Great flaming mascots…. Is that Jambo Man being immolated?

At the risk of rekindling the great Ypsilanti Hostage Crisis hysteria of 2010, can someone explain this footage that was just sent to me? It appears to show the beloved local mascot of the Michigan Roots Jamboree being cooked alive. As the footage is undated, I’m not sure if it was shot recently. And I’m not even sure which version of the little yellow fellow this is – if it’s the first generation Jambo, that was held for ransom last summer, or the much larger, second generation version, that was seen stumbling around town not more than a few weeks ago. Anyway, if someone could bring me up to speed, I’d appreciate it. As I had not heard anything from the puppeteering terrorists of the The Diazotrophical Liberation Armada since last summer, I had thought that they’d been driven underground. If this footage is recent, though, and, if they’re behind it, I worry what it could mean for our already fractured and struggling creative community. If this was recently shot, as I suspect that it was, I expect for there to be retribution. [I am calling the Dreamland at this very moment to give orders to have Puppet Mark locked his panic room.]

I know it’s a long shot, but, for the good of our community, I’m hoping that this was an act of self-immolation, and that Jambo chose to do this himself in order to express his displeasure with the color that Stewart Beal has chosen for the Thompson Block.

update: I just received the following note from a man by the name of Toblerone Bananas, claiming that his organization, the Diazotrophical Meowkestra, had nothing whatsoever to do with the immolation of well-respected Ypsilanti community organizer Jambo Man.

I would like to protest this new round of slanderous accusations and mislabeling of the Diazotrophical Meowkestra by Mr. Mark Maynard, abusing his power of his blog as indisputably most accurate source of up to date information about Ypsilanti and ball-shaving in order to distort the facts for his own mysterious purposes. As the record shows, following constructive criticism from the fine readers of citing discomfort with the militarism the DLA changed its name to the Diazotrophical Meowkestra. See the document “Six Politely-worded Constructive Suggestions to the Michigan Roots Jamboree Society That We Kindly Request Be Taken Into Consideration Before Jambo Can Justly Be Returned” dated 11 August 2010.

Additionally, Jambo Man was returned to his mother on 12 August 2010 at the Savoy in Ypsilanti (during a legendary performance by Manhole. By all accounts, he appeared to have been treated well during his retreat with the Meowkestra. One observer specifically noted on that he appeared to be well hydrated and in good spirits. These facts are well documented as is his abduction on 12 August 2010 by a third party. According to unconfirmed reports, from 12 August 2010 until April 2011 he was safe but living in isolation (and we feared neglect). He was then seen at Totally Awesome Fest 7 on 30 April 2011, again by all accounts appearing well-rested and in good spirits. This brief reunion with members of the Diazotrophical Meowkestra was the only contact between 12 August 2010 and Jambo Man’s presumed demise so cruelly captured on video above. The Diazotrophical Meowkestra condemns this action and was in now way involved in Jambo’s death.

We would appreciate a posted correction to any accusations of our involvement, as we fear that this implicate will damage our efforts as we work underground to heal divides in the creative communities in Ypsilanti, increase awareness of the fundamental role of mychorrhizal fungi in nutrient uptake in vascular root systems (still completely disregarded by the MI “roots” Jamboree) and to work toward our dream of a world where satirical puppet-hostage direct action groups and other forms of non-traditional creative work are accepted as valid creative expression.

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  1. Posted September 1, 2011 at 8:14 pm | Permalink

    The footage was put on YouTube on August 5, which happens to have been the first day of this summer’s Michigan Roots Jamboree. I suppose it’s possible that he was burt by the organizers of the event, in the kind of way that the giant burning man is set on fire at the Burning Man festival each summer, but somehow I doubt it. I think it’s likely that nefarious actors were involved.

  2. Andrew Jason Clock
    Posted September 1, 2011 at 9:36 pm | Permalink

    Pretty sure this is Jambo 1. And I’m positive that this video is the work of a handful of childish assholes that think any dumb-ass thing they do, like stealing something and mocking the people they stole it from, is “art”. I heard through the grapevine that said self-important jerks were angry and annoyed that a second Jamboman was created. I imagine this was their “arty” way to deal with it.

  3. Posted September 1, 2011 at 11:50 pm | Permalink

    Def. 1st gen Jambo.

    Classic Ypsi Hipster vs. Jamband Fans (I won’t even call these people hippies)

    Ypsi Hipsters are right in that the crew that Jambos run with are lame.
    Ypsi Hipsters are secretly jealous that Jambos can set up nice little festivals that are somewhat organized with permission from Ypsi and have nice speakers and stuff.

    It’s clear that ‘Ypsi Hipsters’ do as much drugs as as ‘Jamband Fans’ these days but they should consider making their own puppet (which would probably be way cooler) to promote their parties and shows.

