. It’s about some phony ideal. Some phony theology. Oh, not a theology based on the Bible. A different theology,” Santorum told supporters of the conservative Tea Party movement at a Columbus hotel…

As for Santorum’s claims about the prevalence of unwanted euthanasia in the Netherlands, they appear not to be true. At least, it would seem that laws are on the books to keep such things from happening. The following comes by way of Wikipedia:

…The law allows the medical review board to suspend prosecution of doctors who performed euthanasia when each of the following conditions is fulfilled:

– the patient’s suffering is unbearable with no prospect of improvement
– the patient’s request for euthanasia must be voluntary and persist over time (the request cannot be granted when under the influence of others, psychological illness or drugs)
– the patient must be fully aware of his/her condition, prospects and options
– there must be consultation with at least one other independent doctor who needs to confirm the conditions mentioned above
– the death must be carried out in a medically appropriate fashion by the doctor or patient, in which case the doctor must be present
– the patient is at least 12 years old (patients between 12 and 16 years of age require the consent of their parents)

…Euthanasia remains a criminal offense in cases not meeting the law’s specific conditions, with the exception of several situations that are not subject to the restrictions of the law at all, because they are considered normal medical practice:

– stopping or not starting a medically useless (futile) treatment
– stopping or not starting a treatment at the patient’s request
– speeding up death as a side-effect of treatment necessary for alleviating serious suffering

And, on top of that, Santorum’s numbers don’t add up. In 2010, 136,058 people in the Netherlands died. During that same year, there were 3,136 cases reported in which a physician assisted in the death of a patient. That’s nowhere near the 10% number that Santorum notes. Furthermore, it’s my understanding that only 182 of those 3,136 cases were actually assisted suicides. The others, if I’m not mistaken, were instances in which patients were allowed to die on their own, without intervention. But, you don’t get to be the frontrunner of today’s Republican party by sticking to the facts. It’s far better to take the stage and say, categorically, that the government of the Netherlands murders over 6,500 people per year, and that’s what Obama has planned for us. That’s the kind of shit that wins elections.

It’s been a while since I’ve read the Bible, but I have to think that, somewhere in it, there has to be something about lying being wrong. But, it seems, the more “religious” you claim to be, the less you need to worry about conforming to what Jesus actually taught. Case in point – Santorum came out a few days ago, saying that the murder of Iranian scientists was, “a wonderful thing.” (Can someone point me to the place in the Bible where Jesus says murder can be a wonderful thing?) But, apparently it’s OK in this instance, though, as Iran is a theocracy. As Santorum pointed out not so long ago, when talking about Iran on the campaign trail, “They’re a theocracy that has deeply embedded beliefs that the afterlife is better than this life… When your principal virtue is to die for Allah, then it’s not a deterrent to have a nuclear threat… It is in fact an encouragement for them to use their nuclear weapon.”

Santorum, who believes in an afterlife better than this one, and just criticized Obama not governing in accordance with “Biblical law,” apparently struggles with the concept of irony.

While we’re on the subject of Santorum, did you happen to see today that he’s suggesting that the federal government sell off all public lands? Who needs national parks anyway, right? Now that they’ve all been photographed, what’s the purpose? Plus, just think of all the beautiful monocle cases and cigar boxes we could make from that old growth timber.

You might also be interested to know that he’s come out and essentially said that we should abolish public education, in favor of home schooling, like during the good ‘ole pioneer days… Which makes total sense, given that what we need as a nation isn’t doctors looking for cures to deadly diseases, and high-tech entrepreneurs, but girls that know how to churn butter and boys who can count high enough to know when they’ve put three seeds in a hole.

I’ve got to think that the people of Michigan will wake up before the 28th, and send this guy back to Pennsylvania once and for all, for the good of the nations, but you never know. People could vote for him just out of sheer dislike for Mitt “I loved Michigan so much that I tied the family dog to the roof of my foreign car and sped away the first chance I got” Romney.

Oh, and speaking of euthanasia bracelets, I’d like to have one made that says, “Please Kill Me if Santorum Wins.”

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  1. Posted February 20, 2012 at 11:26 pm | Permalink

    And Santorum isn’t the only one who has accused Obama of wanting to kill the elderly. Newt accused him of the same thing in 2009.

  2. Elf
    Posted February 21, 2012 at 12:20 am | Permalink

    Americans love to be scared as much as they love to feel persecuted. It’s in their genes.

  3. Edward
    Posted February 21, 2012 at 6:50 am | Permalink

    Santorum, who doesn’t believe in global warming, also made headlines yesterday for coming out as the defender of science, saying that Democrats are in fact the “anti-science” ones.


