So, what did you think of the Michigan gubernatorial debate?

The most insightful comments left on both sides will be moved up here, to the front page, so make them good.

I’m especially curious to hear from any of you that may have changed your mind as to whom you were voting for based on this showing.

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  1. Posted October 11, 2010 at 9:47 pm | Permalink

    It was reasonably short, relatively painless, and did not cause bloating in laboratory animals. Oh, and it was sugar-free too. Other than that, I didn’t learn anything about the candidates I didn’t already know. If you’re undecided in this race at this point, you’ve not been paying attention.

  2. Edward
    Posted October 12, 2010 at 7:30 am | Permalink

    Snyder is up by 20 points, and this is their only debate. Bernero would have had to land a knockout blow, which he didn’t. The questions were good, but there wasn’t a lot of substance in the answers. I did hear Snyder say, however, that school funding was adequate, which concerned me. Truth is, I’m not that excited to vote for either of them. I wish we had someone better in the race.

  3. Robert
    Posted October 12, 2010 at 9:06 am | Permalink

    I always get a kick out of really effeminate men insisting marriage is strictly between a man and a woman.

  4. Art M
    Posted October 12, 2010 at 9:54 am | Permalink

    As an employee of UM, I didn’t like Snyder’s comment about how universities were sufficiently funded by the state. He seems to think that there’s waste everywhere that can be ferreted out, but he fails to recognize that a great many of us have been cutting for a decade or more. I can only speak for my department, but there’s not a lot of cost savings to be had at this point, without firing people, which would limit our productivity. And for hm to come in on top of that and say that we need to cut tuition costs is beyond offensive.

  5. Dan DuChene
    Posted October 12, 2010 at 9:55 am | Permalink

    I am largely undecided and I have been paying attention.

  6. Andy Ypsilanti
    Posted October 12, 2010 at 10:19 am | Permalink

    I thought I liked Snyder, now I feel like we need to get ready for him in his role as Engler the 2nd. Lowering the pay of state workers and weakening unions, restructuring our regulatory bodies to make them business friendly, lowering the tax burden on business but taking away tax incentives that encourage growth, freezing (read: reducing) education spending. Seriously, haven’t we been through all this recently, like right before everything in Michigan most recently went to hell? All that with regressive stances on gay rights and abortion.

    So yea, watching the debate likely changed my vote. I didn’t think Bernero was stellar, either, but I think he worries me less. I think we need some radical change in Michigan, I just think that Snyder is offering us the kind of change that got us into our current predicament in the first place. It’s change from what we have, sure, but it’s changing back to the things that screwed us. I don’t see much of a way out of it now though, we are just on the change express in the good ‘ol USA now-days. Is it working? Fuck it, let’s change it anyway.

    I also see why Snyder won’t do any more debates. He doesn’t look good in front of the camera. I disagree with the statement that he gave an even delivery, I think he was visibly flustered at several points. He’s running a smart campaign, and he’s got plenty of money to do it. Makes it easy when you ARE the corporate influence.

  7. dragon
    Posted October 12, 2010 at 11:11 am | Permalink

    Snyder outsourced his flag pin.
    Can we really be sure he’s not an anti-colonial Luo tribesman?

  8. Kim
    Posted October 12, 2010 at 12:40 pm | Permalink

    I saw a new Snyder ad running on the TV this morning. The message was that he would slash government regulation. So I guess he doesn’t need to environmental vote.

  9. Kim
    Posted October 12, 2010 at 12:46 pm | Permalink

    About the environment, the Michigan League of Conservation Voters suggested 8 questions for the debate, and none were asked.

  10. Wathing Laughing,
    Posted October 12, 2010 at 1:43 pm | Permalink

    If anybody believes Rick Snyder is for anybody; but his good ole boy club and lots of money, has really lost it.
    Blatanly denying facts and documention, that Virg Beniro supplied, is just common place for the Republicans of today. Who cares about facts, when you can just look people straight in the eye and lie and feel no shame what so ever. Prop a multi-millionaire/Billionaire in front of the TV with a blue tie, and stumbly spout GOP national level Rove talking point is just classic Relpublic BS of the times. And feel confident, enough voters will buy it. Just pathetic.

    Watching Laughing.

  11. applejack
    Posted October 12, 2010 at 2:39 pm | Permalink

    A clip of the debate was at the top of Huffpo last night referencing Virg’s support of a foreclosure moratorium.

  12. John Galt
    Posted October 12, 2010 at 3:22 pm | Permalink

    Teachers are lazy leaches. Replace them with straight, male robots sponsored by McDonalds and Dominos.

  13. Oliva
    Posted October 12, 2010 at 4:32 pm | Permalink

    I thought the debate was going to rebroadcast a bunch on the big TV screen, but apparently it’s not, so I will watch on the l’il computer screen asap. But meantime: I saw that clip from WAITING FOR SUPERMAN on Colbert the other eve that gave the stats for American students’ standing set against their perceptions of their abilities (borrowing from for the data cited):

    Out of 30 developed nations, the U.S. ranks 25th in math and 21st in science. The top 5% of U.S students, the very best, actually rank 23rd out of 29 developed countries. . . . While U.S. students ranked last in math in one study, the same study showed that U.S. students had the highest degree of confidence. The study asked each student how they did on the test and the U.S. students consistently said they thought they had done well even though they ended up being last.

    The Palin / Tea Party syndrome, alas. Anyway, now there’s a new Bloomberg poll that shows Americans planning to vote for Republicans while disliking the party and its policies (, thanks to for the link). The poll shows a slightly higher number of Americans dislike the health care reform act than like it, but when they’re told what’s in it, they like the parts very much.

    So, what does this have to do with the Michigan gubernatorial debate? Seems like Snyder has a free big lead based on nothing but party affiliation, even though the Republicans have done great harm to the state and country (also partly the clever yard signs, that magic word hire?) .

    What to do about this bewildering state of affairs? What to do? Somehow get Americans to take pride in fortifying their brains and minds and quieting easily played emotions . . . but how?

    (And please anyone with family or friends in Wisconsin–all those young people there who could vote–please beseech them to cast an essential vote for Feingold. It’s absolutely ridiculous that he is facing a serious challenge. Oh, we need him.)

  14. art 07
    Posted October 14, 2010 at 8:02 pm | Permalink

    The Christine O’Donnell video was more fun.

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