games at the corner brewery

I don’t know that you can read it here, but the box for this self-proclaimed “Christian board game” states that it’s both “non-threatening” and “non-confrontational.” I’ve looked online to see if I could find out any more about it, but so far I’ve only been able to discover that it was produced in 1975… Anyway, as I sat there at the Corner Brewery (where I found the game), looking it over, it occurred to me that very few Christian board games today would make that claim. Even if it were true, it wouldn’t sell in today’s world, where Jesus is seen more as a warrior than as the gentle person that we children of the 60’s grew up hearing about… If I ever have the time, I’d like to play Roll-a-Roll. And, then, right afterward, play the new Left Behind board game. I think it would be an interesting exercise, and lead to a worthwhile post (if not an article for the next issue of the magazine).

Speaking of the Corner Brewery, I was thinking that it might be fun to hold “office hours” there once a month or so. What do you think? Would any of you come out to complain about my site in person? What if I could arrange for drink specials? What if we played “Roll-a-Role”? What if I agreed to cut you in on a life-changing business opportunity?

Posted in Mark's Life | 7 Comments

the “how the mighty have fallen” files: poor, poor george allen

First he was caught on tape calling a person of color a “macaca.” Then, there was that picture of him and the white supremacists, and the allegations that he often used the n-word. Not a good thing for the Republican frontrunner for President in ’08. He might still have won his bid for re-election to the Senate, though, if not for the “shocking” revelation that he was a Jew (audible gasp)! It seems that while those on the far right can look the other way when confronted by stories of a young Allen stuffing the head of a dead deer into the mailbox of a black family, there are some things which just cannot be tolerated… Fortunately for the people of Virginia, it looks like there’s a good man ready to take his place.

Posted in Politics | 1 Comment

little nemo in ypsilanti

The kids at Boing Boing are raving about the new, extra-large edition of “Little Nemo in Slumberland: So Many Splendid Sundays.” It’s $120 bucks, but it looks like it’s worth every penny. I can’t afford to get it, but I’m thinking that perhaps, if a few of us could write to the Ypsi puiblic library and petition them to buy a copy, they might order a copy. Seeing as how Winsor McCay, one of the most influential cartoon artists in the world, learned to draw while living here in Ypsilanti, attending Michigan State Normal College (now EMU), it seems like something they would have to have in their permanent collection (right alongside a copy of the Stooges’ “Raw Power”), right? Or, better yet, what if we took up an online collection? I bet we could raise $120 without too much effort… and the community would be a better place for it.

Here’s a clip from the Boing Boing review:

I just bought a copy of the astonishing Little Nemo in Slumberland: So Many Splendid Sundays, the single largest book I’ve ever owned, and quite possibly the most enchanting…

These strips, orginally published in breakfast-table-hogging broadsheets, were watercolor masterpieces, huge paintings that depicted the weekly dreamland adventures of Little Nemo, tripping through fantastic, surreal worlds that McKay brought vividly to life. Each page ends with a charming corner panel in which Nemo’s mother wakes him for school, making Slumberland vanish…

Anyone want to chip in a dollar?

Posted in Ypsilanti | 6 Comments

irrefutable evidence that men and women coexisted with dinosaurs

This is delicate… I’m not quite sure how to broach this subject… I’ve brought up “adult” themes in the past (usually in service of some stupid story about finding porn in my yard or some such thing), but I’ve never linked to actual images of hardcore smut. Well, I’m about to break that rule, but, in my defense, I think I have a damned good reason. Hopefully you’ll agree. (And, if you don’t, please don’t follow the next link.)

Let me preface this by stating that porn isn’t something I’m particularly fond of. I recognize the fact that it’s often appealing to our reptilian brain, but I don’t see much merit in it outside of that. For the most part, the thought of people being poked by wieners on video just makes me feel kind of sad. While I feel as though consenting adults should be allowed to do whatever they like, for the most part, I think that graphic depictions of such activities are, generally speaking, a destructive force. (Like alcohol and any number of other things.) Anyway, it’s with some hesitation that I link to this tonight, but I don’t see how I could let it just pass without mention.

A reader in the Goota region of El Salvador has just alerted me to the existence of PTERODACTYL PORN! (warning: that link is very much NSFW)

As many of you know, I’m a bit obsessed by pterodactyls. Ever since I had that breakthrough moment a few years ago when I realized that it wasn’t a dove but a pterodactyl that delivered the olive branch to Noah (thus proving the assertion of Christian fundamentalists that humans coexisted with dinosaurs), I haven’t been able to stay away from them. They just keep popping up… And, now, they’re “popping up” in a really spectacular way.

I don’t know the history of this clip, and I haven’t yet watched it with the volume turned up, but I think it proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that man (or at least one woman) coexisted with dinosaurs (thereby disproving evolution).

In related news, I just learned today that Dick DeVos, the Republican candidate for governor of Michigan, believes that Intelligent Design should be taught in schools. (Link via Leighton) And, for those of you who don’t already know about Dick, when he’s not daydreaming about pterodactyls and nubile young maidens in the Garden of Eden, he’s tricking hapless rubes into selling Amway. (I’ll take porn and science over stupidity and network marketing scams any day.)

Back to the video clip, if anyone knows the context within which this film was made, please let me know. I doubt it very seriously, but I’d be interested to know whether the auteur who produced it was trying to make a statement about Biblical literalism. (I suppose the woman featured could be Eve, but I’ve never seen her portrayed as a blonde before.)

update: It occurs to me now just how stupid it must sound for me to say that I don’t think the woman shown in the clip is Eve “because she’s blond”… There she is being made love to by a gaggle of well-endowed pterodactyls, and I say that I don’t think she could be Eve because of her hair color… I think that’s funny.

