Two random signs that I found interesting

I happened across both of these today, while making my way around town. The second one isn’t really all that funny unless you’re either a graphic designer or know Latin. I’ve included the first sign in hopes of making up for that.

Actually, in a way, the “Lorem ipsum” thing kind of works in the context of Taekwondo, as, if I’m not mistaken, one of the phrases can be translated as, “circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure.” So, maybe they knew what they were doing. Maybe they were trying to attract the attention of Latin-speaking parents of masochistic children… And, I should add, it was kind of difficult to get this photo. Or, at least, I felt awkward taking photos of the this window as little, robed kids jumped around inside. I tend to over think things due to the OCD, but I really got the sense that their parents found it creepy. Fortunately for me, all the parents taking their kids to Taekwondo are wimps.

I should also add that the two signs did not appear together, which really would have been funny… Or at least I like the idea that people would drop their kids off for Taekwondo and then proceed to strip down nude in the waiting room.

Here’s one more hint. The top sign was not intended for the male patrons of Deja Vu, which, I think, would also be funny… I wonder if male strip club patrons ever feel the urge to take off their clothes and clamber up on stage. Can someone remind me to call and ask a Deja Vu manager that the next time I say I’m bored?

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  1. Edward
    Posted October 9, 2011 at 7:37 am | Permalink

    The flyer has been up since this Summer, and no one has mentioned it?

    I can’t tell from the photo, but is the flyer also behind glass? If so, that makes it even more hilarious, as it has little tear-off tabs at the bottom that people can’t rip off.

  2. Eel
    Posted October 9, 2011 at 10:20 am | Permalink

    I hate to generalize, but it doesn’t surprise me that the parents who take their kids to study martial arts don’t confront a sketchy looking man taking photos of their kids. Most people who take their kids to study martial arts are people like me. They were beaten up all the time in school and they shy away from confrontation. And they don’t want to same thing to happen to their kids.

  3. SSD
    Posted October 9, 2011 at 7:03 pm | Permalink

    The top sign is likely from that Michigan Avenue laundromat. My guess is that Mark had to stop and wash his entire outfit after an evening at Woodruff’s before going home.

  4. Kim
    Posted October 10, 2011 at 8:08 am | Permalink

    I have a hilarious story to share.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sed mi orci, in blandit enim. Curabitur eleifend ornare leo, vitae rhoncus lorem laoreet vel. Vivamus lacinia tortor at diam vulputate cursus. Aenean blandit eleifend dui id condimentum. Curabitur sed libero in neque mattis malesuada quis eget magna. Pellentesque egestas ullamcorper lacus et suscipit. Suspendisse at sapien magna, sit amet condimentum purus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ac lorem nisl, ac feugiat eros. Vivamus accumsan molestie nisi id molestie. Pellentesque ornare fringilla ligula, sed accumsan nisl pulvinar at. Sed lectus dui, tempor ac lobortis sed, luctus vitae.

  5. Posted October 10, 2011 at 9:37 am | Permalink

    San Francisco proposed a law this year that would require nudusts to put “a towel or other item between their body and a public seat.” How’s that for civility?

    (I relocated for work to San Francisco this year, but I still think of Ypsi as home, and clearly still read your blog. Thanks.)

  6. anonymous
    Posted October 10, 2011 at 11:21 am | Permalink

    Taking a photo of a child in an environment such as this is an act of terrorism.

  7. Mr. X
    Posted October 10, 2011 at 11:47 am | Permalink

    You need to sign up for an exit interview, Cat. And I wasn’t aware that nudists could ride public transportation and be in public places in SF. That’s amazing.

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