    That being said, this soundless youtube vid is higher concept art than all of that goes down at Jamboree with the exception of My Dear Disco (maybe).

    It’s so funny to me that people just made a new Jambo Man and left it at that. Creators of Jambo Man didn’t even fight back cuz’ they probably figure everyone should get along…
    but Don isn’t all peace, love and jam. He once told me that Manhole wasn’t playing any shows because he got us blacklisted from Ypsi and Arbor. He said it in kind of a half-joking tone as if it was possible to blacklist Manhole from Golden Cat Basement, Dreamland Theater and random frat parties. Manhole actually really wanted to play the first Jamboree and we were really nice when we asked but you know, Manhole isn’t really ‘tight’ enough to be a ‘Jamband’. What about ‘Grateful Dead’? Those guys were loose as shit!

    In the end I guess it’s just a puppet that burned because a person or a small group of people thought it would be funny to burn a puppet and post it on youtube.

  4. Edward
    Posted September 2, 2011 at 5:37 am | Permalink

    The second Jambo should hunt them all down and kill them in their sleep like Freddy Kreuger.

  5. Eel
    Posted September 2, 2011 at 8:05 am | Permalink

    You need to fill Jambo 2 full of dynamite and leave it in front of Woodruff’s, where the hipsters will be sure to see it. That’s how I’d settle the score.

  6. Mr. X
    Posted September 2, 2011 at 8:33 am | Permalink

    This is like Biggie and Tupac all over again. When will we learn?

  7. gary
    Posted September 2, 2011 at 8:55 am | Permalink

    even at 70+ years of age, phil lesh would so kick patrick elkins’ ass.

    someone needs to declare a state of widespread panic so we can destroy all things hipster in this town once and for all. i know a handful of juggalos that would love to go all string cheese incident on anyone wearing skinny jeans and ironic facial hair.

  8. Elf
    Posted September 2, 2011 at 10:10 am | Permalink

    Is there a GARY site somewhere on the net, or some place where we can enjoy all of your cultural contributions, Gary? I’m dying to bask in the warm glow of your brilliance.

    As for burning Jambo, everyone knows they just did it to get high. That’s where Don hid is stash.

  9. not Gary
    Posted September 2, 2011 at 10:35 am | Permalink

    Im not a hipster or much of a Jambo fan. All I can say is “Gary” might be a fucking idiot. Great work dipshit.

  10. Don
    Posted September 2, 2011 at 12:28 pm | Permalink

    He he he…Steve, dont tell lies. Were you at the Jambo? Did you see that there was only one “Jam” band there? I dont know why you are coming at me. We all cant be as artistic and complicated as your tormented soul. Never, ever said that Manhole was blacklisted from A2 and Ypsi. You crazy girl? I booked 2 events with the “hole”, one you never showed up to, the other you double booked in Flint? I joked that Hole was blacklisted from any event I volunteer for due to not showing up twice, nothing about Ypsi and Ann Arbor…futhermore, I STILL booked you guys at Elbow after 2 no shows because I consider some of you my friends…. I liked the band, just didnt have a slot left when I was asked a month before last year’s event as a terrorist request after one persons art and creation was stolen and descecrated by an unamed crew. Jambo is booked and full by February-FYI.

    I do hope everyone is satisfied with this video. Really cool stuff. You can burn one, but Jamboman will always live on. Pat is right, I have a new guy to keep my stash in. Long live the king! Peace, love, hairy armpits and razor blades to all the hipsters and hippies worldwide…I consider myself neither but a fan of both.


  11. Don
    Posted September 2, 2011 at 12:30 pm | Permalink

    One more thing…I wish I could have seen him burn. He was full of about 5 pounds of popcorn kernels. Bet it made quite the mess! Cheers all….

  12. Kim
    Posted September 2, 2011 at 12:37 pm | Permalink

    I don’t have a dog in this fight, but I found it funny that Don used the word desecration to describe what was done to Jambo.

    Desecration (also called desacralization or desanctification) is the act of depriving something of its sacred character, or the disrespectful or contemptuous treatment of that which is held to be sacred or holy by a group or individual.

    I like the idea of Jambo as a sacred object.

  13. Don
    Posted September 2, 2011 at 12:51 pm | Permalink

    @kim Duh! It doesn’t get more sacred than Jamboman…. : ) He has been blessed by Mark Maynard!

  14. gary
    Posted September 2, 2011 at 12:53 pm | Permalink

    was jambo man really ‘stolen’? or was he forced into white slavery?

    there’s a big difference.