  4. Tommy
    Posted February 21, 2012 at 9:14 am | Permalink

    Fugelsang is good. If you want to hear him on a regular basis, he is on the Stephanie Miller Show (9 to noon on 1310 locally – if you can get the signal; if not it’s on the web).

    I fully expect Rick (voted dumbest person in Congress at one point) to go on record as stating that he fully supports the concept of the Salem Witch trials. How anyone could ever vote for a complete moron like this is beyond me

  5. Mr. X
    Posted February 21, 2012 at 9:31 am | Permalink

    He’ll win Michigan. Throngs of our fellow citizens will vote for him. It’s testament, I think, to just how totally off the rails we are culture. The Republicans have been pandering to the base for so long, pushing all of the fear buttons in their reptilian brains, that the damned things have been fried. We all thought that Sarah Palin was an aberration. She wasn’t. She was the new face of the anti-science, fear-above-all-else Republican party. God help us all.

  6. Eel
    Posted February 21, 2012 at 9:57 am | Permalink

    Has anyone seen one of these bracelets that Santorum says so many people in the Netherlands wear?

  7. Megan
    Posted February 21, 2012 at 11:05 am | Permalink

    The man scares the shit out of me. I hear there’s been low turnout, but it’s still scary when he wins. And it’s amazingly disheartening when i hear women say (on NPR this morning, for example), that they will definitely vote for him because he has the same values they have. How can they say that?! I can’t imagine voting for someone who wants to take my rights away. That makes no sense!

    This asshole wins, women are going to be fighting to keep the right to vote. He’s going to be all, “oh, it was a nice experiment for a while, but the radical feminists are wrong, and since society has gone to hell since women stepped out of the kitchen, we should really recind it” and there are going to be women standing next to him going, “I’ll vote for that!” WTF?

  8. EOS
    Posted February 21, 2012 at 12:00 pm | Permalink

    It’s hard to understand how anyone could get so angry because their right to kill their baby might be taken away. Imagine how the baby feels, especially since they are not even given any anesthetic prior to the procedure. That’s what makes no sense to me.

  9. Tommy
    Posted February 21, 2012 at 12:04 pm | Permalink

    Megan – I was going to say in my last post ‘I don’t know how any women could ever vote for a guy like this or any other of today’s Republican leaders’. However, I held back because – well – I am not a woman. Since you said, I wholeheardedly agree with you. Barefoot, pregnant, and with plenty of aspirin between your daughter’s legs. It is so disrespectful. With the recent reactions to the Komen thing and the birth control thing, I do hold out some hope that people are wising up to these assholes and won’t bend over and just take it. Obama the muslim didn’t work, Obama wasn’t born here didn’t work, Obama hangs around with terrorists didn’t work, Obama is a socialist didn’t work. Now it’s on to theology and science.

  10. Tommy
    Posted February 21, 2012 at 12:07 pm | Permalink

    EOS – if you and your like are so wrapped around this issue, just have the balls to go all in meaning arrest the mother, the doctor, and the cab driver who drops her off and charge them all with murder in a court of law. I am sure you would like that indeed.

  11. Megan
    Posted February 21, 2012 at 12:13 pm | Permalink

    EOS, 9 out of 10 abortions occur within the first 12 weeks. Science has shown that fetuses don’t feel pain until around the 25th week. So your “pain” comment not an issue for me.

    But more than that, for me it’s a matter of consent. Vaginal sex does not, by itself, equal consent to pregnancy and vaginal sex WITH contraception explicitly says NO consent to pregnancy. There are laws in this country requiring consent to donate a liver, a kidney, bone marrow, even blood. The American Red Cross can’t stick you with a needle unless you give consent and that is only 30 minutes of your time. People can be in criminal trouble for trying to take organs without consent.

    Giving a fetus rights, or simply assuming that they have them anyway, doesn’t allow it non consensual access to a woman’s organs. We are not test tubes for men’s sperm and NO man’s sperm should have more of a right to a woman’s body than she does.

    A woman has every right to not donate to a fetus the way they (and any man) have every right to not donate blood or a kidney. All are life or death situations. It doesn’t mean an unborn’s right to life trumps a born person’s anymore than a sick person’s right to life trumps a healthy person’s.

    A woman, and the doctor that removes the fetus, would be no more guilty of the death of the fetus as she would the death of anyone she didn’t donate to. The doctor is simply playing the role of police officer – removing someone that I don’t want on my person.

    Consent is the key. And sex with contraception explicitly says no consent is given.

