forgive me my sins and help me guard against pride and despair

During Obama’s whirlwind tour of the Middle East last week, he stopped in Jerusalem, and, according to custom, when at the Western Wall, he wrote a prayer on a small piece of paper and inserted it into one of the cracks… That probably would have been the end of the story, if someone hadn’t then come along and stolen the Senator’s note to God.

What is it that Obama prayed for? According to reports in the newspaper “Maariv,” he asked for God to help him “guard against pride and despair,” and give him the wisdom to “to do what is right and just.”

And the tubes have been abuzz with activity ever since. Some think it was a calculated PR move on the part of the candidate. Some think that the theft was the work of orthodox Rabbis, who feel as though Obama wouldn’t follow the suicidal roadmap sketched out by the neocons. Obama has neither confirmed nor denied the that he wrote the message, but it appears to be in his handwriting.

Personally, I found it to be a simple, humble, thoughtful note — the kind that that I would like to have my President leave as he sets out to, quite possibly, become the leader of the free world. Sure, there are probably things that I would like to have seen, like a mention of the Michigan economy, but, all things considered, I think it’s a nice note to God. I don’t know that I’ll get around to it tonight, but I’m thinking that it might not be a bad exercise to try myself. Like Obama, I’m sure I’d start by asking God to protect me and my family. After that, I’m not so sure. Asking for world peace would probably make me seen na

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  1. mark
    Posted July 27, 2008 at 10:39 pm | Permalink

    Note the two women in front of McCain who are playing patty-cake.

  2. Posted July 28, 2008 at 3:52 pm | Permalink

    Personally, I was relieved. The Democrats have for too long done a completely ineffective job of courting the large numbers of Christian voters in this country. For Obama to do something so simple and of genuine faith means a lot in a country like this. Although I despise the Christian right’s overbearing presence in American politics, it cannot be denied that there is a large sector of the American populace that do not vote for Democrats (even though it may be in their best interest) purely because they perceive them to be too secular.

  3. Ol' E Cross
    Posted July 28, 2008 at 11:18 pm | Permalink

    It will come as no surprise to some and some surprise to others than my sexy wife and I have prayed before bed every night now for more than fifteen years. Most commonly, before we pass out, it is, at minimum, said “Give us the wisdom to live well and love others well.”

    Not sure if it’s working all that often, but, at least, it’s a nightly reminder of what we aspire to, even if it’s sporadically achieved.

    I hope, er, I mean pray, Obama’s wish comes true. It’d be nice to have a president with wisdom for what’s just.

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