Posted in Observations | 30 Comments

clinton fires back after fox news ambush

I’m not the biggest fan of Bill Clinton, but, Jesus, I love watching him put Chris “what an embarrassment to his father” Wallace in his place. The entire FOX News transcript can be found here. In case you don’t have the time, though, here’s a little taste (taken from Think Progress):

WALLACE: When we announced that you were going to be on Fox News Sunday, I got a lot of email from viewers, and I got to say I was surprised most of them wanted me to ask you this question. Why didn’t you do more to put Bin Laden and al Qaeda out of business when you were President? There’s a new book out which I suspect you’ve read called the Looming Tower. And it talks about how the fact that when you pulled troops out of Somalia in 1993, Bin Laden said “I have seen the frailty and the weakness and the cowardice of US troops.” Then there was the bombing of the embassies in Africa and the attack on the USS Cole.


WALLACE: …may I just finish the question sir? And after the attack, the book says, Bin Laden separated his leaders because he expected an attack and there was no response. I understand that hindsight is 20/20.

CLINTON: No let’s talk about…

WALLACE: …but the question is why didn’t you do more, connect the dots and put them out of business?

CLINTON: OK, let’s talk about it. I will answer all of those things on the merits but I want to talk about the context of which this arises. I’m being asked this on the FOX network…ABC just had a right wing conservative on the Path to 9/11 falsely claim that it was based on the 9/11 Commission report with three things asserted against me that are directly contradicted by the 9/11 Commission report. I think it’s very interesting that all the conservative Republicans who now say that I didn’t do enough, claimed that I was obsessed with Bin Laden. All of President Bush’s neocons claimed that I was too obsessed with finding Bin Laden when they didn’t have a single meeting about Bin Laden for the nine months after I left office. All the right wingers who now say that I didn’t do enough said that I did too much. Same people…

WALLACE: Do you think you did enough sir?

CLINTON: No, because I didn’t get him.


CLINTON: But at least I tried. That’s the difference between me and some, including all the right wingers who are attacking me now. They ridiculed me for trying. They had eight months to try and they didn’t…I tried. So I tried and failed. When I failed I left a comprehensive anti-terror strategy and the best guy in the country, Dick Clarke… So you did FOX’s bidding on this show. You did you nice little conservative hit job on me. But what I want to know…

WALLACE: Now wait a minute sir… I asked a question. You don’t think that’s a legitimate question?

CLINTON: It was a perfectly legitimate question but I want to know how many people in the Bush administration you asked this question of. I want to know how many people in the Bush administration you asked: Why didn’t you do anything about the Cole? I want to know how many you asked: Why did you fire Dick Clarke? I want to know…

WALLACE: We asked…


WALLACE: Do you ever watch Fox News Sunday sir?

CLINTON: I don’t believe you ask them that.

WALLACE: We ask plenty of questions of…

CLINTON: You didn’t ask that did you? Tell the truth.

WALLACE: About the USS Cole?

CLINTON: Tell the truth.

WALLACE: I…with Iraq and Afghanistan there’s plenty of stuff to ask.

CLINTON: Did you ever ask that? You set this meeting up because you were going to get a lot of criticism from your viewers because Rupert Murdoch is going to get a lot of criticism from your viewers for supporting my work on climate change. And you came here under false pretenses and said that you’d spend half the time talking about…

WALLACE: [laughs]

CLINTON: You said you’d spend half the time talking about what we did out there to raise $7 billion dollars plus over three days from 215 different commitments. And you don’t care…

CLINTON: What did I do? I worked hard to try and kill him. I authorized a finding for the CIA to kill him. We contracted with people to kill him. I got closer to killing him than anybody has gotten since. And if I were still president we’d have more than 20,000 troops there trying to kill him. Now I never criticized President Bush and I don’t think this is useful. But you know we do have a government that thinks Afghanistan is 1/7 as important as Iraq. And you ask me about terror and Al Qaeda with that sort of dismissive theme when all you have to do is read Richard Clarke’s book to look at what we did in a comprehensive systematic way to try to protect the country against terror. And you’ve got that little smirk on your face. It looks like you’re so clever…

WALLACE: [Laughs]

CLINTON: I had responsibility for trying to protect this country. I tried and I failed to get Bin Laden. I regret it but I did try. And I did everything I thought I responsibly could. The entire military was against sending special forces into Afghanistan and refueling by helicopter and no one thought we could do it otherwise…We could not get the CIA and the FBI to certify that Al Qaeda was responsible while I was President. Until I left office. And yet I get asked about this all the time and they had three times as much time to get him as I did and no one ever asks them about this. I think that’s strange.

I loved the completely disingenuous “I got a lot of email from viewers, and I’ve got to say I was surprised most of them wanted me to ask you this question” setup. What a transparent fucking lie. If you’re going to ask the question, ask the question, but don’t try to suggest that you were completely shocked when you received letters from FOX News viewers demanding that you ask Clinton why he didn’t want to prevent the 9/11 attacks. And Clinton is absolutely right to point out that FOX News has never asked a representative of the Bush administration why they didn’t, in their first eight months in office, do one thing to apprehend or kill Bin Laden, or why they never pursued the anti-terror strategy left by Clinton, or why they fired Richard Clarke?

Posted in Alternative Energy | 13 Comments


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