  12. Megan
    Posted February 21, 2012 at 12:15 pm | Permalink

    And Tommy, my first (maybe second) comment regarding the aspirin comment was that it was perfectly possibly to have sex with my knees closed. lol!

  13. kjc
    Posted February 21, 2012 at 12:22 pm | Permalink

    “It’s hard to understand how anyone could get so angry because their right to kill their baby might be taken away. Imagine how the baby feels, especially since they are not even given any anesthetic prior to the procedure. That’s what makes no sense to me.”

    EOS, in your case, in order to understand, i think you’d need a vagina.

  14. EOS
    Posted February 21, 2012 at 12:25 pm | Permalink

    Your information is not correct. Between 9 and 13 weeks the structures in the brain, spinal cord and nerves to the skin necessary to feel pain are developed and functioning. Therefore, the unborn child can sense pain at 13 weeks and an abortion past this time is a painful and inhumane death.

    In addition, a baby is never considered an “organ” belonging to the mother. It is a separate life, with its own DNA and characteristics. More than half the time it is not even the same sex as the mother. The baby’s heart starts beating at 18 days, long before most mothers make a decision to kill their baby.

  15. Megan
    Posted February 21, 2012 at 12:32 pm | Permalink

    EOS – I never said the fetus was an organ, but the fetus needs the mother’s organs to survive. Try and keep up.

    And per the Journal of the American Medical Association:
    Thalamocortical fibers begin appearing between 23 to 30 weeks’ gestational age, while electroencephalography suggests the capacity for functional pain perception in preterm neonates probably does not exist before 29 or 30 weeks.

  16. kjc
    Posted February 21, 2012 at 12:34 pm | Permalink

    EOS you’re such a bleeding heart when it comes to fetuses. too bad your compassion doesn’t extend to the mass of adult persons capable of feeling pain.

  17. Megan
    Posted February 21, 2012 at 12:34 pm | Permalink

    Here’s another article on the topic of fetal pain:
    Conclusions: Evidence regarding the capacity for fetal pain is limited but indicates
    that fetal perception of pain is unlikely before the third trimester. Little or no evidence addresses the effectiveness of direct fetal anesthetic or analgesic techniques. Similarly, limited or no data exist on the safety of such techniques for pregnant women in the context of abortion. Anesthetic techniques currently used during fetal surgery are not directly applicable to abortion procedures.


  18. anonymous
    Posted February 21, 2012 at 1:14 pm | Permalink

    FWIW, EOS also supports the death penalty.

    LOL Christianity.

  19. Lynne
    Posted February 21, 2012 at 1:36 pm | Permalink

    EOS, way to ignore Megan’s excellent points about consent. That is the rub. Even if a fetus is granted full legal personhood and even if it feels pain, it still has no more right to attach itself to someone’s body than you do or I do. Luckily, as Megan has helpfully pointed out, first trimester fetuses are just not developed enough to feel pain and that is when almost all abortions take place.

    Late term abortions are a different matter entirely. Almost every late term abortion is the result of a wanted pregnancy gone horribly wrong. An excellent example of such a circumstance, btw, is the abortion Santorum’s wife had. That he would share in such a decision and know first hand how heartbreaking it is to be in such a position and then still be against legal abortions makes me loathe the man even more.

  20. Megan
    Posted February 21, 2012 at 1:59 pm | Permalink

    Thank you Lynne. With all of these personhood amendments, I’ve been emailing Virginia and Oklahoma legislators with this argument. Haven’t heard back, but I hope one of them takes it to a lawyer friend and goes, “Does she have a point?”

    I’ll note that regarding abortions for the health of the mother, there are already criminal statutes available. It’s call self defense. If you’re injured or being harmed by another “person” you have the right to self defense. You don’t have to sit there and take it. Any doctor who performs an abortion for the health of the mother would be covered under self defense of a third person.

    I don’t know any criminal lawyers, but it would be fun to sit and work this argument out legally with one. B/c frankly, I think granting a fetus “rights”, makes the abortion argument much easier to make. The laws are already written.

  21. Burt Reynolds
    Posted February 21, 2012 at 3:52 pm | Permalink

    ….If you listen closely, you can hear EOS frantically Googling any remote, unproven study, which debunks JAMA….

    Beautiful ownage Megan.

  22. Mr. X
    Posted February 21, 2012 at 4:13 pm | Permalink

    We just need to find a way to turn these clumps of cells gay, and then folks like EOS would get behind abortion in a hurry.

  23. Wild Derp
    Posted February 21, 2012 at 4:30 pm | Permalink

    Franklin Graham, the son of Billy Graham, has just made it official, stating definitively that Santorum and Gignrich are “definitely” Christian. He cannot say the same for Obama, however, as he’ll always be a Muslim under Muslim law, not matter how much he attends Christian church, or considers himself to be Christian.


