The insidious threat of secular saboteurs

Bill Donohue, the 
President of the Catholic League, had the following to say in a Newsweek op-ed today. [Be sure to read all the way to the end.]

…There are many ways cultural nihilists are busy trying to sabotage America these days: multiculturalism is used as a club to beat down Western civilization in the classroom; sexual libertines seek to upend the cultural order by attacking religion; artists use their artistic freedoms to mock Christianity; Hollywood relentlessly insults people of faith; activist left-wing legal groups try to scrub society free of the public expression of religion; elements in the Democratic party demonstrate an animus against Catholicism; and secular-minded malcontents within Catholicism and Protestantism seek to sabotage their religion from the inside.

Yesterday’s radicals wanted to tear down the economic structure of capitalism and replace it with socialism, and eventually communism. Today’s radicals are intellectually spent: they want to annihilate American culture, having absolutely nothing to put in its place. In that regard, these moral anarchists are an even bigger menace than the Marxists who came before them…

Catholics were once the mainstay of the Democratic Party; now the gay activists are in charge. Indeed, practicing Catholics are no longer welcome in leadership roles in the Party: the contempt that pro-life Catholics experience is palpable. The fact that Catholics for Choice, a notoriously anti-Catholic front group funded by the Ford Foundation, has a close relationship with the Democrats says it all…

The culture war is up for grabs. The good news is that religious conservatives continue to breed like rabbits, while secular saboteurs have shut down: they’re too busy walking their dogs, going to bathhouses and aborting their kids. Time, it seems, is on the side of the angels.

That sounds to me like a challenge!

So, let’s get fucking!

Cultural nihilists, are you with me?

How about you, secular saboteurs?

I know we can win this one, if we can just go cold turkey on the abortions.

Posted in Civil Liberties, Religious Extremism, sex | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 19 Comments

Heather Graham for the public option

The folks at MoveOn got the actress Heather Graham and her boyfriend, a director, to produce an ad about the public option. And what they’ve come up with is pretty good. (What could be more American than competition?) And now they want to get it on the air.That’s going to take money, though… So, if you can spare a few dollars tonight, please consider making a donation to MoveOn.

Posted in Health, Media, Politics | Tagged , , , , , | 4 Comments

Gut Feeling

I feel guilty, but I’m going to take the next few hours off to catch up on my TV watching. Here’s something to keep you occupied while I’m gone, though….

[This post was brought to you by the work safe goatse, the Chamber of Commerce and Mr. Bronson Pinchot.]

Posted in Art and Culture, Other | Tagged , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Hill Aides: More Senators Would Back Public Plan If Obama Pushed Harder

A clip from today’s Huffington Post:

There is a growing sense on Capitol Hill that the White House’s refusal to weigh in more forcefully in the health care debate could come at the cost of a public option for insurance coverage.

Democratic aides said that a “handful” of senators who are skeptical of a public plan likely could be persuaded if not to support it then at least to oppose a Republican filibuster, if the administration were to apply a bit more pressure — or even guidance.

“There is a clear sense that it would be helpful,” said one senior Democratic aide. “Throughout this entire debate the White House line has been ‘We will weigh in when it is necessary’…. Well now we need 60 votes. So if it’s not necessary now, then when will it be?”

“I think folks in general in Congress were looking to the president to clearly define his feeling on the issue,” another aide said. “And I don’t think he has done that on the public option from the get-go… With a lot of senators nervous because of elections or other political dynamics, it would be helpful for the president to send a strong signal that this is what he wants in the final bill”…

If you’ve never done so, now might be a really good time to send your President an email.

It doesn’t have to be anything complicated either. All you have to say is, “I expect for you fight for a public option.” Or, maybe you could try something like, “I had a great deal of faith in you, Mr. President. I won’t, however, be volunteering for, or contributing financially to your reelection campaign, unless you fight to give the American people what they overwhelmingly want – which is a public healthcare option.”

Posted in Health, Politics | Tagged , , , | 7 Comments

Brooksley Born vs. Alan Greenspan

Frontline looks good tonight. The episode, entitled The Warning, is about Brooksley Born, a woman who, in her capacity as chairperson of the federal Commodities Futures Trading Commission, apparently fought a long, hard battle against Alan Greenspan and the men of Wall Street to better regulate derivative trading. She, of course, lost. And, as you know, our entire economic infrastructure nearly collapsed as a result. It promises to be an interesting, enlightening and infuriating piece of journalism. Here’s a clip:

And, if you like that, you can find another clip here, about how the whole anti-regulation ball got rolling with Reagan, the Ayn Rand fanboy Alan Greenspan, Clinton’s deregulating Treasury Secretary Bob Rubin, and other “free-market true believers” like Larry Summers and the young Timothy Geithner.

Oh, and as coincidence would have it, while that’s on Frontline, Obama will be in New York, appearing at a $15,000 per-person fundraising event, asking for cash contributions from the very people who caused the whole mess in the first place – the same folks who Obama channeled billions of our dollars to this last spring…

I know I’ve said it before, but I think we need a revolution.

Posted in Economics, Politics | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments


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