  15. Stephen
    Posted September 2, 2011 at 1:45 pm | Permalink

    Don- Everything I typed was totally accurate. I can’t believe you read MARK’S BLOG!!! Everyone knows that you lie and I don’t. It’s obvious because I make fun of others AND myself.

  16. Mr. X
    Posted September 2, 2011 at 2:31 pm | Permalink

    The impoverished puppeteers feasted on poorly refrigerated Jambo meat that whole weekend. The insanity, however, wouldn’t start to manifest until a week later. Pat Elkins was the first to sucumbe. His teeth having been reduced to dust, he was found gnawing on a piling of the Michigan Avenue bridge.

  17. Mr. X
    Posted September 2, 2011 at 2:34 pm | Permalink

    Actually, Jambo was a white slave, but that was many years ago, when he was brought to Ypsi against his will from Kentucky, during World War II. Thankfully he was freed from bondage by a mysterious segway-riding avenger. His later kidnapping was more of a Patty Hearst type thing.

  18. kee
    Posted September 2, 2011 at 3:31 pm | Permalink

    Mark maynard was the last I saw with parts of jambo man…gnawing on his tounge in fact.

  19. Toblerone Bananas
    Posted September 3, 2011 at 12:40 pm | Permalink

    I would like to protest this new round of slanderous accusations and mislabeling of the Diazotrophical Meowkestra by Mr. Mark Maynard, abusing his power of his blog as indisputably most accurate source of up to date information about Ypsilanti and ball-shaving in order to distort the facts for his own mysterious purposes. As the record shows, following constructive criticism from the fine readers of citing discomfort with the militarism the DLA changed its name to the Diazotrophical Meowkestra. See the document “Six Politely-worded Constructive Suggestions to the Michigan Roots Jamboree Society That We Kindly Request Be Taken Into Consideration Before Jambo Can Justly Be Returned” dated 11 August 2010.

    Additionally, Jambo Man was returned to his mother on 12 August 2010 at the Savoy in Ypsilanti (during a legendary performance by Manhole. By all accounts, he appeared to have been treated well during his retreat with the Meowkestra. One observer specifically noted on that he appeared to be well hydrated and in good spirits. These facts are well documented as is his abduction on 12 August 2010 by a third party. According to unconfirmed reports, from 12 August 2010 until April 2011 he was safe but living in isolation (and we feared neglect). He was then seen at Totally Awesome Fest 7 on 30 April 2011, again by all accounts appearing well-rested and in good spirits. This brief reunion with members of the Diazotrophical Meowkestra was the only contact between 12 August 2010 and Jambo Man’s presumed demise so cruelly captured on video above. The Diazotrophical Meowkestra condemns this action and was in now way involved in Jambo’s death.

    We would appreciate a posted correction to any accusations of our involvement, as we fear that this implicate will damage our efforts as we work underground to heal divides in the creative communities in Ypsilanti, increase awareness of the fundamental role of mychorrhizal fungi in nutrient uptake in vascular root systems (still completely disregarded by the MI “roots” Jamboree) and to work toward our dream of a world where satirical puppet-hostage direct action groups and other forms of non-traditional creative work are accepted as valid creative expression.

  20. hippies/sters
    Posted September 3, 2011 at 9:23 pm | Permalink

    Maybe the hippies should kidnap and set fire to the hipsters’ mascot. (Andy Garris’ mustache)

  21. Posted September 4, 2011 at 12:07 pm | Permalink

    Check it. I look at Mr. Maynard’s page daily and somehow missed this entry. I do not believe the Diazotrophical Meowkestra were involved. They loved and rehabilitated JM as far as I could tell. I was sure he would be seen next in a John Waters film, right up there with Patty Hearst. This is tragic. It appears to be a metaphor for how Ypsilanti cannot accept itself?

    I heart you, Ypsi.

  22. Posted September 5, 2011 at 7:00 pm | Permalink

    OK, Toblerone Bananas, I’m moving your comment up to the front page.

  23. Pearline Sudreth
    Posted September 22, 2011 at 4:03 am | Permalink

    Have you ever had a Jambo Mary? It’s a bloody mary with a Jambo Man appendage floating around in it. They’re delicious. The best part is, you end up with a big wad of vodka-soaked stuffing and fabric to suck and chew on the rest of the day.

2 Trackbacks

  1. […] So, if you’re wondering how Patrick would have responded to questions about the abduction and subsequent immolation of the beloved local mascot, Jambo Mann, and accusations concerning the assigning to premium time […]

  2. By Ypsi/Arbor Exit Interview: Vikram Bastian on March 20, 2013 at 10:01 pm

    […] until 2011 that I followed your blog regularly. I think I friended you on Facebook after you reported on the burning Jambo Man. I haven’t felt safe admitting this until my relocation, but I’d never witnessed a burning […]

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