  24. EOS
    Posted February 21, 2012 at 6:15 pm | Permalink


    The JAMA article you referenced is not a primary research article, but an opinion piece. It doesn’t “prove” that a fetus can’t perceive pain. There is a considerable difference of opinions in the medical literature.


    At 13 weeks the nervous system of a fetus is developed sufficiently to withdraw from painful stimuli. Some define this as perception of pain, others a mere reflex. At 20 – 21 weeks a fetus is considered viable outside the womb of its mother. At 23 weeks, the brain exhibits conscious cortical processing, such that pain would be perceived in the same manner as an adult. That a fetus might be unable to perceive pain in the same manner as an adult does not prove that they don’t perceive pain.

    Would you agree with me that abortions should be banned after 23 weeks because it causes pain and is inhumane?

    Anon, FWIW, I don’t support the death penalty. There’s no recourse if errors were made during the trial – you can’t bring the dead person back after the fact.

    Santorum’s wife did not have an abortion. She delivered a preterm baby that died within a few hours.

  25. Posted February 21, 2012 at 6:33 pm | Permalink

    Eugene Robinson has a good piece in the Washington Post about the growing fear among establishment Republicans that Santorum may win. Here’s a clip.

    …The issue, for Republicans, is not just that Santorum would lose in November. It’s that he could be a drag on House and Senate candidates as well. Imagine, say, Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) trying to explain to his constituents why someone who doesn’t fully understand women’s participation in the workforce should be president…

  26. EOS
    Posted February 21, 2012 at 6:37 pm | Permalink

    Establishment Republicans? They’re the folks that brought us McCain and Dole.

  27. Posted February 21, 2012 at 6:37 pm | Permalink

    “Those fucking war heroes!”

  28. yahthatsright
    Posted February 21, 2012 at 8:32 pm | Permalink

    Posted February 21, 2012 at 12:00 pm | Permalink

    It’s hard to understand how anyone could get so angry because their right to kill their baby might be taken away.

    Still holed up in your bunker, pointing your guns at… someone’s baby, are ya?

  29. Max Abuelsamid
    Posted February 21, 2012 at 8:43 pm | Permalink

    I think we should surgically implant a couple of cinderblocks in EOS’s rectum so he can feel the wonderful magic of child-birth firsthand.

    By the way, fetuses are parasites. Anyone who supports killing tapeworms is a murderer!!!

  30. Posted February 21, 2012 at 8:59 pm | Permalink

    I can’t wait to get a hold of some of those delicious seniors.

    Also, I’ve heard a lot of talk about people talking about Rick’s “moderate” appeal. I’m not exactly sure what people are talking about. Frankly, God’s endorsement of him has only made him stand out to me as extra scary.

  31. Edward
    Posted February 22, 2012 at 9:23 am | Permalink

    A Rick Santorum Portrait Made Entirely of Gay Porn:


  32. K2
    Posted February 22, 2012 at 12:18 pm | Permalink

    My favorite Santorum quote:

    “Satan has his sights on the United States of America!…Satan is attacking the great institutions of America, using those great vices of pride, vanity, and sensuality as the root to attack all of the strong plants that has so deeply rooted in the American tradition.”


  33. anonymous
    Posted February 22, 2012 at 4:26 pm | Permalink

    This is a real headline from a Georgia news website’s coverage of a Santorum event in the town of Cumming.

    “Santorum blasts Obama during Cumming rally”


  34. Bob Krzewinski
    Posted February 23, 2012 at 10:59 am | Permalink

    As has been said before, if men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrement.

  35. Watching Laughing.
    Posted February 23, 2012 at 11:28 am | Permalink

    It’s just amazing mass amounts of people believe this GOP Crap of today.
    Completely voting against their own best interest.
    Freakin crazy.


  36. Posted February 23, 2012 at 12:16 pm | Permalink

    It’s not amazing at all. Remember only 5,000 people showed up for the Maine caucuses. All of these guys are competing for the same group of complete assholes.

  37. Watching Laughing.
    Posted February 23, 2012 at 12:34 pm | Permalink

    Come November ALL the GOP circles the wagon.

  38. Meta
    Posted February 27, 2012 at 10:07 am | Permalink

    Santorum: Separation Of Church And State ‘Makes Me Want To Throw Up’


  39. Posted February 27, 2012 at 10:45 pm | Permalink

    I would like to thank Thom Elliott for introducing me to the Euthanasia Coaster.

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